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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release ,/-\ <br />FINAL z-2t-t,(.11sN "rzoy Z-t ) <br />OWNEI BUILT'ER DIIXAI IIO <br />I tddy.lEE ur& Fdy ot Fj6, $. I D q.,{l tDE rlE coirlid !i.!E t& 6r th blbenlr ld)n (s6.rc-r1., <br />B6ind od ProEri'. Co.L): Ary City or Cany whih ,.qgt6 . Fril lo odNd. .ns. inFolt dd'b! or ,9.r uy <br />rlrlduq F$ lo it! iMc.. .bo rcqliE rh. {Cliod for tr,r Fhil lo 6L t !iS..d n.tdd fia h. or rh. I lic.a.d P@ml <br />ro rlE Foviio6 ol 0E Cotllrsls r Lic.nt d L.w (Clr a 9, Conllffii.8 snh Sariln 7000 ol Divitioi I of th. ABind rd <br />PDlai,B Cod.) q lhd h. or tlE a ddrd rh..n!o ed tt bi. fo. lh..IGg.d 6dFit At'y eblrb! ofs<nii 7011.5 b, uy <br />sur.d tu. FEn !t*<l. rlE tdiln lo..ivilpa.trof ,Dl mG $a frv. hdH &ll-. (15@) <br />-, L r 6GofdEFoF,dDydpbr!!.eitltbd.rEtdrltridGatbl <br />idEd.d or otu tu !h (s&-7ol., Bo.iB &d fr!ft..iod co& TIE Codr*tq! Lj.c tt* &6 lbl ?tly ro u osE or <br />rh. FoFry st t{ib or Llq6E rh.Ell. !d *n dc sdr sn hi@lf or tclaor llmurn hir or lE M 6tlot!6, <br />Flva.lcd filr Mh ibFocEG csi nE Ld doerd fu.L lt ho*tq.0Ebu&n8 q ilt.ltg'd L 5u {nib @ )dof64bbn d.ot.G ttil& wil hE(thrthofFDvna rb ltoritlM el hild iryoEllcFF l,lh.F,Pdof <br />- <br />l. . o*G oirlE Flrdr, d o.hliEry e.r.dir$ win ii.d.d 6'ia6 to &tlrtld dE FDj.{ (S<. 704{. A.iE <br />ud PrlE ir Co&: Tt ConBroi3 Lk.c Lr &6 mr .Fly ro 6 o*E ofFoFly *ho tuiut or i6pto!6lnq@r. <br />6d stb onElt for $ct FDjdr snh. CodEloir ltcE d Frq,n to rh. Lrw). <br />I m€rqpr und6 s6ton , B & P (- turhir 16r <br />lrrr. ()ind <br />1ll)aluttL-Qurf,l-iAtlQ! <br />Dl(LAX.IllllS <br />I ha.h! rmrm und( ,nrh! . r,EltrD on.ol\ d! dNli'irn,n5 <br />I h.E a'd will flinr.h. Cdrifrd. of C.dat to Sclt-lBe f!, s,Ld 6nF{ioi. a Fslidcd for b, Sdbo 1700 of lh. <br />uborCodefddEFfffioflh.*et&t ltn dt Fnh i it!.d <br />.-l t E od eill ldmii stlc @aonbo iE!.r... . Equlld by sctbo !7m of it r-Oor Co<L. 6r lh. Fft.c of <br />lh. rqt tu rfii.tdtiFri i io.d Mrwqro @E?dio. id!!E 6ir nd FUrr 'Dbd G <br />t cdit $r i! [r F olffi of ti. wot fd *ttb tbir p6ma ! isc( t rrdl d qqby oy Fh i! ay 'l',c- lro b6od. iritl lo |h. rqtaj o!e6.rb! h€ of C.lih.!i !6 tsrt. tL if I .tocld bnlc stifl io 0E <br />m*6' orrydtrirn Fwi.iE of s.6bn l?00 ot6. Lto.rodnwnn .!,ryt, *lh $o* Fovirior <br />\lARNlN(l l; 'lur. n) *adc \\orloJ (rtrt)(1KI({l rnJ shill IBC| rtr dnflL)\.' ro ntrnnrl |unlk"rrfJ <br />.iyil li.6 up ro oc hur& rhoNrd &rlls (tl <br />\.\' ,s n 1., l,lr( I .'rtr t , (l(. frc,(\r <br />llcElsED.CollaAlfaB <br />DECTJAAIIII! <br />I hd.b, lfrtrn und6 Fdry o f Fjuy $r I h ticd!.d u(b Fn\ son 6r Ch.F6 9 tomffiing * nh S.(l Dn ?00arl of Divib. I <br />or llE &B'6 &d PNlabB Co&. in mr lr* ir i.rd[ foE rn.ll.d'I <br />\ <br />colElBl&loLlllDllElcldd <br />! Hy.ftD u& Frr, of Fjnyltr lt.! ir..dtgn rt&t *oc, fot th FhG of d, dt 6. rffi da Ftd ad (Sc- l09t. Cn. C.I <br />Lmd6 r Adrbd: <br />-appr-rcini oririnlr:lon <br />I hd6y .rEr urib Dout, of rqiiry oB ot tlr t llo*iq d..lansnr. <br />Ddelii6o Pmhe&h.r6 tlori6<.ih 6qla.l R.alhirE (Tnk a0. Pti6) <br />Rcq!@d t 116 ol t.ldi6.iir <br />I c6lia! (hd lh€ t n6d rcsulal 'lBudrr ahGtos ,onovll E nor drpli.ahl. ro rhir pm).d <br />I cd iry rhd I h^r lad lh!d ric thi dr .boE h6.!.b. b c6rcr I .aElo $Eqly wih dl Cilr.ld Coudy <br />iUinS .odnarbtr rd IE*r .dlbria r*6rriv6 of rhu&e dbo.d Flelli <br />,rrffif;" <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />l l <br />I <br />\-:/