<br />I u.d, p.rltt otFrjury lnrl I d ddpr&rE ln.Co 8.on'Li.4G t w6rrt folbvin8 t!&! Ge?o,1.5 Builg
<br />.td Prol{bo Co&): &y C'ry or Cour*y whicl r.qutd I pahll ro 6BE!.., rld, inFov!, d@llh or E?.ir 6y rlonm, Fi.r to ir.
<br /> ., rho rlqunr d. +plirr ,o. ruch Fdr io fiL . .i8'!.d .r.l&Er rld lt o, .lE i !Ed!.d puru,n b rlE pevibE ol rL
<br />Co.r.!@ . U6E d Lrw (Cn prc a, C@,sr ei6 S.ai6s ?OOO ol Divnio! 3 of tlE Euin& .,n P!of..bL Cod.) or dI! h. 6i
<br />rh! I aoF tia.& dE toi fd UE.lLsc.l a.6p1bi Any viohtbn 7011.5 by &r.pplio 60!. Fbittubjc.u Ul.
<br />.tpri6d b . .ivil Fulty of .or tu.. thn nv. huid!.d dolEr (1J00)
<br />_l,u otc ofrh. propdry, or oy 6pbrd,irh {i. s rlE rh comp.ulbA wiu d. tlE*lrl.d tn. rlt1J.@ i rct id@d..r
<br />or ofrc.d for .& ( 5E.70{., Builg. &d Prold,ior Cod.: ft. Co!8.a..', Uc.@ rrw .lo4 tor +9t b u ow ol t E ttoP6,,tDhqil&oriEpro€tlEd(.r!whod€Mlsrltielto!baFlfo,rlEou,hni.orhaoM6tby...,,roviLdrh.rNdr'
<br />inFow&ei. @ 6r inl..d.d or o('s!d for nL. I( to4vt.. t!. luildint o, i,n!trov6.. ir &u wt[i! oE yd of @nplaoi\ th.
<br />Ow-Blilda eill h.w tlE hudd of prcvit tt r lx d.h. Er b{ild or iDp.oF lor d'. pupoE ofl.l.)
<br />_1, . .rE of !r! F.Ft!. u scluiv., @or[di,t * ! lt{rql @dicon b @alM dE Foi.d ( Sa ?04a. Buirq.,!d
<br />Pot*ioa Codd in Colr.6.'tLjrlqL.wddbl.prvroe6wolFlFtyehobod.aiEFoElkd.r,nei.
<br />onr.q. flr .rd Fojd eit! r li€!.d pded !o lb C..r.cor'! lxge hw )
<br />_l E 46t( Edq s.dio. J. t P.C fo. tti !E5!
<br />vaxxEtigalcl8lArlalillc!43lrlaN
<br />I lE ty .lIra odla p.nhy or Fiury oB of th. foklwil8 deLnrid:
<br />_l h.v. .,!d wrll ri'nriD . Cdiind. of Colet L tor edqr
<br />Lrbor c.d., for tL Ffor6e of l1l. e.l b. relt$ !h. FDa i. inu..t
<br />a P,ovild tor b, Scrs! !7Oo ottlE
<br />_t lw. ud eill ri,hi! srkd. @,nt dlb! iedE . u .cq!E!d b, S.dbn I of dE r.bor Co& lo, dB F,folm.@ of th.
<br />sd fonhid thi D.Et i i.u..l MyFrlct oooDo..ror ltrulr@ i!.!d
<br />Cnn &abn iG.d ml b. @n9la.{ i, lt. pedir n for OB bui&ld dolLn {a lo9)
<br />_l qiry !d iD th. F,forruru of tL wo'r fo, whth lhir pafrn n nor 6Ploy .ay P.en in .!y .rma ro r to
<br />b@d lubr.d Io dE *o d
<br />*^*;;z;;;J-;;;*"I,.n oplors io qini l p.dlt,6 Dd.ivil
<br />fin4 up !o oE hudlGd lhoq.d.Lu!. (lloo,000),in r.union lo
<br />th. Lbor C..L, i.kar.Ji.noftrt ld I r!.d8.t u prov'd.d for .h. Sclion ]0?6 of
<br />I br.b, rftirm uida Frlty of pd]try th.l I m li,M.d undq provi.iotr of t *irh Setjon 7000) of Divirior I of
<br />rh.BuriM.nd P.oa6rbE Codc..d my li@. n in tull aora rnd(.1t )rYb t'
<br />c
<br />I lnds pdt, olF.iury thl l,tdc ll ! codrudih
<br />su.d (36 3or, cn c ).
<br />for tl'. pqf('lrn@ oatn hrl tor wl'ilA tn! Fri n
<br />D.mlitbi PaDiEArb..r..'lotilia&i r.dal
<br />_ n.qc6d r..!t ofNdifidbi OirL 40, P..r 6)
<br />_l BrrY d.r O. f.dol r.alhrid ..EEI !. Dr .pDlabL !o $n Foj.a
<br />_ I cqi!, r,h.t I lIE dd thr trt t!. .bov. irrorEroi i corla I .3c to .oitply *i6 .I Crty .!r'
<br />ddnl*6..d Sur. t E ,.111&8 ro
<br />rto{ notbi.d FoFty for r)
<br />.ulbri& r.p.*nr.tiB of
<br />ti
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />SubfloorA/enUlnsul.
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />/r'
<br />s$+Ar- wjN {-1-/k l-,w.tu
<br />Certificate of Occupancy w
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I
<br />Flood Zone Certif.
<br />')