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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DEL'ARATION <br />I hgcby rlfm uo& p6dry orF)ury rhi t d ddpr tDE rlE Codrrlm U..M tn lor lhc nllbwita l@n ls€.?oll 5 <br />Bd6* -d Prordir! Co{b): 4., cit, or (@ny rdi.i r.qui6 r Fni lo odner. .ns. iryrcrt dchlirl or r9., rr, <br />nndr., Fior ro iti isuMc., .Lo r.qui6lh. @licd 6r surh pdnn to fi!. i,$Ed sd66l lhn lE or JE ! lica!.d plN!,r <br />ro rlE FoviiDB otltt Conrr.tdi l-icn!.d t w (Ch4lq 9, ComftirS *ith Sclion ?000 olDivlb! I olrlE BBilB 6d <br />PrrfisilB Cod.) or thn b.d nr ir daDF lna.6oE dd rh. tci! lor tlE.[q.d dslFM Ary tbhbn of Sdlion 70]1.! h, uy <br />lppltmt lor . Fnnh $bjElr lh. .ppli.ol lo . civil p. hy olml mr. $d liv. hu,rf.d &ll4 ($m). <br />-1, <br />d o*c offi. FntEty. M E} dnplotG wilh w.36 s llEn $L on4dErhn- *i[ &r llE *si.!d dEitrE t ml <br />ddrLd or ofir.d for eL {Sc.704,1. B6iB 6d PrDfdi'B Co&: 'IlE codrdr'r ti.qE lry d.€ d 4tly lo & o*d of <br />tlE F0FV vho bJikL o, ihlrlc dEEi. .d *rs do6 *:h Frt hi8lf or h*lfor lklu8h hir or lE oM dpbt6, <br />Fovirol rhd 3!.h inp.!v?Er! e @r i.ra'&j qotu for s]. lf. fiowdr. tlE biltins or int !ffir ii 5ld wnth oE )a <br />of qrpkia r O$E [t ilb *i]l h.c tlE hnb' ofForils lL lE or ii diit d h,ild d n qnrt dE FbFty ftr tlE F!p6. of <br />_1, EouG f $. FoFrr, @ q(lNircly .odrdila *nh li..E d .otud6 ro on!rud llE FoFr (Sa. 70.U, 86B <br />rd hoksir (o& Tn. co ndof r Lic@ Lr* d6 rcl !p?1,lo a o*@ of FoFrt $lb b{ildt or inprorB thaon. <br />&d \io Fdrl! for rch FDjd. rnh rCodtuo(.) poBurl ro !h.( odr.crd r Laog Llw) <br />_l s cr@pr u.d.. Sar <br />D.l. or.d <br />woRxr{s. omPFNsATroNr[cljaarlo! <br />I ,Ee* llTm un&r FEIy of Fjury om of llE follos h8 d.rlr.lnN <br />I h!v. ed will mi.llin . Corific.rc of Con6l ro fo, wld onp.nsl ion. s FoviLd for b, S.dion 1700 ol$. <br />h&tr (it . fd r lE Ffollle. o I tlE *ort for \ntt rlE FEn ir is<!j <br />-l <br />havc and s'U nlinrain wo dli.omp.carhniNr..,(trcquiriiqSelior1700ollficLahrr(nd..aorrhcPdfolrffi.of <br />rh. rtrrt for [hth rhs Frn a is.d My wkf, ohpolairn iNure. ffi6 .d Flic, runbq e. <br />c.n - €77F -*J/D/463 tBc->-/?5 2.>E <br />-t <br />cdit (hii i. rhc pdfollffi. ol rh. worl fr whth lhn p6nn ir nru.d. I tnlll .or ophy my Fson in .ny mbc <br />s 6 ro b6om. rubel lo rh. qlrtd' conp@iion lr*r ofcrlifonn& dd +c th.l ia, nFuE baorc tubjcl lo 'lE$ltd mnF!.rin F\ irio6 of S6tio. lTm of lh. rrtx, Code l rldl. fdhrnh oEpb srh lts. Forli)B <br />WARNINC l.ailuk ro sur. *ort6 conFNliofl co\s!*c is unhsrul. tnd .hall suhj{ M sl:nloF ki FuhB a l <br />civil nn6 np ro or hurr.d llnue,l doUd itl()o ). m lddnnr. lo lhc .os of omFNrion. d! sB 6 Fort.d for lh. <br />Ser$. t076 ofrh. lrbor (i\t . hr.d di.n6ry <br />,/- 1-, - lq <br />I h@6t lrtrn rnd6 p.nih, of lsjury rnll I d lim*n und.. FouBion ofchrptq 9 (onmdcinE trnh SElb.7000) ofDilition t <br />oa rh.l]{ri'B..d Pbf4ioc Cod., !n dy k@ i! in tull fora lri €fral <br />592r €4 <br />colsrau(flo.tilJ![tlctqE!.s <br />I @ .rm u*jd Frnr of FiuD lhd thc. i, oi!.tu<ttn lcldrB .3C! rot dE pdfffi of llr *ort tu *ikh rhi FEr . <br />isud {sc.1097, ci! c ) <br />L6rdd'r Ad.t6 _ <br />AITIIIAII.DECIJAAIIITIi <br />I hady .trm onld FEhy of Fju,' oE ol rh. rolbwiry &ckrrFn, <br />Dcmolirion Paf,tr&bcrN F.d6!l R.8ublionr ( rnl.40. Pe16) <br />Rquird l4doalJoriadbn <br />-I.difyrhll <br />rh. fcdd.l rcSuhlioG r.sedrns 6b6toiroho\rl E Bn lo thir <br />-l <br />cdrb rhd I h.v. ral lhi lprl('lon d nnr rhi UE ib.E irfoldio. i Md. I rsc to ont"r.. $ nh .ll ( h, .nd C.onrt <br />ordituc6 ed Strrr I lus ela ins to hdllding conrtu( io.. di h6.h, luttsriz rcpr6a aliv6 .f tht Crvrrd Coonr, ro ala uFn llE <br />!bo\. r.ornn.d Ixopaly t$ u\9cr <br />Applic,trl or ABml <br />l,/'1/ <br />r/u/a <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit).rr'r' <br />Walls (Roush)r"/a,r lt t D& lJ, <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh Lbiltn r3'f< Ll <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough c /zt/ rs og!r?,)o, <br />Service Meter -{ffi-4/at/ts Da.<, P, <br />FINAL 4lo*i n f€t.J lD, <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Irr.'tu<L 4€'b\,.rr4.6i A€er lr e^.sr-r- <br />lx,*"tt* /2-t* f)o4? <br />I