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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOB RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OWNER AUILDER DELCARATTON <br />I hcrcby.fttrm undcr Fnally ol,,crjury lhat I m.x.hpr rmm rh. (1)nloclos Ltcnrc L3w ror the louowing rcrsn (5(.7011.5 <br />Busincs n Prohstun Codc): Any Ciry or Cohry shth rquncs a tf,mir ro .a'nstrucr. alcr, in ovq &mlhh .r rlan M, <br />ir .rm. prhr ro ils is$afte. dho rqlies rhc spFlta for slch Fmi ro fiL a riSncd skrcmfl rlBl lr o. shc is licn$d ,uutrr.r <br />to lh. tmviihns of f, Contrclols Lic.n*d t:p (Ch.p'., 9. Commming wilh S.cthn 70OO of Division I of tlt Busin$s lnd <br />P,trtc$ionr Codc) or rhlr lE or rhc is cicdfl lncrcfroh ad rhe h$is for rhc lllcs.d cicnprio.. Ary violdion of Sdbn 7ol 1.5 by my <br />{ for ! suhjkB llE at pliconl lo e civil FmlryorNllmrc lnln fivc hundrcd dolles ($500) <br />-1. <br />$ ovmr oi rhc t'roltny, or ny cfrpbrr{s wirh wlBcs as rhcn $b or{u.a' io.. sill do ihe wk erd th. siEtE is ml <br />i cnd.J or o(crcd lbr sl. (5(.7044. Busincs rd Pma.ssionr C.<lq Thc Cont|.dt Lkcne t w docs nol lprly lo an owner of <br />rhc pnrEfty who huilds or insrows thcNn, !.d who &Es uh mrt nimsclf o, ficrclf o. rtrcush his or hcr osn cnploy..s. <br />providcd rhrr such inproEmnre m nor intcndcd .i ofici.d for sh. ll tx,rNcr, rtr tuir na or itrpmEmnt is sld wnhin orc ycs <br />of.omnbrir, rhc O{ncr auiB$ will hrw rhc lrrdcn of rmvi.s rhd lr or shc di:l nor buill ., i.rpoh rhc ,mFiy for lnc pu{,$ ol <br />I. N oa@r orrhc rrctcny. oo.x.lusivclyconlr&ting wnh lkcdsd conrreronlo snsru€l llE poid (Soc. ?044. B8in$s <br />Bnd kr6sion Cod.: Thc ContBtoas Lic.nE L.* des mt slply ro !n own r of tro|)cny eho blildr o! inlrow! rhcMr <br />and eho @flEfi for such FEiFrs *nh a C6tn6d6(O |tccnsd pus@r ro ihc Conturd . Lia.s t2w) <br />I rtucxcnrtr !ndcr Sccrn) <br />lllxtrEBt:c0!IfEtarl0! <br />D[CI.A.8AI1ON <br />I h.rcby affirn und& Ic6,hy of p.rjury onc of lhc rolloving d.chnrioN: <br />I x6or Onl.. turlhcNni)flnu.. ol rh. $frk ntrshi.hrh. pcanir i\ n\urd <br />J hsvc lnd *illmintoin workr( comp. sution as r$unL{ by Sccrnnr l?m of lhc Llbor Codc. toi rhu pc(on@c of <br />insuruncc cndcr lnd policy nuhbq d.: <br />-l <br />an iay ttul in lh. plyrormmc of lh. q for which thh pcmn is issucd.I shall nor .mrio, !n, nc6on in tny nsmr <br />s rs ro lE om strblxr io ih. worttrc onF.erion h$ or Calilo..i& nnd r8er rhd if I sbuld hccom sbirl lo llr <br />eorr.B mrIrrurio. povkions of Sst ion l?00 or rh. tllr, Cod.. I \hall. lonhwifi omply wnh thos pmvisiotrs.. <br />1V,1RN!NC: Flilurc t, flurc qorlt.^ on{rn\rrion.a cEEc r\ utrlxwlnl ni'l \lt,ll subjd ,n .nDlorr lo aininal lf,Ehi.\ ond <br />.r.onp.n{lion. dame.s as pmvidcd for thccivil nncs up ro otrc hlndrcd rhod\and <br />utENtrl)_cQlit3llrlolt <br />UlCIlBrllll)N <br />I hoEhy dfiinn uDd.r Fnilly.fNlury thd I inr li.ctr*l uM* tnurisn$.fCh.Ocr 9(.onnrrncing *ilh Sccri,n 70lx)) ol Divni,,n:l <br />ot rhr Ilr\inrs and Pbfr\si(nis Codo. dd nrylirci{ n ii tull for(ril(l,c.r <br />o"", \^5\\ .-,*"" <br />II}ISIBICIIONJ.ENDIMICEIqT <br />I Fnallyolperjury lh thcE h r olntuclion k.ding !8crcy for lh. p.rformk of rhctu,k for *hict $is tfmn i! <br />isrucd (56. 1097. Civ. C,), <br />N",iiyrhd rhr tcdcralrqulari,'n\ rusu.dins !\besro\ reflslil arc norrpplicrhlc h rhistue.r <br />rhlr I hnrc rcnd r his llpliclrion ord (0rc rhir $c fi,vc innnurbn is cotrcct I o8re b oDpl, $irh rll Ciry rnd couhr, <br />oilinaftcs ahd Sr|rc tiws Elnrint ro buildiig con io..inlh.rlbyaurhoizcrcprcsc divcsof thisCnyatrdCounlylocnlqlljonlhc <br />ovc tE.rioo.d pmFny lor in <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />l\4isc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork 1.7 tlrllQl b cflk fa <br />Vents <br />T oilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.('r,Yl'otW ffi) <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />tK---' <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />\ <br />COMMENTS <br />Grease Duct <br />t1lr 0 <br />FINAL \ln,\,k ?alwt <br />Sccrioi 3076 ofrhc libor Codc, inrce{ !.d unomy \,.",t^\x-\ <br />lrndels Addles: <br />- <br />appr rciiil ii,tiiirF <br />I M,y3rm uodq pcnrlryof pcrjury onc oarhc roltowirS dc.lardiotrs: <br />Dcmlilhn ftrmiis.AstEslos Norificrtion rrdcEl RcBlbtions Onlc40. PlnO <br />-Rcqltcd <br />tlncr oa Ndaf{ ir <br />--'"'( <br />\f-f\ <br />I <br />--------T------