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PLUMBING-INSPECTOB RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OI+]{ER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />Ihmbyalltrmundd p.natly of p.riury lnd I m.rcq,| fmm llE Conlrsclo6 Licen* ke lor lh. follouing @sn (Se.7o:ll.t <br />Bliincss and Prolb$ion Cdc)r An, Cny or Counrr ehi.h bqunca a Fmn r. @mtucl. trllcr, improw. .hmlish nr rct.t lny <br />srncru., prior ro irs ksum. lts Equircs rlE st for srch Fmir ro fik a sigrkn sl.rctufi ln8r lr or dr i.! lietr$i pmMt <br />ro rh. rm{eions ol tlE Cont6rn'i Law (Chaprci 9. Co.mMin8 wiri S.clion 70m olDivision I of thc Business sd <br />Prcicasions C.&) o. rnar tE or snc ir cxcmpl fi.E om md thc ba\is lor thc sllcg.d crcmplion. Any violalion of Serb,n ?0:l I 5 b, sny <br />.r,plic! aor r Fmil subj€ls tn lppliclnl lo . civil p.mlly of ml mt lh.n fiv€ l ndrEd doll&s (S500). <br />-1. <br />$ o*tur of ftc l,mDcny. or dy cnplorc.s eirh *!g6 $ rh.n tuh orwnsriotr will do llE *!* &d dE,tture k hl <br />i.t ii.d or ofr.nd aor sh (Sa.7044, Busims ud PrDf8sions Codo: Th. Cnntr cltr s Li€enk L:s dfti ml aprly ro { ow of <br />rhc pmp.ny rho t !ild\ or nrqeB oE@n. ,rd sho des $.h e,t him*lr or h.Nlf o! thmu8h hh or ner own cnployccs, <br />provid.n rhd such inprcwmrrs m mr inr.nd.d d oFcrcd atr slc. l( hoi4w, dE t{ildine or in{reEmnl is $ld whhin om )dt <br />orconplcrb[ Ur OsE auihs will hrw tlE hrncn of preving lhd h. or dE did ml t ild or anp,Dt dE FoFly frllE ou.p@ol <br />-1, <br />os owtur of lhs [roFny. !m 4ctusiwly .onrrdhs *irh lienscd d,nreroF ro consrucr ilE Foid (Sc 1044, Bisinc$ <br />and hnrsion Codc: Thc ContBclols Li.cnsc kw docs nol {,plyro 0n owns oiprotcny *to huilds or inptuves fift.on. <br />rnd rho aflrBclsfor slchpoJ€rri wnha Conhcro(s) Iixns{ pu^@r ro rh. C. r&lols Larns Law) <br />-l <br />nnricnrfl uodcr Secl <br />SI}Bf,E&T.COM}jBIAIIAN <br />DECLIIE.{IION <br />I hsrcby !flirh undd r,cialry oI D.riury nrc of tt tollowinA de.lMtionrl <br />-t <br />hav. ud will roinrrin . CEnifglc of Conscnr ro Self'tnrurc for wrtss cDmlcndion. $ povkt.d ror by Selion 37m ol lhc <br />hhor Codc, for lhc pcraornua of lhc worl fo *hict lhe rcmi is nsucn. <br />-l harc and will maintain *ortcc comi'enslron insurarcc. as t€qutcd by Sstion l7{)0 ol rh. L$o, Codc. for lnc l,crfomme of <br />lhc Rort |rlr vnkh lnis pcnni! b nsucd. My n inslrarcc .sicr aid policy nnnbcr ec <br />I ccnify lhar in rhc p.rfornurcc ollhc Bork whrh rhir ncirnil n tsucd.l shlll not .,nploy rny pcson inmt rotrcr <br />$ as ro hcom suhjecr to rh. krkc6 hwsofcaliromin. Mdngmth,r ill should tEom sublccl to rhc <br />$o er cotr{Ensrion prcvtionr of Serion ]7m of fi. hlitr Cei., I shI. nnhwnh conl,ly *ith llxrs tmvtion\ <br />W RNINC: Failurc ro {curc *ortcn cnnpcnsorion covcflsc lubjd & dntlorr, ro niminal Fmlts md <br />ciyil fincs up to onc hundrcd tlDlslnd doud (Sl0{).000), m irion ro rhc c t of onp.nkiiotr. d,m8.! .s prolld.d for fic <br />Sc.rion 1076 ofrnc btIr Codc, inrcr$ ann arronrcy s fccs-UtzLe <br />I2|z!-tsll&5 <br />I heEby lrrmurdo ncn.llyotperiu.y rnd I m [en*n und( p,oaiiton6fchap'c 9 (mllm ir8 wilh Selion 7000)olDivisbn 3 <br />ol th€ Busirc$ a PmfcssiorN Codc. anl my liccns is in tull iorc md <br />,.,", e//2*E''. <br />EQISIBTIIQIIIN,III1;-AC!.IIL <br />nlLrd lS.. 1l)'rr, (-'\ ( ) <br />^-EII]qANI-DECL <br />ArIllAl <br />I lrr$ltrllinun,lor lknrlry oi prrtur t oflc nt Ihc irnloqirS d..lmrn r{ <br />l).i liri,ni l'cnni( A\l1io\ Norili.rrn hlfial RcSulrri,ni\ (lirlc.l0. Pda, <br />Rcqrtcd lxrr.r of Norifi cdion <br />-l <br />ccnilyrhd rhc fcdcral rcSulorions rcSardin8 0rtEsros emvdorc lorqrpliclblct, rht l1n, <br />yvv <br />-l <br />cnity rhor I h8le Ead rhh rplkarion did qddhd thc .!or. infornDlion ii oE<l. I l8re lo 6trp1, wnh all cny lnd colnty <br />odinaft.s dd SioL Liws rlorinS ro bfit<tirB otrriru.rir .!n tEEby aufiodr EncFdrtik. of ths Chy ]d C4nty lo cnl6 uDon dt <br />rt vc mntrncd prcFdy for insFdirfi purporci <br />^-r*", - ^*, *^*7--: z 4 -** 8JQy'za <br />rrlnlte Mr tDtlnt): <br />UNDEH GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Boof Drain <br />Bough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbing 9"4-tc K,V.M <br />Final Gas Test (49-ts "\.wL) <br />Meter Release x <br />FINAL 1-lg-/g Y-W"il <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc v <br />ID/SIG. <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />tJndc' .\ Ai]Jr.. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />=