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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDAR DELCARATION <br />I h.Eby ailirm undcr FMlly ol |].rjury rhrl I nnr .xcmpr futr rhc Cont,.los Lkcns trw for lhc follouins rcrsn (6\.?011 5 <br />Businc$ ad Profession Codc): Any Ciry or Counly which requircs a pcrmir ro coosrfl.r. shd. imrrovc, d.nxri\h nr mn ir any <br />srruduq rri(trb ns ksuanc..,ho rcqut s'hcJl)pli.,n' rorsu.hFmtrro fi b r si8rcd strtcmnr Ihol hcor sh. h licenrcd Nrsinr <br />lo rhc pmvhions olthe Conrractor's Licenrd LrN (Cnaolcr 9. Commercin8 wirh secrion 7000 or Division -l ofthc nnd <br />Pturc*i,h\Codc)orrh hc orrh. is ercdpr rhcrcrromand rhc hash for rhc alLgcdcx.nprio. AntviolnlirnofSR-^tion?031.5bysn, <br />,ppli.d lofu p.mir iubiNrs rh. {plica.r roa.ivilpcnaxyottur mrc rh.n fivc hundrcd doll!6 (5500) <br />I <br />I. x\ d*if or rh. tloriny. Dr nry cnDLr.6 sirh w,scs Ds rhcir $L onlfnslion. will do lh. wori nM lhc (nrlm i\ mr <br />intcdcd or oficr.n rot Mk ( Sc.Ttx4, Busincss nnd Pmrtssions Codc Thc Conrrelors l.iccns. tiw doc\ .nr arDry ro ,n own$ of <br />rhc pn,Fn, wlt, hilds or impro\* arl qtkJ dds such uork him.clfor hcrclfor rhrorgh hh.r h.r osncmPlotccs. <br />,ruvided rhrr such imprew'rcnB m mr inrcdcd u ofcred fr sb li. h,wc!u, rhc hoi[ing or iqnov.m h $ld within onc ,€nr <br />ot co gkrlnr rhc Oatu' Bxildcr will hrrc rhc hurdLh .f poein3 rhar hc or \hc did mt hoild o inlm\r rtd Fmpdly l'o hc l)Uqn* of <br />l. i\.andr.rrhc nnillcny. mr cx.lusiv.lycontacrire wirh li..n\cJ.oftacn,s ro con(rucr rh. rojcd (S(. 7014. Bu\i,'r\\ <br />rtrd Prra$hn Codc: Thc Conlruclols l-iccnsc liu des nol lnnlylo !nowncr orpn,pcrry who builds or nnprov.s rhcrcon. <br />and who conrrack n, \kh ,'r+ca wirh r Contactrir) licc.\cd r\onnr b rh. Contrcror's Ltutrsc tj*). <br />-l <br />!nqemfl undcr S(r <br />,^.*r- rF <br />D[CLtA.trrON <br />I h.rchy rllnm un,l.r |xtrrlry olp.rtury om olrlt I{n[)sin! (lcclrrrri(nrs <br />-l <br />hrrc and q ill moinruir ! Ccnlfiurc of Coo\cnr ro Scla ln$rc lhr \qker' ompcn$rnr, N povidcd lor by Sdn,n 3r0o ol rn <br />bhor Codc. rd <br />'hc <br />lcrlorm0ncc ol lhc work tor whth <br />'hc I'6.i1 n issucd <br />lharcr *illnri' ri'r workcra comllcnsrti,)n i',\urrmr. r\ rcqrncd hyScdion:lT0Oorrhc Ltbor Codc. lor Ihc prrior m!occ ol <br />rh. *ork for shicnrhi\Nnnir is s\uctl MysorkcF.o p. \arn nNtrricc.micr drl n li.ynunrbcrrc: <br />I ccnifyrhar in rh. lcrforntrnc.ofrh. w.rk for whi.hrhis ltnnn h nsncd.l drll trot crrt'loy ony pc!{on ironynlDncr <br />s s x, hcq,E shj€ct to thc wolier' onrpcnslrn,n h$s oi Caliinni!. rnd !Brc. rhDr ir I \horld Iso t sxhjd h ltE <br />w.rkcri.onrl].NariotrrrovishnsolScc'ion]?OOolrhcl,hnCqlc.lrnolltunhwirhco'dyNirhrh'spnvi\ions <br />WARNINC l'rilurc ro scurc porkcs conDcnsirion colcn8 is utrhslul- and sholl subtd an cmploy.r b .rinrnrl Ftr,lrics and <br />.itrl 6ms up lo onc huftrcd rhousa.d ($llX).({X)). in lddiri.n ro rhc cosl oI compcnsuliotr. drtugc\ N pnividcd ntr rhr <br />Ss'ion -1070olrhc titnr Codc. inrcrc( md.trormy s fes.4/^ <br />I hercbyrfti.nrndcr p.nalryort rjurrrh,r I d li..n*l nnddr p6vi\ion otChrpl$ 9l.onmminS sirh Sccliotr 70ii)) otDivision.l <br />ol rhc Busim$ond Pmnsion\Codc. and nry liccnsc is in tull fore und cilccr <br />TONEIAIJCTI()N.LENDINC.ACIICI <br />I hcrchy alfinnundcr lcMty.f pcrjury thot rhcrc n ! cotr{ruclion htrdiry o8cmy ftr lh. Frromrd.e orrlt work for whi.h rhis l).rnit is <br />*sx.d (s( 1097. civ c.) <br />AITLICANLIECIABAIIA! <br />I [ad]y!fiinnu.dcr pcnolty olpcrluryorc oIihc followinS d(l ations: <br />Dcmolirion P(mirs A\liio\ Norirr.ari.n F.d.ral R.Eularions (Tir!. 40. P0n6l <br />RcqDircd tr(cr of Norifi &tion <br />-l <br />ccrlilrrh.l lhcicdernlrcBuhrionsRsarnin8 oshcslor rcmvrlnrc not iDplicobk h rhi\ poFr <br />I ccnil.y rhnr I lrrr. lihisrpnliflri,D riJ nrrcrhri rhc n,bnndinr h c.rccr l .grd ro .ofinly sirh all Ciry 0ml Counry <br />odinrncr\ rntl srrrc l-rs\ r.l rirS t, htrildi"3 rotrin'cr rchyrurhornr rcrrr\dnrrrivcs ofrhi\ Ciry !nd Contrry lo crrcr upon ltu <br />0hrvc m.l ioncd l(iprny ntr irsplcrionpurposcs <br />,\pplirntrl.r *rnl SiAn lu ,^",kdr-lf- <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Lighl Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Sollit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Rough <br />Service ltrleter <br />FINAL t 23 -/t.J/rt>:'+r*l <br />Notes Remarks, Etc.g <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />[/]eter Release <br />Crn'cr <br />lxidt '. AJJ'rs