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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWNER BUII,DER DEI,CARATION <br />I alrtm !.ddr pctulry or ri..jury rh l d dcmfl fu. rhc Ltcnsc tjw l.r rhc forlowins rcastr (5(.?011.5 <br />Itusincss and Ptulesion codc): Any ciry or coudy shich rcqntcl . pcnnil t. .otrsrruct. rllcr. im[tro{. dcmlhn or rcnan rny <br />rrrucrulc. t'riorro its issu(mc. ako requncs thc a,rplictro' lor su.h l.irnit ro filc ! siEncd srurcnEnr rhlr hcor (hc n liccn\cd N^ua <br />h rhc pruvlsiont olrhc Cd ircror's Li..nscd ttrw (Chat'rcr L ConmcNin8 {ilh Scctio. T[XX) o, Divnnnr I oflhc Busnrs ond <br />l,rcic$ionsCodc)orrhar hcorshc hcxcnDr rhcrcfon!*l rhclisis for Ih. rllcscd cxcmpr ion. An, vn,hrn'norSccrionT0ll5 hy any <br />+llicant for a pcrmil subrcrs lhc lrllicanrro!civilpcnaltyoanormrerhlnlivchuidreddollm(S5lD). <br />I. * owmr of rh. t ,Fny, or nrt .nq,lotr.s wirh was$ ,\ rh.rr $k .ompcNrliotr. Nill no thc Nort md ltE srEtE n nor <br />inlcrd.d or ofltr cd lor slc (SLr.7or4. ausircss nnd\ ('odc Thc Gntrackn s l-iccnr ljw docs nor arrply b !n owi$ ol <br />rhe pmlf,ny wtx, htilds or iqrers rlrc@( ud who nmr snch srt hims.lf or hcBcla u rhn,u-!h his .r h.i orn cnployccs. <br />provilcd thursu.h iDpr,vcnrtrsrN ml iNcndcd or off.Ed for\ L lt la)w.vd. rh! tn,ildinB .! inprov.nEnl is soll *irhinonc )qr <br />otonrykrion. rhc Owmr Buildcr will halc rhc hurdcn oftmvin8 rhl hc or rhc dil mr $!ild or irymvc rhc pmpcny fn rhr pu{nr of <br />-1. <br />asowncroirhcnm|x y. rnrcxclusivclyconlridiry sirh liccn*dconlracroFlncon{o.r rhr rojccr (scc 7(A4. Bu$ncss <br />Jxl &otr.siD Gdc: Thc Conkacttr s\c l-a* docs nol lpply b an o$.cr oflln,ptdy wh,, huilds.r inprovcs rhcrcon. <br />nnd who cotrr..tsn such pmjccls qith ! (.onrfrci0(s) licctrrd Nrsurtrl h the conrrlcrols l,icctrk lrr ) <br />-l <br />amcxc rpl unders€lion-. B <br />o"., *€L 4' <br />OECI.AEAIION <br />I tcrchy lftt undcr pcnalryoaDcljulyom orrhe lollo*ine d€lararions: <br />trtff C'r)d., ntrrhcpcrlarnrir.ofrhc trork r{tr*hi.h rhr t^-nnir a i$u.d <br />rhc wo* t, $hich rhisFrnri! is i\sucrl Mysor[crr ompcnsJr ion in\urrmc crricr x]B,lict nunh-r m: <br />l.cdirrrhrrinrhcpclrornurccorrh.*orkinshthrhtpcrn,iri\nsucd.Ishallioi.'!byrtrypcFoni.trnymonrcr <br />b slo h.conr subF;l io thc porkcis conrrcnrdiotr hws ofcuhlornin.0nd .3N lhll ilI shouli bccoD subjNr b rhc <br />wo,kcis'compcns.riontrovhio.sofSatn,n3T(DnirhctjtxtrCodc.lstull,ionhNilhcomnllsirhrh.srrovisions <br />WAI{NlNcr Frilurc lo $curc aorkcs .onlEnsrrn{ covcrilc is trfh$lul. rnd shrll s'6Jc.r rn cnr|loycr b crnninf,l pcitrhi.s rnd <br />fincs up ro onc hundrcJ thoxsand dollns (3luJ,ffx)), ir iddirion k,olcorDcn\rri(tr,. danBEC\ rs pn'vid.!l l(tr rhc <br />ion 3076 of rhc tihn Codc. irrcrcsl md rrrormy <br />u^",fidL/8' <br />DECIJAAIIIIN <br />I hcrcl'y lmrm undcr pcnllry of perjlry rhar I !o li.cned undcr povnion ofChaprc.9 (c.nmncing wnh sdbn ruxrr olDivnion.l <br />of lhc Blsincss and Pmfcssions Conc. ond nry liccnrc h in full foE and cfial <br />IAIiIBIJqIDNIBDINC.AAIiNCT <br />I hcrcl,y al1]In und.r l{rulryofpcrjury rhd rhcrc i\ a onntudirn ktolid! {cn.t r.r rhc pdlornui.c olthc mrk l'or which Ihn pcmril k <br />ksucd (Scc.3097,Civ. C ). <br />Af,TLIIINLIJIjQANATOT <br />llrEbyilitDunncr p.tulr} ol p.rtur) onc or rhc lbll.r irg <br />l)c n,lirr Icnn \A\br{otNoriil.rri( l;cddrlIt.!ulnri({\(Iirlc.l).l,{n6r <br />Rcqui'c hrr$of Norili.dtrir <br />l.cnilyrI rhc lc(l.rrlrcEuldir)nc rgrr]int r\I{'{.\rcnr*Jlrr. r,tr upli.$1. n, !hn |m,t .r <br />1..'riry rhrr lhr\c r. rha ipnli.rrn rRl rrrcrhrr rtu rhrc itr,nnnri(nr x.onc(r lnc(a r)(n\)lyuirhrllC(t rtrd C,tr(ny <br />o',liDrn.c\ r d Srrru IiqsrL iiS kr huikli'rE r,rdhcrbrrorln,'7xEfrcs. arivcsorrhisCny.ndCoutrrylocflrcrnlmnrlE <br /> nrnrion.d nrcncn! f <br />Applicnnr nr AEenl Sian!rrrc <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />[/]eter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 9.2342 '/)elx bfrg <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />fuJ ,rrr"F*r-q', <br />Site-Work <br />Transformers <br />trnd.r'. AJl](s.: <br />r -]--