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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.o\INER NUILI}ER DTJT,CARA'I]('N <br />liusircs frl lk lisio O\!.) Any Ciry or (irtrry *hi.h rcquncs r lanni n, .onNru.r, rltcr. irn0rovc. .lcmoli\h or rcprn trny <br />l,! rhc r.visionr oI rhc Cotrlruclors l,ir.n\cd liw (Chrplcr 9. (bnntncirrs rirh sc.rion 7fiD ol Divirion 3 ol'rlt tsu\i'rrs\ rf(l <br />Pr.l.\sionsCodrrorrhrrtuorsh.L\rxcrlrrhcrcrrhrdrhchl\ntnrhcrllctL\lcx.N nnr.Anyvnnrli{nr.fSc.ri,n70.r15hyrty <br />rtfli. roi. fci,n sublc.rsrhc rlpli.dr ri n.irilpcoiIr.l Nr Dntrc rlrD li!d hurltuJlolh^ l55uD <br />I. tr\ osncr or rhc lRrFdy. or ry .nrdoyes sth sitcs \ rh.r slc .on{r-n$rnnr. r ill d., rie x olt u lh.ntuh n nur <br />i .ftlcrl or oftcrcd hr srlc (S{ ?O!l. Dusi.c$ nnd ftolcssions Codc:'l hc Conrn tn s l-iccns.ljw docs.orapply lo aD o$n .ol <br />llrc pmDcny who huilds or inDr)vcs rhcrs .:urd who dos {cn Fo* hin$dll.r h.rsclror rhtough his or hcr ow. cnDloyct\. <br />Il(*idcd rharsurh inlxohmnr aE fln inrclldcd.ronard r(, \rL ll k,wcvo. rhc hlil,lir3 or inDft)vcmnr is $ld wirhin otu tlrr <br />oi conrtldion, rh. O*Nr ltuiucr trillhrvr rlr $lrdrn ofrn,ving rhsr h. or shc dki mr hurld or imJror. thc poFny tn rhf, puqx,v of <br />l. N owncr or rh. F,p.rry, am .xclusivcly conrracring wnh lkcnsd connldoF <br />'o <br />oisrtucr rh. l'.ixr (S.c. 7044. Busmsr <br />lnd h!6shn Codc: Ttu Conrra.tor'* Lic..* trw do.s ftr lpplr ro & owncr of pm!. y*ho builds or imDrows rhenon. <br />and vho .ontE.!s for such pmjets wilh a Coirmcro(9 licnscd ,'u6@t to rh8 Conractols Laccos. Liw). <br />I rm.rcnrtl utrdcr Sc.lir <br />UOBtrEII]I:OMIINSAIION <br />DECLAMIIA! <br />I affirm undcr Fnahy of pcrhry onc of lhc followinS dcclnrlions: <br />-l <br />h!{ drd will minr0in a Cenific c ol'Conscnt r. Sela lns!rc lor *orksi\d t r,al ,tuvnhd tur by Scctbn :l7m o, rhc <br />Lnhor codc. lor <br />'hc FriornEna of <br />'h. <br />rork lor which rhc pcnril t hsucd. <br />-lhdca.dsilld.inlairworl.ricom!.nsdionisuBmc.&.cq!ir.nbySdion3?00oflhctiborCodc.rorthcFrfom@ofthc *o* ror shth rhir pcmr ie isoed. My sorksC omlEnelion ceir ud F,lty tudbrt @: <br />o ,,o <br />-l <br />c.nify lhll in rh. Frforn[m. otllE wort for which ttt Frmn is is*d, I shdtl nor .nploy any p.Kon ih rny .Mmt <br />e as lo bccotu slbjccr to rlt wo*c6 dn{rBdion L*s ofcllitomia. r.d !e@ lhr' if I slEuld b&om so$j&l ro rh. <br />workeN omr..sarion pmvhio.s orScfion]700or.he Lrho. Code I shll. fonhwilhcomrly wilh lho* ps!isio6.. <br />*Al.NlN(i: Fuilurc lo scN mrtcrs ompctrsstion coven8c is unloqtul. and sndl subjer d .nploy.r ro dif,inal I'.mllix and <br />civil lincs up lo onc hun&ed tlsuend d(Uss ($100.000). in add nn ro rhc co( of ..q*Nrion. drru8.s as provAcd for lhc <br />DECI,AIAIIQN <br />I hcrcby afirn undcr rcnoltyofperjury lhlr I a'n lien$d undcr Imlisn,n.fChaplo 9lom'refti68 *ith Scclion 7000) olDivnion 3 <br />of rhc Burimss and Pbfcssians Codc. dd m, liccn* k in tull fore nd cfae!. <br />qO!$&UI.IIO!.IENDNIi.A(iINCI <br />I hcrby !flirn rndc, pcnllryof,*rjfiyrhd !hs. isa.onsrrudhn lcndinS aBcmy for lhc lcrf"rmarcc oarhc*o lor Phich Ihis Frmil ir <br />issucd {Sa. 309?, Civ. C.) <br />APPI,IIANfDESJAAION <br />I hr'6y afm under pcnolty of pcrjury onc olrhc lblboin8 drcl,rarion\: <br />D..n,lirio. Pcnnirs^sh.{osNolinc ion Fcdcrol Rceul ioos(rn,c $- Pd6) <br />R.qutcd t (cr of Norif .olion <br />-l <br />ccniiyrhar r hc lcdcrul rcsrlar io trs rslrdinsa\bcsrosrcmo\aluc nor aprlkrhL ro rhis p(&.r <br />-l <br />ccnify rhd I hnvc rad rhh ap ic,r ion dr, salc rhln rhc ,$o$ inlormtion is con(l. I sgE ro comtly wirh lll Ciry and Coun!, <br />oilnr Q\ Md Srm. l,'r\ rulnrinS nr in8 .otrtudion. ,i hcEby lurhornc rcrrcsntarncs of rhis Cir y and Coumy 16 .nl.r trF)n rlx <br />ltn,vc mnrioncd pmncny for ins <br />I 7/rlt c '4ly/l-/- ]k ) <br />Water-Under lloor r <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer llrtlte t 'X^bt4/V rl <br />Area,/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />Waste & Vent 4/rrl@ r 'nlata- ,k'>-- <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Draini Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbinq <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL s lrs lt{ (,4ndk/+ft <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />TOP OUT <br />Gas Service <br />-) <br />,)? <br />l.ndcl. Addrc* <br />- <br />r"",o8-11- /f