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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNI]R BUII-D*]R DIJLCARA'TIoN <br />I h.,cby nffiirn dMcr lthhy olFrury r[d I rm cxcnrpr lionr rhc Cofiichn' I iccn\c l.n* tur rh. nnk,]ing rcr$n (SN7lr.ll5 <br />Bu\nr$ rrl Profc\ri(nr (tr,c) Any Cil, or Counr, whi(h rcqutc\ r p.nnir b .oDnru.r, .ltcr, inPi(,vc. dcmoli\h Ltr Nnrn xny <br />ntuchrc- tritr r,, ir\ i\\urn d. trlii rqunu(rhc rlfli.anr f(tr.u.h 8nn[ tu lilc! (i8ncd dlrcrxnl rhar lror \hc is li.ciscd Pu^urtrt <br />b rh. provisii)n\ ofrhc Conkr.ktr \ Liccn\cd l-nw (Ch prcr 9, G,n r..nrB wirh Sccrur 7(Xr0 ol Diviri,r .l ofrhd Bu\nt\\ rid <br />P(ncs\ionr Co,l.) or thrr lf or shc cxcnru rh$!,idnrn rh. l\rs^ tr rhc rllcgcd qcmpri,nr Atyvi,,ldi.iolScclirT0Sl5brany <br />r!fli.. rt)r!ttrnnrsuhj(hrhc,0pli.anllor.Nilp.nalr)-,oi.orm,crhrnfirrhundtudd.lln^(15{n) <br />-1. <br />a. osrcr otrh. prcFrly, d my mv,loFr wilh *a8.s * th.n sb onwNdion. *ill do rlE wt and lhc cutE is ml <br />iir. hd m oftrcn ftr sh (Sa.7044, Blsimss and EDfssions Codc TIE Conndd i Lic.n* t w&enol0pplylodowrof <br />rh. ,mFny elb huildi or in+rcE. tluea rd who .kB Mh eort himell or tEs.laor Itmugh his or hcr own cm0Lr!.s. <br />pmvid.d rnlr such inlroEmnts @ mr htoldcd oro,IiEn for Blc. lt noB!6. rlE hiuinS or inplwcnr Li sld vilhin * Jtr <br />of@npktor tlE o|trm. 8ui!6 wil haE dE tod6 of Fwing tlEl lE c d. dit ffi h]iu r inPDw 0t popqty aor dE PEpos of <br />-1. <br />as owncr of rhc rm,'.ny. r'n.rchlivelyconiEcring *nh liccnkd !o onsrdct th. rmr.{t (S(.7Ou, Bu\iftn <br />dnd Ptlrcssbncodc:Thcco.krcrolsLicc.scLowdosnor0rplytoanowncrofriop. ywh.buildsorimtovcsthcrcon- <br />ud who c! ncrs tor slch t&i.k wnh d Conrsdon9 lk.n*d pxrsunl torhc Conrrdols Lkensc L!w). <br />I dm cxcnrpt undcr Sd B. & P.C. turhii rcison. <br />D.l.: OPm.: <br />lloaf,E8s:l:oMfElliarx)N <br />DICIdBAUAX <br />I hcrcby.ifirm u cr pcnslryofIcrlryorcofrhe folloqi.S Jccld,'bds: <br />-lhrvc <br />aftl sill mainrrin rC.nin *cofcon\cnrtu s.lf lnsrrr ntr wrkcr( comFNari,n. ar lsrvnbd l.orbys.crnnr l7t{}ol rhc <br />! Gnq ft'r lhc ncrlornuncc oalhc nork for *hich thc pcrmir n t\ucd <br />-l na!€ and {ill minrain sork6 .onp.ns{tion insuum.. a r.{uircd by Sdion ll00 of lhc Lsbor Codc. loi lh. pcrfruc of <br />crri.r, t 5 <br />k'n ansmMc trir ..d polty numhs ac: <br />U <br />o <br />_l c.dirytMi in th. !.raormm of fic wort lbr whi.h lnis pomil is hsucd- I snallnor.nploy any Fmn in rny nlnrcr <br />s 6 to h€omc srbjer ro rtc woAc6'oop.n*arion laws ofcalifomia, Md 396 lhal ii I should hcrom slbtf,l lo lhc <br />mrtcG' compcnslrion pmvisirns of sdbn 37(,0 of rnc llhn c.dc, I srell. fonhwnh comdy wnh lho* pDlisions . <br />WARNINC: Fsil!rc ro s{!c workcR ompcn*li.n covciaSc i* xnlawtnl. ,nd sldl subic.l on cmpl.yer ro sjnindl F.allics o|d <br />civil fincs !p ro o* tlndEd rhousnd dou . (S100,0fl)). an lddnion k' ltu coe ofconlEnelion. damgcs .s provil.d tor rh. <br />s..i '{r lr)76.1r1[ 1-rhtrOnl.. r!.r.( <br />I h.Nby dflinn u6dcr pcn nyofFrjury lhnl I am lianrd undcr pn,visionolChaprcr I (odtu*iog wirh S*rb.7000) olDivnion 3 <br />oi rfic Blsnrcs and P,obsn,ns C.dc, old my 1i...* iq in tull f6rcc n cflei <br />Z' <br />IANSIBULIIQNI,IIDIIiI;-ACINII <br />I hcrchyrflnnundcr lxn(lry ol ntrjur] rhrr rhcrc ir rcon\rru.rion lc ins rlc'xy ror rhc p$tunD rc.lrh.( rkli,r\hi.hrhi\nrmin <br />k rtl(S....1097.Civ L- ). <br />$&rrANLllECr ArlIlON <br />I trrby nnnn u lo p!uh) of p.rluly rrr of rfu tu ldr nr! dc.ldrnr i(rrl <br />l)cnrnii(r l'.nni( A\h((or Norifi.rrion Fcd.ful RcSulxr(nr\ lTi!lc.l0, Prn6) <br />Rcqrn.d l.rrur of Norilic.ri,'n <br />_lccnilyrharrh.lcdcralr.Aul,rionsrcGodineasb.slosrc.vrlmrcltrpllic,blctothnpoiecr <br />l..nify rhd I hNc rcdd rhh ,ppltar io. a'n statc thor th. otrvc nrfomr ion ir.olmr I lgrft lo.omply wnh trll Ciry lnd Counry <br />ldins con(rucr ion. aDd hcrcb, lurlFrirc rrr.*.hrivcs or rhis cfty and Counly to cnlq ula,n lhcodin.rc* llld Srtrt. tjws rcbriu lo <br />.hov. m.tioftd pmlEny lor <br />,\ tor /\Bu lsia lu *,,,O8-/./- ty <br />UNDER GBOUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area./Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Pipino <br />Rouoh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trapi Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />FINAL 7tlt3 t{EMNr otr (ft?ir,/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I <br />o/- o/ -/;7 <br />D,,,, rq?^/.r- /8 Fo.ia--e. <br />krlds's Ad.lEs <br />- <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Meter Release