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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />I hercby afirm undc! Dcnally ol pcrjlr, lhrr <br />OWNER BUILDEN DELCAN,{TION <br />I rm cx.m nom rh. C.nrrroF Lkcn* In$ i.r lhc lolluw'n8 rco$n 'Ss701,.1 <br />susir.s ffil Pu,tcsn C(ie): Any C y or Conrry which rcqun \ a lirmir lo .on{fld. rlicr. imlrovc. dctrr'li\h or rc!'tr rnv <br />nflciurc. pri(n k, irs h\u.trcc, !l*' rcqxrcs rhc {plic ir n, \!ch Itnnir k, lilc r \i-!ncd {rrcNnr rhrr trorshc n lrcn$d puru! <br />h rh. 8)vnnnN o{ rh. Cont&lois L,iccn{d Liw (Chrflcr 9. Co'ndc'{i|8 rirh secrk TLOJ ot Divirt{ '1 ol <br />'hc <br />Btr\inrs\ ind <br />I,rolis\iurs Cod.) or thrl lEorshc iscrcnu rh.rclio a rh. hj\is lorrhc alLscd cxcmlrion Atryvi.hrhnolscdionT0ll5hvrny <br />drplicrnrlarrpcnnilsubj((rhcafPlicanrrord!ilP.nrxrofnormorcrhrnlivch( rcddolh^(150o) <br />-l- <br />0r otrtr.r orrhc nnrNny. {r 'nyc rPloyccs wilh sngcs !\ rh.n vnc conrFisdiotr. Billdo rh. wrk !M llr (tururc i\ nor <br />iorctrdcd nr.fiarud tui;b (sLt 7tx,l. Bu(incs\ md Prnt\i(,r Codcr Thc c.nhclois{ Ijw docs.or ipllvlo onowNrol <br />rhc pqrtry slx,t ild\ .r inDro{s rhcEnr. uxl $h. d,rc\ \sh kln( hNtcll or hrrtlr or rhnm3i iis or hcr o$tr ctnPlotc's' <br />p","i r"l rr,u .u"rr imprxrmnr\ dc tror intsl.d or olTddl n* eb ll howc\tr. rhc hu i[ing or i'ntrorc@nr i\ v)kt u ilhin on' ]u' <br />;I cunrlclioo, rhc ow,trr Buiklcr *ill hrvc rlE hudcn ol F)vii! rhd h. or slrc did ton build or in n'v' rhc ln'Flr lor rhc FrPo$ ol <br />I. N owi.r ol lhc pn'F-.nt, nn cxclusivc It contacrin8 snh{J .onrrcron l. o.nod rlI PreF.r (S" 7(}{'{' Businc- <br />,M hrli\sinr Codc: Thc Conl.lckn \\c Low doc\ frn alplyto rnown.roflrn)tl.nv*ho btrildsor imPrortr rhcrcon' <br />und sh. co nclsiorsnhtrcicdswirhnConrmcro(s)licctrscdluAoilk,rhcConta.roirLtcnseljs)' <br />D.r. <br />B & P C. torrhi\ r.$otr. <br />ullEKEIl[!0lltENlArlsN <br />IhcrdbynnnundcrNnrlryorp. j,.ynn""rrr,.rotrn*inel-18*ffi <br />U <br />-lhrlcdndqillntrinlainaccdii.llcofconscillosct|Insulclor*orkc{onpcngln'n'N'mvidcdforbys.ctionlTl]0oflhtt bor Co{u- r'or rh. rdfonMrcc ofrhc wo.r ttr which lhc Frnir is issrcd <br />ffi"" *, * ', ."t.t *,,.*ch co'nli{ ninr'.n <br />'n\umncc. <br />os rcqui'cd t'y sslion l7O0 ol thc kbor Cod. for lhe pc'lormi'c 'f, {urr ni which thi. nu"nr's racd MJ *orLh'..n[$\Jltr,n'r\ur,trcc (Jnicr rd rlrv numhcr m <br />NIE)ta4*-,b '/2" lty <br />-l <br />lcnify rhar in rhc p.rfotruncc oflhc work for which rh! P(. r is issucd.l sh,ll <br />s !s ro subjal lo rh. mrtcs'comp.nsario. hws of C.lifomix. Md !8rc lh8r <br />workca srncnsarion INvisions ofscrion 1700ott titx, OnqI shll. fon,Niih <br />T-T - |'- <br />r .'llnl^ydny nth.n i,,"n! m mn <br />ii l\h,uld h+o!m sxbJc.r torhc <br />.onpt, wnh rno$ l(rvisions.. <br />WARNING: FaihE lo sw wodcB' comrc.slrio. svcEEc is unlrwtul. $d sholl subidl m dplottr m gimiBl llcolrhs md <br />civil ainc. up ro onc hlndrcd rhousnd dollos ($lO0U)0). in oddilion lo thc cosl of comp.neliofl. damg.! !s Prla'd ror th' <br />sc.rion lt)76 ulrhc Laho. Codc, <br />"",..,x/qlt <L zinrcrc,r and auofty\ fcs <br />Appliconr)4 <br />-T-I' <br />usEN$ED-coNrBAlfua, DICIABAIII]N <br />I h.rby !fiim undcr leolty of p€+ry lhrr I !m lieBd lnds Pbvkion olchrrld <br />of rhc Burilc$ aId Prcf.tsioB Codc. sln my lhcnr B in tutl lorc ed cftd. <br />aDDliLrnr or Altenl St*nslu <br />9(.onmncin8 qnh Selion ?000) ofDivision l <br />? <br />slrNliltr!!:rloN.LlllllNli-eoElcl <br />I hcrcby (lltnr undcr p.nnlryolPcrjry rhrr rhcrc is !cor{rucri,n IcnJirB :t8e&, liJt rhc tcrforlM'c ofrhc sorl li'r whi'h rhh Fmir ir <br />i\srcd (S.c.3O9r. Ci! C.) <br />Lrnl.r'\ Nam. <br />tJndd'( Addr.$ <br />abovc mnriomd pmp.ny for insperhn pu4x'*s <br />APPLICT{IiT DF(ll <br />^R <br />TION <br />I kfthy dlinn undcr pctrrlry.lPcrjury ooc orlh.follo*in3 dcchrlrtuns <br />Dcmolirnrn PrnftyAsbcnos Notiiclrion lcdcml Rcgulerions ( lillc40 PM6) <br />-Rquncd <br />t llcrolNorifttrrion <br />Fl ccni8 lhar lh. tcd.rll rcSulanonr tsgldin8 asbcslor Fmvtl e mt <br />0(-l enily rh.r I rEvc Esd !h! <br />'pprh.rior <br />urd <br />'r,rr <br />rhd rh. ahov. inromr <br />iftin!ftc( &d Shl. L{w! Ehrinr ro buildins consd.rb,L !d hcrcb} lulF <br />applhahlc ro rhh pmltd. <br />ion n.orer. I aF.{ bcomdysith d[ Cnyund Coutrrl <br />.izc rcFEsciraiivcs olthis Cilyrnd Counlylo cnrcr uc'n th <br />DATE .lEIG.COMMENTSwUNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipino <br />Roof Drain <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitarv Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />K <br />s <br />APPROVALS <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Gas Service <br />FINAL <br />--) <br />/d ...,,,",."Y.