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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ,I EIG.COMMENTS OWN[RAUILDER DELCARA'TION <br />I hcrchy rinm uNlcr pcnllry of lcrjury rhar I anr cicmDl iio,n lhc Contrttra Lkcn\c Lw rd lhc follo*ins rc!\otr (s.c 70-1115 <br />UusiDcs lnd ltafc$ion Codc): Ary Ciry or Cou.ry qhi.h toqrirc |innir t) cof(rxcl, alrcr. ihpro\c. dcmol$h.r rcNn tr t <br />{rucrurc. prnrb iB ksdancc. rho rcquncs rhc rppli.ahr f.r \u.h F.nil ro lilcn siSrcd (llemnr rhd ltot sh. is liccn\cd lu^urnr <br />ro rnc lovnioN ol rhc Conrractr\ Licc.*d liw (Chrprcr 9. Cdnrnr,rii! wirh S.crion ?(xl, oi Divtion I orrhc Btrsirr$ atrd <br />Pmf.stN Co&) or rhd h. or \h. ( cxcmpr lhcrcfroorard lhc hrsn ro,lhc allcscd dcnprn,n Any vn artnrofsNr6nT0Sl5 hylny <br />.pt'l'u rd d l).rnrir subiccB thc rypli.ant !o acivilFnalryoinor mrclhan filc hunddldollds ls5m) <br />-1, <br />.s owmr of rhc nnrEny. o, my er,9!orte\ wnh was.s a\ rh.n {,h .unfctrqlion. will do llr worl ad rhc (dm s mr <br />inrcrlcd or oficEd a* sk lsd.70.l,1, auslrcss ad ftofcsions Codc: fhc o)nlnckn \ l,i.cnsc Irw docs nor atPly to an otrncrol <br />tic pmpcdy who huilds or inlpn'rs rhcdn. and who dftr !u.h so* hi'nsclf.r hclsltot rhou8h hh or hcr own.frPlorccs. <br />nnvid.d rh ruch inlnmvdEna E mr idcDd.i or oatcr.t ,or eh li ho*drd, rh. hoiklin3 or iRqnNmnl is solll wirhin .nd ,td <br />of complcrbn. rhc Owmr Buihcr will h0rc ll* budcn ol tmvirs rh.r tE or shc dil dn hoill or i'll,n,\t IE ,mP.ny for rhc IttF{ of <br />Ldsow.rofrlrrolxny-rmcrclusivclyconrrlcrire$irhlicctr\rd.otact^n,.on\ru.rrhcpojccl(S(.7l}l.l.Buiicss <br />and lr.fssirn Clnl.: 'l h. Codkrcroas Lic.trsc Lrw do.s tror inlly h atr osncr olnropcny *h(, builds or irprircs rh.r.on. <br />!d who..ntrachlorsuchpro]ccls*nhrftnrrrtn(\cdprNrnrrh'rh.CotrkrtriLicctrsL,*r' <br />I oNcxcnrfl u cr Sccl <br />II]BtrE&1:CI}IUENIAIION <br />I hcrcbydfln utrdq ,cn'hy ol r",jr,y "n" ur,r'" rnrr,,*lgffi,-*Mlu <br />-l <br />hovc ond qill ruinrdn a Ccni,icarc or C.nknr h S.lf lisur rr worktra conrEnsarion- as prolided lor hy s(rio. lTur ol rhc <br />Lrh, G'd.. ntr rh Frtuirnrxc oirhc trorl rd whEh llrc t{rn r i. i.\uc.l <br />i!& n,"" unu *r,u,,'no'n *orkcr' (ornFnssrion insuruncc. rs rcqlncd hrsc.L.n lTmorrhc rjh.rcode, ro. rh.ldrumn.c oa <br />rlE work lbl wnich this pcmit is icsrd. My sorlcB snu.nsario. insrfuRr .trfti.r drl Flicy n!'nhcr ec: <br />' fl)E C'.n42.,D, <br />/2" lt<1D(vrc- 8o\A34 /,<)rr <br />-l.cnitrrhnr <br />in rhc !.rllndnccofrhc work lor qhEhrhis Dcflnir is hsucd.l shrll norc fh,y.ny,)csotr in strymrnmr <br />s s r, lj(.nN uhJcrr ro rhc wolken coar.nsrrion h$\ orCrlinmir.oid.Sr.c rhd ill \h)u&l hlmm sbjcd ro rl'rc <br />*orkcn'conrcn\dbnpmvGn,nsofS..tion:l?00ufrhcLahrC.dc.lshill.lonh*irh.omnllNnhrNJ\.Pmvsions. <br />WAiNING rrilurc io *rurc Norkcr'conllensli,)n covcrugc i\ oiltr*tu|, ind sh.ll nrhid an cn{'lorr io dinrinaltrtulrics aM <br />.i!il llncs ut b onc hundrcd rhouslnd dolhr (Xl(x).lxx)1. ir rddirnni io rhc.on u, conlc.s0rion. danugrs rs Pioridcd for rhc <br />::r-i##?:: <br />D!!I.!Itll!^ <br />I lINhy (lltnruMcr pcrulry.tFrjury rh,r I m li..ned udcr pnrvisn olChirrcrI(c.nnncncirswirhsc.rir70m)olDirisi,nr:l <br />u, rh. Brsircss rM Prolt$ions Codc, uM my liccnsc k ir tullnrccMdcfl..r <br />B <br />,",., &741/ Y <br />cQNfIBLlgUANrEN0lNti-&{illLI <br />I affirn undcr |fMhyofNrjuryrhar thcre is o con{rudb. L i',9xgri.yn)irh.l[rLnmnccolrhcrorkIrshi.hrhisP.riniris <br />isucd (Scc lUrT.Cir C ) <br />,k,vc nrtrrn d fn,pcnyror in\pcciion!!,toss <br /> DDlirtrnt trr AutrtSiAMlure <br />U"."r." ,-," , r"u, t, K I <br />tlxlc: 1 "/+{ <br />Set Backs J <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Cenif. <br />FINAL <br />Certilicate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />--+ <br />SITE.WORK <br />?Z ZZC-O <br />L.nd.arN.m:- <br />t ndcic AddFsr <br />- <br />AITLICANI.OLELI3AIII! <br />I l$rb, Mlnn uidrr l,.n.hyol pcrjury onc ofthc followins dccl.nlions: <br />Dcmlibn Pcrmih Asbc(os Norifi.arn,n Fcdcrtrl R.8ul.ri.ns (Tirlc40. Pun6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />Lcrrer of Noriarcnrion <br />-l <br />ccniryrh,r rh. rcdc ol .c8n lal ion! EBsrdinS NtEstos rc ovolaru norltplictrhlc t,rhhtmj..r <br />(rALIccnriyrhdlhotrcaLllhi\drnlrcrnnrrl{,rcrh rherh,v. inr(rnBrion kconccl ,eErelommplytirhrllCiryondCounty <br />;rdinrnccs arn StBrc hwsrclurinC rob!ildingconefl.rhn. d hci.hyrurlnrizf, rcprcsenrorivcs ollhn Cny and c.uhryro€nrcr u!.nlhc