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APPROVALS DATE I 3BtG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rough <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />-) <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARAI ON <br />I hcrcby afi,rm undcr p.nauy of Frjury rhar I an .rcmp! rm,n rhc Conrr0cron Ltcnsc Llw for rhc followins rca$n (s( 701 I 5 <br />Busincss alrd Profesion Codc): Any Cily or County *hich rcquncs 0llrcrmil ro .oNrud- aIcr, inDtovc, d.@lish or mPrn any <br />(rucfurc- pri,r Io irs hsurmc. rko rcqutc\ rhc appltanr lor such Frmir ro filc a sisn.d natmhr rtur h. or sh. is li.cns.n pursonr <br />to thc pnrvhnrns oi lh. Conr,clors Liccn*d lj* (Chap'.r 9. commcmnrS wilh Scclion ?fiD o{ Divhion :l ofrbc Busincs and <br />ProfcsionsCodc)or$alhcorshciscxemptlhcEfro.ndrhebnsntbtrhc0llcscdcremprion.AtryvnlrinnofsNrirnT0.ll5by.ny <br />amlica.l Iorarmil subjcclsthc aprlicril lo ociviltEnallyofnol flmrclhan fivc hundrcd dollsh {$5(x)) <br />l.a\owncr.rrh.pmptny,.rmycmpk,tccs*iih$sgdazirhcn$h.{mlcnsdio..witldolhcwo,dltE(n urcisnol <br />inlcndsl or ofi.r.d for slc (Sc.7(}!r- Busitrcs otrd Prolcsiotrs Codc:1hc Conrrictoir l,tenrc lis dEs nor arpl, b anowneror <br />rhc In)pcny *ln hilds or iqrors rhcNn. ard rho des seh *ort himsclror h.sclfor rhmugh hh or h.r o*ncmplorccs. <br />pr.vidcd rhar sxch inpn,€mnc m nor intcftt d or ollcR\] tur slc. Il h$!wr. rfu hribinS or inr,mEmnr is $ld wirhin on! ]cu.f..mtlji,n, rhc Owncr BrildE will hrrc rh. hxid.n of poving rhd hc or thc di'l tu, hrikt or in 6w rhc Jn,pcny lor th. tdlns of <br />l.,\.\n.r.frh! ptulrny.. crclusivcly onrd irA *irh li.cnscd coffrcbr to conslDcl ric lmjcd lscc 70.14, Bd\i"cs <br />Md lt',lsionCodc:lhcConrllcroisl-iccn\cl,awdocsnorlnrlyronno*ncroiproDcn!wh,)buildsornnpro!.srh.r.on. <br />,n'l who conthrk fr such !$lc.h wirh r Cunaa.bilt\dl lur' ro tlf, Cofti.ttr s Ltccn{ uw) <br />I arrxrnrt, urldrr <br />Dele: oene.: <br />wonxl *.s' colrtrrv.ilrrrol r <br />DICLTEAIIQN <br />I hcrcl'yafi ir.undcr pcnatryotnci!ryoncoilhctoll{,sin8 d(hrolion\: <br />I hdvc uxlwill mai.rrin rCcnificdcofConscnr b Srlt-lnsur f(tr wortcF nmvidcd aor hyS.rrio lT(D.trht <br />Ljhn C]Idc. tr lhe pe.f{rm'R of rhc wo* for which tfic ranrir i\ i\\ucd <br />ffi-..,..,,,*.,-,,-,.rcr\'!iin'Nn\.(r l'ihc tr,trl'n{ trh(l' rl'tr Jrnn r\ rsqld Mr rnrlqr <br />/t. D /;aR <br />sunrcc. is rcquncd bySdinr:1700 olrhc lrlt, C{xlc, f.r rhc rdlornurcc ol <br />comrcnsoljon insur cc c.tricr ,.d policy nunbu dc: <br />we o <br />-lccnilyrhd <br />irrhcp.rf.rn nccoflhc *ork rir whth lhn tE nir i\t\u.d.I\hrllnorotrDk,yaiypc'$nn'anym..ncr <br />{) a\ r, h.or {hFd ro rhl w.rkcn L'ws otCrliLriir. dd agtoc rhnl il I should hc.o,E suh,cd ro thc <br />workc^'.onycn\arn,nttuvnioi\oaSd.riotr17fi)ofrh.ljlsrCrntc.lshall.fonhwilhcondywirhrhos!tr,vhions <br />wARNIN(;: Ijiilurc lo ecurc workcn corpctr\rrn,n ..vcnsc i\ unh$rul. rtd \hrll \ r't cnrl)fycr t() diDirrLi lEnollics utl <br />civil lincs up ro onc hunlrcd rhousrn dollnF (Sl(r.fiXD- i! rkuni.n k, ih. con of.rniFnsmnnr. d{nhgcs {s an,viicd tor rhc <br />wlil^b ,0,,**,Y-Ll!-tilu;LtQtil3]1rlllt' DECIAMIXA <br />I hcrby lrtrmundcr Fmllrofperjuryltal I n lienst undcr pxrlisionotChrfl$ 9 (coEmncine uith Scrbn ?(]&) ofDivhion 3 <br />of rhc Buciftss lnd Pmlcssion! Codc, ond nry lic..s is i. tull lors md cltlrr. <br />"iI"-"^ryTf;h -L*cn*Num* <br />- qlY)-to <br />*"-"*\ a::1- )z--<.t:- <br />CONIIBIIqITNIBPIUIiIGENII <br />I hcrby dirn undcr lxnrh, ot pcrjury lnar thcrc is a onnru.lbn lcnditrs lsency for lhc If,rfortute dt rhc work lor qhicn ihis Fnnn ic <br />ksucd (S.. :1097. Civ. C.) <br />AIII.ICANLDEEIAf,AI,ION <br />I trah, dirm uDdcr p.mllyolpcdury onc oithc following d.cloririons: <br />D.'nolirn,. Pcrfrirs Asb.stos Noriarcariotr rcdctul Rceulnrions (Tirlc40. Pln6) <br />-Requtcd <br />ldrcr ol NoiifElridn <br />_l .cdiry rhdi rh. redcral Egulaliom mg&ding {sbcsos Rmvd m nor applic,ble lo lhh pDje.1. <br />M.niiy rhrr I hav. r!!d rhis alplicarion and srorc rhar lnc atDrc informarion n coftcr.I agift ro 6mplt wirh.llCiry!trd Counly <br />o,tinrnccs {nd Sr.rc Elarins ro liu ildi <br />0hovc mnriomd lmp.ny for insl,.Tlion pu <br />Appllclnr or As.Dl slsBruE K <br />tr9.otr{n'.ri,nr. an(l h.rchr- xtrrl',trn. tuprt\rnrrri!r\ or <br />r'"""ir- -,-",pri,r,, Y.- <br />::":;rw;r <br />Communications Cable <br />Sub-Panels <br />Service lvleter <br />Irn'lc''\ J'l,c$ <br />I r