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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDEN DI;LCARAI'ION <br />I h.rcby afrilnr undc. Fnalry o, pcrjury rhir I lnr cxcmnl r'roD rhc G).rrrron l,iccn\c liw f rhc lallo*iDs rclv,n rscc?il.ll5 <br />Aurircss lnd Pi(nl\sun Codc): Any Cily or C.unr, shich reqdncs ! Frnrir t, .oinru.r, alrd. i'npft,vc. d.nhli\h or BpdI rny <br />srructrrc. nrdlo iis issurncc. :llso rcrturcs thc E pli...r lnrru.h pcnnf r, fitr r si8trcd sarctrEnr rh h.or shc is liccnscd pur{r{nr <br />ro rh. povniotr\ .frtr Conrr.ttr\ t-i..nscd ljw (Chrprcr t). Con, Nirh Sc.rion ?(rX) of Divnion I of(hc Bu(incsi rid <br />Polt$ioD\ Codc)orrhrl ltorshc hcx.Dr0l lhcrciorr.d rh.ldsi\ ld rhc,ll.Scd cxcnUiotr. AnyviohtbtrofSccliofTl):ll 5hyrn, <br />ryrlicanr foru pcnnir suhjNlslhc apllicanl l{, !civilncn.lryoinor nmrclhrn iivc hundrcd dollin ($500) <br />-1. <br />$ oNNr of Ihc pn,Fdy. (tr nr! cmll{ryccs *nh *rec\ rt rhctr v,l. drnp.n\arnJn, $ill do rhc $olk tnrl ltr sl uiure ir frn <br />inrcfrld or olltrol lnr salc (Ss 7lst. Bu\ircs rnd Prolcs\ions Codc:1hc Conurtn \ Licctr* l-,w d{Es nor rpdy h rnownor or <br />rhc pn,trtry rlx' htrild\ or inlfl(lws r)rm[ rid who d({s skh $o* hi'n\rlfor h.Bclfor rhr.ugh his or hn <br />ptuvnhd th r \u.h i'ntnx!'L-nh aE mr idc {d otcRl ,or $b lf. howc\rr. rhc hlr ih ill3 .r irI}oE.rnr is $ll wirhn o'E Fa! <br />oi(onrDlcrt)n. rhc O*ncr Burllcr sillhrvc lh. htrrd.n of t'(,virs rhxr h. or \hc dxl n.r huik.r nnpr.rc $c !fu|irly rot rhc |ur!)\.., <br />_l.rso*Nr.lrhcpn)pcny.rr$ch'\cl.onnNusk,.on(ru.rrhcpmlccrrSccT(I4l.Br\in.,\ <br />rnd lh,li\(ionCodc: Thc C.trhr.r.f\ Li.c sc Lrw dnc\ nor r|ply b m owNr of |x'p. !sho htrrltlsor i'npturcs rhcrcotr. <br />rntl sM .ontrx.l\tur\u.hpr)lc.r\\,fl \r'.!n\.,l f u^trrDr n) rlr (,'nt.'.rtr \ I i..n\. 1 rs ) <br />I anoxrml unddrS..ri(i <br />"*'€/ql $ <br />\f()Rht,lls' ( {)tI,l:N\\ Ir()\ <br />!].!].lL.!J!!t!!^ <br />Ihcrcbyrrrn u Jcr Itrirlry.l t)c'jLtrtotrc orrlr lnlk,{i !dorr.rr(na: <br />I hirc ind will un air r Ccnni. c ol C. $irh S.lf lrtrrr ntr $o'kc'f .o f.trlrridr. r! prorid.d i,{troilhc <br />t.rtxr coil.. firrhc pcrlornunrc orrhc *ork lu shich ilrc pcirnn n isucd <br />-t hnv. rni pillnmi iirvork.n-.omncn\.Lonrn\\rcqunclbyscdidrt70l).lrlrLjhor(!rhcIlcrfonutrcc.f <br />lhc sor k ,nr which rnis Fnnir is isucJ Nlywork.rJ.o |En\dri(r n$urrDcc.lnlcr Dolicytrurhcrnrc <br />l.cniryrhrr i'r rhc |r.rr{tr rrncaofrhc (ork lor shichrhi\ p!nnir is i\srn- I \hrll nor cmtk)rrnyIc^on in xii ntJtrrcr <br />qi .s tr, trcotrr rubjc.r k' rh. "lrkcN conpcnrdtun lnE( ofCalintrnr. r0d rgicc rhd ifl slFtrld blconE suhFd to rhc <br />|kn\illotrln,vi{ioDsolSccriorlTmorrfulihtrc(xlc.lsrnll.ldh$irh.otrfl!wirhrlx,{prcvnbns <br />li^RNIN(; lril,tr. x,'c *ork.ri con,p.n\rri{r L lnl xnd \hrll {'hjccr r rDrnlt,yd' t, di'niMl Finhi.\ d <br />n, rh..o{ olom|cn\rr(,,,lJn'r!.\ rs tro\trlcd rhccn'l linr\ trp ro.n. hutulr.d rh.u\r do <br />,,",". a/1[rr <br />IESAAAIIIIN <br />I hcahyrfllrmlnder penllryofFrjury rtur I am liencd undc. provhion olChanrcr g (con,mmin8 rirh Strk'n 7000) ufDivkid! l <br />ol lhc Busircs\ lnd Pmrisions Cdc. !* ir ir rull ror.c dtn cli'ccl <br />caxiraucrroNtlllltlc_&arNlr <br />n{'.rliscc l(r7 Civ C I <br />i lISlIl;llNL[IiCl,llnIIl()N <br />IlEdrynlllnnu.dcrNn lr,of prrjrr,ohc.f rhcn,lbsingdeclrarnnr\ <br />D.on)lilion I'cnnil! Ash!sros Nol iornnr lidcrrl Rcruhrnnr l'lirl.40. I'an6) <br />l{.qLi'*i lr(.r.1 N.rillcari,tr, <br />I ccniryrh Ihc radcralrcguh i()NrcBfllingish.iosrcnrivtrli,cnorafllicnhlcrorhnprc/c.r <br />l..rrilt rhrr I hr\r r.r(lrhi\ nff nnrut(rrcrh rh.rbovc i .rmdi( r\ lrercclocorrdysirhrllCirr d(i,uiry <br />ordinrn.cs rnd Srirc Llws rcldln8 ion.nRlh.rcbyiurlvri/cEnrcscnr iv.sof rnnCiryando,unrrrocnr.ruF)nrhc <br />rlxr( f,rri{nrll f(rrn\ lor i'^ <br />Appli.rtrl.rAAetrt Sil$nl f/</ rc <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />ln s u latio n/E ne rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Nilasonry <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL Ftb -t1 ?.L?, <br />Certificate of Occu pancy <br />Notes Remarks, Etc. <br />FrDncs <br />Pool Fence