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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DEI.CARATION <br />I hcnbv iffifln u cr Nnrlry ()f p.riury lhlr , !flrc0npr lr nrl'cC nr^ruA't{ci{ ttrtr illh'c lonosr! rc6on (scc70:rl5 <br />Bu\i'r.s md Pnn'csion Cdc): Any Ciry or Counry {hi.h tuquncs I Fnnir lo c.n(ruct- alrcr. i'npnrvc. d.molish or tp.r ,try <br />{ru.rurc. Drior ro irs hsumcc.oho rcqunes rhc !pp!ic!!r tor \uch Frmir b filc r signcd {arcm r rhd lEo, \hc is liccnscd Pui\urnr <br />h rhc fn,vi$ons of rh. Cdrti.tois Liccn*d tiw (Ch.Incr 9. ao nEncing sirh Sc.rion ?(XI) of Dvisiotr ] oflnc lrusincs and <br />Pn,r!$iotrsCodc) rrhrthcorshciscxcnDrlh.rchnn!n{llhcb!si\trrhcullcgcdcrcnuiotr.AtryvnnatirnofSarionT0.llSbyrny <br />rl]plicanr li,, r pemil subjccrs rhc rrpli. n,dcililp. lrr or or 'nr. rhrn livc lundrcd doll$ (S5tx)). <br />_1,!\owturorrhctn,Ilcdy.rnnycmrloyeswirhwa8csarlhcnsbconDenqrion.silldorltrwor*ddrhc{mruc'\, <br />ir.ndcn or orcmd r.r sL (Se.7044. Ausimss und Pmfc$iom Codq l he Conta.ttr r Li.cnsc L.w docs not lmly lo !n osicr or <br />rnc prorcny sho huild\ or ifiprolcs rh.tun. d wlb ilms \rh k)rt himscll or hcrsl{ or lhrcuah hh or hcr o*n cmfl,rytcs. <br />[ortlcd rhd su.h imlmrcmnh .L- mr ir .'r].t or ollcGl lb. sh ll how.Fi rhc ttildins .r nlll)tuvcftN is sold wilhin nnc yc <br />olcotqrLrion. th. owncr auirlcr will navc thc hurdcn ofpravins rhrr hc or shc da n.t t ikl or iq)tuvc ln. pnrdy for IIE pu4n* of <br />-1. <br />rs owncr ol rhc rlonen y. run cichsivcly conrracrinE wirh licci*d .ontr.t$ fu onnrud thc pmFl ( s.c 7044. Buems <br />and fioliask C{xlc:Th.Cinractr'sLiccnscLnwdocsnor.tplrromowncrolpnr. y$h. buildsor inrProrcs Ihcron. <br />itrd who conlruds l'or {uchpoFhsirhfl ConrEck,(n !.c0scd pursuunr lorhcCont.cktr sl,iccnsc hw). <br />I r .icfrt, u .r Sccrl <br />Olner <br />IIQBrl:8!Lr:l]!I[IN$LUA! <br />D&CIr'TBAIIOtr <br />I h$chy drinn n dcr Nnrlr, or pcrjlry otrc oirhc folk,$in-! cch'rrion\ <br />lh.vcatnwilrmint0inrCcnificarcolConscnrroSclflnsurcn,worrc^.otrrp.trs{tion..strovidedfuhyS&iionlT0oolrhc <br />ljb(, c.d.. br rhc p$rormancc of lhc wolt for $ich lhc nsmit h issucd <br />-lhovcond <br />willman anrworlcF comrrchsrrion insurancc. r\ r.quircd by Sc.iion lTlI) oithc l-uhot Codc, nn rhc p.rfonn0h_cof <br />rhc wort for whichlhi\ pcrmir is issrdd Myuorkc^ .o'nPcn\rrbn i.surin c cnnicrurl poli'jy nun,h.. rc: <br />I ccniryrhll inrhc p. nrn{nccoflheworkforwhichrhisr.rmiri\issucd.IshallNrcmPlo}rnyIEr$nin!!,m,nn.r <br />w slohccom lu6jccr rorhc sorkc^ comFn\drion hw\ol Caliroari .,nd 4eihll ill sk)lld hcs,m $brcd rorrf, <br />Rortcn.onwnsationprovisbnsolSccrn,nlT0OotrhctlhtrCodc.lshill.lbnhwirhcomply*irhlhosrrovisbn\. <br />cnil rlN\ trp t, onc hundrcd rhou\nid dollar\ (Sl(x).(Xr0). ir rJd co\r|*iurbn. dnnu8cs rs [ovidcd lor rhc <br />Sc.rion :1076 ofrhc L:trr Gnlc <br />"",",p 1</ /8 <br />i' crc{ r d {rirncy-\ l(\ <br />DECI.dBAIIQN <br />I hcrby afiinn und.r lEnalty o! pcrjury rhar I am lic€nrn !n<lq provtion.rCnnpld 9(conrmncins wilh Scrt,n 70m) orDilision:l <br />of rhc Busims {nd Pofdsbns Codc. dd nry licctrs is itr lull lhrce ond cffccr <br />a",t*",.. (- <br />IONEIXIJIIIONIENOINI;.&GDNCI <br />I hcEhy sltnm undcr lcnalty ot Frjury ihd Ocft L1 , .onid.rlJ. lcndi.S !8cmy for thc p.Tl'olmmc or rh. work for whkh rhh Isnit is <br />irsued(S* :109?. Cir C.). <br />Lf,ndci. Ndorc <br />- <br />AEUCAXLDA:LASAIION <br />I hodry,fio undc, Fnalty of Dcrjury om otthc folheins dccldolions <br />Dcmlirion Pemits AstEst.* Noliric,rion FLtcml Rcgul{ions (Tirlc,lO, Pan6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />Lcud ol Norifi@ri.n <br />l.cnifyrhur rhcLdcr.lrcAulolions rcglrding rsb.{o\ rcnoval rrc nor dtPli. lclorhistnjccl <br />-lccnilyrharlhrvcrcadrni\ryDlkdrionddnrrcrhdrrh.nt <br />v. irhaulion tcotrccl I aare b Ll,mply wirh all Cil, .trd County <br />. inonccsandSrarcL.wsrhrinsrobrildingcoNturion,r' hcrcby,urlntrizcrcprcscnlolivcsoilhhCiryMdCou.ry'ocnrnnr.nrh. <br />I lh.!c irnrr c,r,,mn i) r.r ,PLfAppliclnl or A8.nt si8@ltrm <br />>(.U t't l.a ,",., g1Jll8 <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Satety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Bouoh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Itleler Release <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL 7{L4rK br\t<6 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />tD/stG. <br />Air Conditioners <br />Csrhl <br />- <br />&13 <br />--------r---------f-- <br />I