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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OlINTiR BUII-DER DEL(NTATION <br />I hcrch, nl6nr undcr |xfl,lr, ol tc{rry ihlr I m cxcnu non rhc Conr$trtra l-i.cns Law tu rhc foll'sin8 rcasn (scc 70.11 5 <br />Bu\ rnd Prolcsion Codc): Any Ciiy or Counry which rcquircs ! pcrmir b condruci. alrcr. in]Prt'lc, drftni\h or ruNn n t <br />{rucrurc. rritr t, ir\ is\uakc. o r.quircs rhc +plicn ror \khIxrmir t) lilcn\i8trcd nrrcmnt lhd hcor she n liccn\u.! t snxnl <br />t, rh. flovisnnF ol rhc Conracrois l-iccnsrd Lrs (Chlprcr 9. Connncrcing *iih Sccri,,n 7lxx) f Divi\i, ] utrhc BusiDcs {nd <br />Phrds\n,r\ Cod.) or ihar lr or \lt n crcn\pl Md rhc hasi\ ftxrhc rlldgd.xcnllrion An!!n dionolScclion?0.11.5hylny <br />rtDli.r tur r t'.hnn suhjLrh rhc rmlicrtrrto,lryormr nir.rhin ivc hu.drcd dollars (!i5m) <br />I. rs osn.r of rhc pn,Fnt. or my c pkJyccs siri strEc! ns thcn $b conFnsar ion. sill d. rh. sor k turl rh. nfrtr t nol <br />itrrc ctl or tu slc ( S( 7(x,r. Busincss ..d Pofcsnrs Cdlc Thc Co0r.drtrt Licctrsc L'w docs nor lprrly h u own.r .r <br />rhcpmFny who huilds o. iny'(,6ltf,aon, bnl slN dms qchw)lt himsclfor hcrrlfor rhn,trEh hh or h.r own cry)loy.6. <br />povidcd thar su.h inr|,ormnrr rrc mr int.frlcd o' ofl'crd lir qlr Il l$r.v.i th. huikling .i nrysvcnrnr i\ skl wirhin onc ycrr <br />ofLurplcri,n, thc Owncr Auiu.r *illhrvc rhc hurdcn oflnrinA thlt ht or sh. Jid nor hild or iq,row rhc fn,Fiy fo. rtE purlr,*ol <br />-1. <br />ns own$ ofrhc lopcfly, !ncr.lusivcly.ont..ring wnh\cd.onrdckJs ro.ntridct rtE [orccr (S.c. ?Ol-t. Bu\ifrr\ <br />a l PDrLr\in Codc lhcCdniractn s t-iccnsc l-a* doc\ nor amlyb !nosncrolp()p. y sho builds .r nnl)ror$ rhcrcon. <br />!trd who.onlmclsforsuchpmJc.hwirhaConnndo(Oli.cDscdl)trBu0ntlorhcConhcroisl,i.cnscl,!w) <br />I iMcrc.fl uMcr S.crion .B.&PC.lorthisrc.son <br />t!o R KERS' CONI PFNSI',lION <br />D.UCL Sduor <br />I rllnnrundcr Jrmlry ol pc'jurrodr olihc lnlk'wing dc.lrrrions: <br />\l h^ c a,rl $ 'll m mra,n a c.d l.are or con{nr r ' r.r workctr coqrc.salion, os tovidcd for by Scclion ]?OO ol rhc <br />L,lbur Codc, t,tr rk l. ru' nffi. olrtc sc* lur }h'.h rh. nflmi h n\u.'l <br />_l havca willrointrin qorkcm insurancc, as rcquned byScclion 3700oflieliborCodc. ror ihc Fdirrmn.c or <br />My Borlcn o.r'rcnsorion imunne crri( and policy numb€r e. <br />€-tf <br />I ccnfy rhrr in rhc ofrhc $olk fitr whi.h rhis Fnnir i\ i\sucd, I drdll nor cnploy ony pcrsotr in rny mrnrcr <br />q, .s to be!!m su$jd lo lhc s.rkcs' conrrcnsalbn hrvsofc0liforn ond osN lhnl iIl should lf,d,tu ruhjccr brlr <br />$oltcn compcnstion Drovtioni olSstion l'7OO oflhc Lihor aorlc.l shlll. torlhsirh compl, *irh rll){ tmvisn,n\. <br />WARNIN(;: itrihrc t, {curr wtrkd'\ c.nD.0{di{u rorcrrlr is unhqllrl. n d \hrll Nrhjc.r dr cnlPkirrr ro sinriMl|rukns nn <br />rivil fin.r up nr onc hrndrcd rhor\rnd d.llr\ (Sl(r)-(Xx)). ir rd.liri('n n, rhd ror ofco rNn\rrio., dinDgcs r( providcd Iq rhc <br />DECI,ABAIIQN <br />I hcEby ottirm undcr rcnohy of !.riury lhrr I !m liens.d undcr rrclision ofChaplcr 9 icommncins *nh SNrion 7000) orDivhio.l <br />of rhc Busitrss sJ Porcasions conc. ud my ltci* is ii tu rorc r.d clgl) <br />dD 6,o 7 <br />ln <br />cax[rBucllali1.l;lDtN{j-&ql;lrr <br />isucd (scc. .lllr7- Civ ( ) <br />AELIqANI.A&EIJBAIIO! <br />I trn:by mim undcr |)cnnllt of pcrlury om .f rh. iollow ing dc.ld,r ions: <br />O.m,fti(,n P$nir\ A{bcdos Norifi.dion r.dcral Rcgxhrn,n\ (TirL40. PdO <br />-Rcauncd <br />hnn of l'.lotificariro <br />-lccnifyrharrlrclcdcrrlrcsllri{,n\rcrdingtr\h*no\rcmvrlircnorq,pli.rhlchrlri\!(r!rror..r I a8rcc lo con1pry wnh all C ylndCounty <br />ncscnhlives of lhk City 3nd Counry lo .nlc. lron tlE <br />*,",- gh/'r <br />I c.nilirhrt I h,tr rc:d rht ar,rlicrrn,nmd (rrc rhrr rhL <br />.{dnl.i,.i.J\rJL'lJtr\ml <br />'n, i'h,r'ld'nr..Frtu,r,.r,Jtr,ll',rF!rurhnn/r'cl <br />rr'^t ft,B r,r n.Enr ro,nris,,,,,/t,(",,., <br />nooru,"' ", n*., tt ^,",/Lb<|rl- <br />,.^u**^.'nn^,, /' /*t- L- <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm i Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondin g/Grounding/UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Rough <br />Service lt/eter I4Df,FINAL 'rx 4Y tl) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. -/ <br />Pole Bases <br />Meter Release