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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWNI]R BT'ILDER DEI,CARATX)N <br />I hcrcby rilnn unlo pcMlry of pc.jury rhar I tun crcnpr tom rhc Co.trdtu^ Lictrs. bw r'or ihc rollowinS rcas,n (SLr.?011.5 <br />Busitrc$ md Profissio. Codc): Any Cily o. County ehi.h NtutN a pcihir to cotrslrucr. atler. nnprove. &mli\h o. Enrn any <br />srructurc. prhrro irs nsuance. lho rcquncs thc opdicmr lor su.h Frmi ro fika si8ned srdcmnt th(l hcor shc n li.cnd, tusuanr <br />lo thc pnrvhio0s ol rhc Conlrr.tols Li.cnkd tiw lCh,prcr 9, C.nnnc.cint wirh Scction ?Lx)l) ol Divniotr ll ollhc BustE$ ond <br />ftof.$ionr Codc) or rhar hcorrhc hcicryr rhcrcfrcn.nd ficbosis lb, iic 3llcgcd ercmnrion AnrviolarionofSftrio.T0ll5bynn, <br />itpli.a lorrrr.nntsubjcrsrh. <br />l. is owncr of r hc poltny, !. tu, .nDk,rccs wirh wascs !s rhcir s,lc d,nrpc srr i(,n. will do rtr wtrl( uxl rh. slndurc is ml <br />inrcrrlcd oronarcd lnrelc(S(.7Or4, Busincssrnd Phf..shns Codc: Thc l-kctr* tjw des tr(,I aprrly ro an owrcr o, <br />rhc proFny who hoilds or iq8,er lhc@n, ari Nho des sEh *o,t himscllor hcrrclror rhmqh hi\ or hcr own.mplort.s, <br />pmviJcd lhrt such npnlrnEnh m nor irldxlL{ or ofliacd for sk.ll inprorc.Enr h hld wihinonc }rs <br />ofcom iirr, rh. OwNr Buildcr sillh.rc thc bDrdctr olFnrving rhd lr or shc did tr.|huild o. nqmtr rlr pmpcny lbr ric l)trllosc oi <br />I. N.wrcrorrh. ropdy,. rcxclnsivcly..tua.rnr! snh liccnsdd.otrri.r,sb.onir.t ihc tm]c.r (Scc. ?014. Businui\ <br />nnd h.aesion Codc lhc C.nrmcrof\ t,icclsc l,awdocs not rpplyx, m ounc! of pror.(, who build\or i.provcs <br />rnd who onrBds ror su.hpmj$h*irh. onrrbdI li..n{d, k'rlrConracktr s Licc.\c L!w). <br />-l0mcrc'npr <br />!trdcr Scctlnr-. B. & P.C. lor this rcN)n <br />IraBrl:&Lrau[IiltarrQN <br />IIEILA.BAI,IIIN <br />I,rlitntu cr Fnallyolp.rjuryoic olihc li)lk'*irs declff(rioN: <br />+lhdc dtr,llnu hm d Ccn rficarc or Cun{nr t, s(lr.lNur. nr workgr conqEnsalbn. as p^*idcd f{rb,sc.rk'n r?00orrh. <br />Lih.r ('"Jc. lor rhc rElnnmc oi r hr tr o* i.r wh ( h rh. n <br />' <br />m F FUcd <br />I hrlc rin silln[i'nai'r so rri contp.trsnri,,n in\!rrn... ]s r.qotcJhySc.ri,nr:17(X)orr[clih.rGdc.lorrheI).nhnunccoi <br />rh( \$rk ntr$hichrh,\ p.nnir i\Mr" *.rkc^' !on'Nn\rrit,, i'l rrmr.ntr:cr r.d tx,liry tru r' tr,. <br />- 4z-4tt t-t- <br />l.cnify rhrr nr d1. pcrfonnncc ofrh. work for whth rhi\ !.nnir h hsucd. I shnll nor ctrltllo, atry pcren ir any manner <br />s!srobccomsu$lcclrolhcworkc6'con0cnsorionhwsofc.lilonrii-andlgrclndillsl'ouldrrconrsubj..rt,rh.' <br />*orlers conrpcnslrion pnvhi,,ns olSeclion l7(x)ofrhc ljtnr Codc.lshrll. ronns,irh co,nply *irh rh,s pmvi\n,ns. <br />WARNIN(;: F.ihrc !, \ccurc sorkcB ompcnsdnr .ovuhlc is unldsful. trtrd dull subjcct 0n cmploro ro crimirll Ftrrhics rnd <br />civil &r! up to onc hundrcd rhousaDd dollnN linn!$ r\ l,'ovidr(l r,n rhc <br />Scdnr 1076 or rhc trtr Codc. ir crcst nnd llkx <br />Dlitt..\tr.\'ll{)N <br />I hcrhy arlirmrndcr pculryofftrrory nu I d uodcr pmrhi,n or Chanrfi 9 (d,frnrmin8 airh s.di.n 70u)) oi Divis ion 3 <br />ol lhc Uusincss ond Proltssions and my liccnsc is in full rbrcc nnd elitcL. <br />/6o10 c' 2 <br />I,?lt"fir .-'^ <br />CaNfIB.U(IlQNLINDlNlrlliIIl:l <br />n\ucd rscc 1097 cn c i <br />AIIUIANfIIIiI;LA8AIIIJN <br />I hcrby r,tinn rndcr ncnalry oitcrj(y oic orrhc Lllowin8 d(hriions: <br />Dcnmlirn'n Pcrmirs Asbcsros Norilication fcdcalRcEulrrionsl'lirlc 10. Prn6r <br />-Rcquncd <br />Gtrcr ol Noliicdii,n <br />I.cdiryrh.r rhc rcd.nlrcBul.riotrs rSdd,n8\ ic'mv0l rc nor lPtli.rbl.lo rhis pm]ccr <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/l nsulalion <br />Rool Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />It/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Beport <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />I <br />FINAL ,Yh a/lrl -t 44;\ <br />Ce rtif icate of Occupancy / '/ <br />Notes Remarks, Etc <br />r/z1r <br />UFER Ground <br />tf,odcr'' Addre$' <br />- <br />JIuc trr i,'trcd t l]lnylor in$9f i.ntrFPl\ <br />ttopticatr or r,'*tr siswrrrc/y'-/ 4/4 <br />ncm lF Mn.,Drinl': <br />I <br />-T------