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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR BECORD <br />APPHOVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATTON <br />I hcrcb, !finm undcr pcnalry oI !.rjury lhd I m cx.mpl rmn rhc Conra.b( Li.uns bw ror th. rollouing rc{sn (s.c.7oll 5 <br />Busin.$ nnd Pofc*ion Codc): Any Ciry or County which rcqutcs 0 rEflnil ro Nnsrrucl. ah.r, improvr, d.mlish or EIv My <br />slrucrurc, trirr lo ns issum.. also rcquncs rh.applka {.r such Fnnit ro filc a sisncd slutcmnt thlthcorsk is licensd puNrnt <br />lo thc pmvirn,ns oI lhc Conr,Erors l,iccn*d lj! (Chaptcr 9. CommcEitrs wilh Sccriotr 7uD of Division 3 ofth. Businc$ 0nd <br />PDltsrions Codc)or thar rE or sh. ia cxc,nl)r th.rcfrunsnd the bash lor rhc lllescd cicmrrion Anyriolarionolsecrion 70.)1.5 hyon, <br />,rplicunr fo! a Fnnil subjdslhc aptlic!trrto r.ivilpcmhyofnor nbrcrha.fivc hundrcd dollai!($500). <br />_1. $ owRr of rhc p(rlf,nt, or n1y .ilplo,ter wirh MEcs (\ thcn mb compcnsa! ior. *ill do rhc *uk md lhc srtocr@ i\ d'r <br />inrcBLn or oifcrcd l'or $lc (Sa.'7(}44. Busim$ md Pr.f.sions Codc Th. Contucror's tjw do.s nor applyro an owftr.f <br />lhc pmp.(y vho buildeor inpbvc\ rhcE n. ud who da\ such wo,t hitrNclfo, hercllor rhroush his or hqown enuloyccs. <br />Pmlidcd ther soch imtovcrnh 4c nn iorcndcd orolIund furslc.lf. hoscki rhc hoiklii8 or inqx,vcmnr is lold withinoic rrrofdmlhrir- rhc Owner ltuillcr will harc lhc burdcn oapmvin8 thjr hc or shc dil n.r huild or i'qrorc thc ln,Fnt fu rth nuqxRol <br />l. rrosierolrhcoopeny. omc{clurilel}.onhclin8 ailh licctr*d.onrr 106 ro conndd rrE t,oid (Scc 7N4. Burms <br />.nd PlDfsstun codcr Thc conta.roi s Liccns.l-as do.s nor lrply ro 0n o*nq olrropcnywho huilds or imnmvcs rhcrcon. <br />hd sho lor such projccts wirh a Conrm.ton9 lkcn*d px(u rturh.conr,.k tLkcnscLrw). <br />I lncxcn rndcrSsrt'n-. B & P.C. forrhisrcov,n <br />Dste. Orncr <br />woR(ER'$ C( lllPE,^I.\aTl(),\ <br />DDII.AXAII!]N <br />I hscby amrm undcr p€nalry ol pcdury ore ollhc lollowin8 deld0rions <br />I hrlc ad*ill mainlain !CenificalcofConscnt ro Scll-lnsurcror wor*cm comJ'cnsonon. us pmvAcd nxbySL{lion 3r(x)oflhc <br />L8txtr Codc, aor lhc pc!{o.nurc of lne wo.k for which rhc n h{cd. <br />-lhrvc!trdwill kn r[ForkcNc n{c lrrbn surrncc. r\ rcquircdhyScdi{n,]7{X)ofrheL$orCodc,lorrhcp.rfonna.ccof <br />rh. *ork lnr $hich rhis lrnnir is is\ud Mysorkcs .otr,pctr\arnn, in\uan(crnicr xl plicynr ,tr. rr: <br />c,.r.. . sla+P liane Ci) <br />q 2z-\cioa t2 l?f ltd <br />-l <br />ccniryrhdt in Dn..ofrhcworkturwhictlhi\pcnlil(hsucd-|shollnorc"Uloroypcr\oninatry'nurmr <br />$ asl. h.conE suhid lo thc *orkcn compctrsrLotr oaCalitnmii. nfd igr.c rh.r ifl sh.uld hcomc suhlcr ro rh <br />workcr' .om!.nsrlion pmvhions nf Scclion l7m of rhc btrr Cdlr, I \lhll. lonhwirh .onllrly wnh rhos phvisions.. <br />WARNINC Firilurc lo surc workc,l contpcn{n,n .ovoigc is unldwtul. d sh,ll cubjel ,n .m,iloyn b aininrl ,.nrlliN n <br />.ivil fincs uplooE hundrcd lhousand dollus ($lm.00o). in.ddirion h lhc.osr .f.omp(nrdbtr drmScs as nrovidcd for rh. <br />sc(rtrnr :1076.r rho l jb(ncoll.. i, .rn an Jronf,r'\ li.\ <br />_-t-oa", ' I l2L Appliorr: E <br />DIIIAAAIION <br />I hcrchy nlltn uM$ nc.rlry ol prrJury rhd I ah lic. Bl undcr pnNhiur ol Chrnrcr 9 l con,B!. in! sirh SLrriD 7( 0 ) of Dirilion .l <br />of rlca \ines md Prcfcsion\Codc, nd nrvliccn\c n ir lull lorcc oMcl'licr <br />i1 .nsc.,unrrr:r:' /O34i5\ <br />3l ]b ltt <br />CONSIBI]qII9IIEN}INC.ACIIII <br />I hcEby ortrn undcr Fnrhyof pcrjury lnd <br />'h.rc <br />is !.lNrru.lirn Lndingr8cRr lor rh. p.rlolr1mc orrh. sork for qhi.h <br />'hh Fmir k <br />ksucn (Scc.3097. Civ. C.) <br />AEELISAILDEII/TAIIO! <br />I M,y aliim utrd.r l)cnoll y ol Frjury o.c ol lhc follosin! d..luarnrns: <br />D.m ion P.roits Asb.{oc Norincari.n Fcdeftl Resllariotrs (Tirlc40. Pan6) <br />Rcqxircd L.trq ol Noril@liro <br />-l <br />ccnify rhat lhc f€dcml rcBul,tions E8ffdine ahcsbs ftmvrl e mr rppltabk ro thi! pmiH. <br />DgI .diry rhar I havc Ead rhn applicarn n ad shrc lhal rhc aboEnromr ion is coret. I a8.e ro .om ywirhlllciryandcounry <br />ordimnes and srar. trs. rhii.g ro bualding .onsrrudion- ed hcrcby aortnriz rcltrcsnt rivcs of rhis Ciry and Couiry ro enrcr upon rh€ <br />rh'vc mnunrcd frcFcny lor insl]€dhn Nrrnrcs ,-------) <br />^rot;*ro, nr-rsr**'un l ---,= -l-711 *r" ' Rlcrtir- <br />*.-,.-*rp^*l K frikl Q-Sh€tlar"i <br />Site-Work <br />Under ground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Firq Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rou gh 1 (l(G "^"/v,/.LtllService lvleter Dt \2 <br />FINAL 1 :?\ <br />Notes, Remarks , EtC.I ul <br />.-:D <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />I <br />=