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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area./Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Rool Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{raplDrain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />t <br />Rouqh Plumbinq / /zz/n ,*/q \ <br />Final Gas Test ,.\ _l <br />Meter Belease h <br />FINAL ls- ll -/'1 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc 'rv <br />Q*411pe6a t'hueh -/o/t 2,,/tt -rl*s h <br />OWNI]R BUII,I)I:R DI]I,CARA'N0N <br />I hrrct'l rliirnr uNlcr penrlly ol p.rjury lhr I i crcnu rron rlt C.Dtrictts Liccts lrtv for rh. n,ln,wi',A rcxsrn (s.c 70.115 <br />Bu\ircsl aNl Piofc\\i{ Codc): Aiy Ciry .r Cou.ry {hl.[ ruquirc\ r pcr ir k, co {nrcr. rh.r. nn|r'rc, dcrnolish .r rcnrir my <br />{dclurc, lrior b ir\ kuimc.0lso rcqnncs rlr li'r $.h I).nnir b filco slrncd srilc'rEnr rhd h .r shc is liccn\cd prr$mr <br />t, rltr pn)!isi,,n\ of rhc Contsckr'r l-iccn\.d lls (Chrnrcr 9. (nmnr'rin! wirh Sc.rn,n TUXI .f Division I ol rhc llu\inc$ and <br />lpplicnnr ntr n p.nnir $hjcclr lhc rDplicanr h a (ivil rcMlry .l mr flor. lhitr filr lrndBl dollrr I S500) <br />-1. <br />Ls owfl.r of !h. poFny, or ky .mplorts *ilt Mg.s as sh otrp.nsalion. will do ttE wk ltd llE slixl@ tr mr <br />iireidcd or otrcEd for slc (5&.7044. Busincss lnd P,Df.sshns Cod.: Tnc Comrdols Lkce kw dei ml r0sly ro rn owmr of <br />ll* FstEly sho boiur 6, inp.oq tE@,!. ard who d@s .Bh s* hin*ltor h.Bll or threu8h ni. or h.r own employrcs, <br />provided fiil such imFo@nls m f,ol inlcd.d or oflqsl for el. ll lEwE lh. hildiDg o in+rowm is sld oilhin orc FE <br />of.onplclbtr rlE O1rB BuiE r will ha* llE l,nt4! oftovins lhll h. or $!ic dn rul hild or atrllr@ tlE prDFry for tlE purl[s of <br />-1. <br />as osncr ofrhe Eolcny. rmciclusivclyco mrins *irh liensn onra.roN ro.onrlrucr 0E r@iccl {SB. 7044. 8ulinss <br />md hD&.sbr Cddcr Th. Cootra.rols Li..Nc tlw der nor aDr,ly ro ,. osner of pmD.ny who builds or inprolcs lhcrcon. <br />rtrd who NnrEcN for such pmjers wirh a C.nrdro(s) lk..s.d pursu.flr ro rh. Conrrutols Lic€n* L,u). <br />DECI,AAAtrON <br />I hceby trffirm undcr F@hy of !.rjury onc of lhe followi.g d.cld io.s: <br />I hrvr nrd q ill 'tuiiirin rC.nill.rrcol Con\cnr b Sclf l,Nrrd fitr sorkcN ronD.nstuutr. di pn,vnhd tu. hyScclion.lTlx)olrh. <br />Lthitr Adc. ftnthc p.rformanccofrhc {or\ rur *hichrhc prrnir n i$u.d <br />_l hatc and ,ill mainrain wo*c6 ompcnsotn,n insursncc. !s rcquicd h, Sar ion ]700 of rhc Libor Cod.. ror rh. of <br />rhc vo lor wnich rhis p.mi is irsucd. My workcB sq{nsarioa inruaE.eiefud ltliy nun$.. m: <br />_l edily ihar in rhe f.rforron* ollhc work for which rhi. Fmir il is{.i. I shall nol cmploy my f,cson in any ronrcr <br />m N ro ltom subj..r lo rh. norksl sq,cNrtion l.vs oaclliaomh. and !Br. rhrr it I shoukl o.{om $bjct ro llr <br />rc ec 6mt'.ns0lior pmtisionsofselion 3700 oflh.l,hor tuc I sh.ll. fonhwilhcomply *irt lho* pnatioB.. <br />WARNINCT FliluE ro slre sorkc$' odpcnsrion .ovcagc is lnlawtul. o.d shall .ubj.yr M cnpLye, b cnniMl |Bdlli.u ard <br />DECI,AAAIION <br />I hcrchyomrm undcr pc.alty of !,crju!y that I am liccncd lndcr fnvisn n oaChryrd 9{conmeins {ilh Selion ?0m) orDiviiion -l <br />oi lhc gusincs ond Profcsions Codc. !trd my liccns. is in rull rom un cffLrt. <br />Li.cns. Cd$;-Liccosc Nun$cr: <br />Drt.i Cotrtmro. <br />CAIiIXIJEUANIIINIIIN!.4IjINII <br />I hrmbylflnntrndcr p.iilryorl.!trr!lhDI rhcr. nnc.niru.ri.n Lndnr8r8cn.yror rlElrc nnmnccofinc$ortlorwhichrhnFrnriris <br />is!rcd (S( .1o9?. Civ C ). <br />ATTIICANLDECIASAIIO]I <br />I hrby oiinn undcr pctrrlly of pcrjury onc oflhc followinS dlrhr.rions: <br />Dcnmlition Pcrnrirs-Ash.{los Notilicalion l;cdcrll RcAuhtn,.s (Tnlc40. Pfi6l <br />-Rcqutcd <br />Gltct ol NoilEnlinr <br />_t (nilrrh{r rhc l'cdcnl rcgllrii.ns rcgartlitrA a\hc{os [m rn nor npplic$!. r. rhis ! <br />-l <br />cfiify $a1 I have @d rhic lppliddon Nld sarc thar lh. lhovc infom0rion is .o,d. I lgE lo omply *ith lll Cily und Colnl, <br />urdnnn $ rtr{l Srarr In$\ rclarii! r) huildiig.on{rlcri()n.rhk Ciryrnd Cou.ryro cnrq ul[n rhc <br />rhrvc <br />'ncnrioncd <br />ptr,pcny for ?- tc. rpApplicnnt or Agcnl Slgnolure: <br />A/-fur <br />uUll <br />B.qPc rnr'hnEa$n / <br />,^,, ?-tt-l <br />lII'TtrE& OMTENSAI]AN <br />14 tR$il <br />Waste & Vent <br />Miscellaneous