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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I ncrcby il',irm nJcr Fndltyol l,{rjuy lhsl I m Gcnpl fmm lhc Cln rart,6'l-ic..t tlw ror rhc tullowm8 rc!$n (Sc.?0.11.5 <br />Busincs lrl fnfe$on Cixlc): Any Cry or Couhry *n(h tquu.\ d ltmil lo connnr.r. !ll(, imlmvc, &nnisn or Nrar dy <br />srtucrurc. prior l{r ils issu ., il rqur.\ rh. rpd{,d hr rx.h Fm( lo lllc ! siSncd slalcmnr rhlr tE or shc ir liccnei Nruul <br />h rhc l)Dv*r,r Dt llr C.ntra.lois Li.cnsd Law (Chapl.r 9. Commercins wirh Sccrtln 7ln0 or Divf$. I oi lhc Blsincs !n'l <br />Pn{c$i,nsCc,c)orrh.rhcorrhcner.mprrhercnomandrheh$hturrh.rllcs.dcr.m0io..AnyvidllionolScclon?0.ll5by.ny <br />apth,nr Ibr aFmir rh. aprnc,m ro acivil,).hahyornor mr. rhln lrv. nunJrcd dolkrs (5500). <br />-1, <br />is ow.crol th. ln)tEny. ornycm! ryccs w,lh ,as$ rs glk qrDn nrario., will do ft. wolk .nl llE srel@ 6 nn <br />inrcDlol orolicrc! inr (Ss.7044. Busim$ and Pn)fessionr Col.: The Ont,ctr s Li.ctrs ke &Es nol al'Ply ro an o*hcr oa <br />rh. pnFn! who huilds or nntbvcs rtuh)4.nd who dds skh s* hhs.llor hcn.llor rhmulh hh or h.r own.ntloyc.s, <br />lmv*ld rh.l such mr^) m mt i dxlo.l or ofted td srL lf, h.Ncw, lh. hliuhg or inlatmnr i $U w hit orc ]tu <br />ofonglcri,tr rfi. Own.r BuiliLr wiu hlk rh. burJ.. of ptuvn! rhzr hc or ir dil mr huir.l o rFmvc lh. pn'pcdy for ric llnqn{ o, <br />L a\owtrc!olrhc ls,pcny, !mcrclu\ivcl, (onrracrrns wnh li.cnsd coDkdcrff t, c.nnrud rhc poicd (Scu. 7044. Rurn.s <br />Brn$$nCdlc:ThcContra.tx'sl-,c.nscL.edocsnordlplyk)anowncrolpiopcrlywhotiu,lJrorihtn,vcsrh$..n. <br />.nJ who conrmd { nn \urh tn+ct wirh a conrBcr)(n lEcnkd plruad h rh. cont,.rtrt Llccn{ ljw). <br />I amcrcmlx utrd{ Sccrn <br />I rl,irmu dcr p.n.Iy.r !rE!!z!r{ro! <br />I h.r arkl will frrinr0in a CcnilMlc of Cirnsnl to Sclllnsurc ntr rork.r- {omr.nsd ion. rs l'bvilcd tor by S..(ion J7( ofrhc <br />Ijtu C-odc. ror lh. Frfomtuc ol thc *.rk r'or *ti.n rh. lcmil is i$ued <br />lhavc rntl woltcr'.omp.nlalion in{traorc. ar EquircJ hyS.crx,n l?00o1rhc llbrtr Cqlc. nlrlhc lt.tomBnc. ot <br />lhc *ork n)rwhichrhr p.mir is i\{kal. M} wo cr'NnDcnsation insur,n& rni.r 6nd tray nnnb.r m: <br />Cri.._ <br />Policy Ntmb.r:- <br />_l c.nilyrlrat ir llr pcrlornEncc olthc wo,k ntr sniuh thr r.rnir is nsucd. I null n.r.hploy rny lf,ron n' a., m.nrcr <br />a, r{ lEom sb]cct to rhc h*si.omFnsalnn l.wr ofCalil,rmir, rnJ rsft rhar fI sbull rubicur rolhe <br />work.s.tq,cnsaliorForisionsofS&lion-1700.iih.LahorCodc.Ilhall.n,nhwnhcohl,lywr'hrh)$,Nvisions <br />WARNING: Fa'lur. h s.nrc workcs' .omFns.l irn covcnEc s unlawtul. and shall slbjcct an enplor.r ro dininal lEn .s Md <br />I lo om hundrcd lh.nsafr, dollis rfir,o(x,), rn i drotr kr rtu Los. ofconp.n\rion. d.m8.s ls {,{vklcd ktr rh <br />S.!ri.n 11,?6.Irh.ljhtr(hlc inrcr.( <br />I MEhy{lrtmu cr l{nalryol rcrjury rhrr I rn lidn{d r |n ov'\ ii)n ol Clr|rc, 9 ilomNtunu wnhS((r <br />of lhc Busincs lnd Pn tsions CGlc. en my ltcn$ n in full lnu <br />I lrcEby altirm nntlcr pcnaltyol perjury l[d llErc h <br />s$rd (S... l$)7, Civ. C.) <br />.ondru.ri,tr LnJirg rgcncr lnrih. Fdnrtunc. otrhcwork tur*hi.hrhtr p-rn,ir r <br />AEELICANLIECI.A8AIIO! <br />I Imbyatlmu lcr pcnrhyolpcrjury on. ol rh. iollowins dcclorllions: <br />D.mlnii. P.mitn^sh.(os Nolirrcrlion F..I€ml R.Suhrions (Titlc 40, Pan6) <br />_R.quind kner rNdifMto. <br />I rcnirirhd rh. rcJoalrcr ldrtr,n\rcn!,valnri.rrpdr.hlcn'ihnp3)1..r <br />hivc rc.dihFlapliialiflrxl drrcihar rh.lh)rc ir,.mrrtr)n tr.or.c! I r8rd r' $mdy qnh rll Ctry lnn Connr! <br />n..n,thc..hyrnrhorizcrrprcscnl lr!.rrlnsCnyrndCoutrlylo.nrcruFrli. <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Sollit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />l\4eter Release <br />Rough <br />FINAL l-n-l*bh.ffi <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />174 <br />ID/SIG. <br />Transformers <br />Sub-Panels <br />Service Meter <br />- <br />_=___,i_ <br />= <br />) <br />Dal€:- <br />L.[ Adrt ( _