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T} > EXPEDITED PERMIT PROCESS FOR SMALL.SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />. STANDARD STRINC SYSTEM <br />The information in rhis guideline is intended to help local ju risdictions and contractors identify when PV sysrem installations <br />are simple, needing only a basic revieW and when an insrallation is more complex. It is likely that 50%-75% of all residential <br />sysrems will comply with these simple crireria. For projects that fail to meet the simple criteria, resolution steps have been <br />suggesred to provide as a path to permit approval. <br />Reguireil InJormation for Pennit: <br />l. Sire plan showing location of major components on the property. This drawing need not be exactly to scale. but it <br />should represenr relarive location of components ar site (see supplied example site plan). PV arrays on dwellings <br />with a 3'perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separate nre service review <br />2. Elecrrical diagram showing PV array confrguration, wiring sysrern, overcurrenr prorecrion, inverte( disconnecrs. <br />required signs, and ac connection to building (see supplied standard electrical diagram). <br />f. Speciftcarion sheers and insrallarion manuals (il available) for all manufactured components including. but not <br />limited ro, PV modules. inverter(s), combiner box. disconnects. and mounting system. <br />Step 1: Structural Review o[ PV Array Mounting System <br />Is the array to be mounted on a defined, permitted roof structure?Yes No <br />I No due to non-compliant rooJ or a grourul noLtnt, submit cotnpleted \rorhsheo Jor lhe structure w(sl <br />RooJ Infoxmation: <br />l. ls rhe roohng type lightweight (Ycs = composition, lightweight masonry, metal. etc...)COI\,4P SHINGLE <br />IJ No, submit completed worksheet Jor rool structure wxs/ (No = heavy masonry, slate, etc. . .) <br />2. Does the roof have a single roof coveringz Eves Eno <br />f No, submit completed worhsheetJor rool structure WKSI . <br />l. Provide merhod and type of weatherproohng roof penerrarions (e.g. flashing. caulk)FLASHING Y CAULK <br />M ounting Sy stern Information : <br />l. ls the rnounting srructure an <br />beneath the rnodule frames? <br />en neered product designed ro n]ount PV rnodules with no rnore than an 18" gap <br />Yes E No <br />U No, provide details of structural attachment certtfed by a design proksslonal. <br />2. For manufactured mounring sysrems, fill out informarion on the mounting system below <br />a \tounrinp svsrem \lanutacrurer oulcK MOUNT producr 2n6 1u166g1X CLASSIC COMPOSITION l\,lOUNT <br />d. weighr per Arrachnlent Poinr 1b: c)29.7 lbs (if greater than 45 lbs. see WKSI ) <br />c. Maximum Spacing Berween Attachment Points on a Rail 48 inches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />1,438 <br />0.99 lbs/frr <br />U distributed weight of the Pv system is greater than 5 lbstt'?, see wKSl . <br />Step 2: Electrical Review of PV System (Calculations for Electrical Diagram) <br />In order for a Pv system to be considered for an expedited permit process, the following must apply: <br />I PV modules. utility-inreracrive inverrers, and combiner boxes are identifred for use in PV systems. <br />2. The PV array is composed oF 4 series strings or less per inverter. <br />3. The roral inverter capaciry has a conrinuous ac power output 13,440 Watts or less <br />4. The ac inrerconnection poinr is on the load side of service disconnecring means (690.64(B)). <br />5. One of rhe srandard electrical diagrams (E l.l.,, or can be used to accurately represent the PV <br />system. Interactive PDF diagrams are available at <br />Fill out the standard electical diagram completely. A guide to the electrical diagram is provtded to help the applicant <br />understand each blank to jll i1. Ij the electrical systetn ts more cotnplex than the standard electical diagram can elJectively <br />communicate, provide an alternative diagram with appropriate detail. <br />2 EXPIDI] ED PERMIT PROCI:SS FOR PV SYS] IMS <br />f. Total Surface Area of PV Modules (square lcet) <br />q. Disrribured weight of PV l'4odule on Rool (b + 0 <br />b. Toral weiohr ot PV l\4odules 2n6 33;15 1,425 6 lbs <br />c. Toral Number of Atrachment Poinrs43 <br />ft?