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20170552 - Permit (4)
Berkeley St
326 E Berkeley St
20170552 - Permit (4)
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Last modified
11/29/2022 3:37:19 PM
Creation date
11/29/2022 3:37:18 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
326 E Berkeley St
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Miscellaneous Counter1 Permit
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Resid-1 unit
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Description of Work
Installation of roof mounted PV system. All fees paid on #101102792
Nature of Work
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EXI'EDITED PERMII' PROCESS FOR SMALL.SCALE I'V SYSTTUS <br />STANDAtlD STRING SYSTEM <br />The lnlormation in this guideline rs inlended to help local Jurisdicrions and conrractors idenrify when pV sysrem insrallarions <br />are srmple, needing only a basic review and when an rnsrallarion rs more complex l! is likely Lhar 50%-75% of all residential <br />systems will comply with these slmple critena For proJecrs that fail to meet the simple crirena, resoturion steps have been <br />suggested to provide as a parh to permit approval. <br />Required Inforna.tion for Permit: <br />l. site plan showlng locarion of ma.lor components on rhe property Thrs drawing need not be exacrly to scale, bur ir <br />should represent relative location o[ components ar sile (see supplled example sire plan) pV arrays on dwellings <br />with a I perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separare Rre service revrew <br />2 Electrical diagram showing PV array connguration, wiring system, overcurrent protecrion, inverter. disconnects. <br />requlred signs, and ac conneclion to building (see supplred srandard elecrrical diagram). <br />f Speci6calion sheets and rnslallation manuals (if available) for all manufacrured components including. bur nor <br />lrmited to. PV modules, tnverter(s), combiner box, disconnecrs. and mounLing sysrem <br />Step 1 : Shuctural Review o[ PV Array Mounting System <br />Is tie aray to be mounted on a defined, permitted roof structurc? Ely"" Eno <br />I No due to non-complrunt roof or a ground mount. submft completed. worhsheet lor the structure WKSt <br />Roof hfonnation: <br />I Is rhe roohng rype lrghrwerghr (yes = compositron. lighrweighr masonry, meral, erc )CO[/P SHINGLE <br />If No, submit completed worksheet Jor roof stucture WKSI (No = heavy masonry, slote, etc ) <br />2 Does the roof have a single roof coveringZ Eyes D uo <br />If No, submit completed worhsheet for rooJ structure wKS t . <br />I Provrde method and rype of wearherproofing roof penerrarrons (e g flashrng cauik) Flashing <br />M oun t ing Sy s t etn InlorTnat io n <br />I Is rhe mounring strucrure an <br />beneath the module frames?ves ! lo <br />neered produc( desi gned ro mount PV modules w[h no more rhan an 18" gap <br />IJ No, proyide detqils ol stuctural a.ttachment certi,fred by a design proJessional. <br />2 [:or manufactured mounring sysrems, hll our informarion on rhe mounting sysrem below <br />e <br />hr of PV Modules and Rails 712 4 lbs <br />a Mounrrng Sys rem l\,lanufaclurer EcoFasten producr Name and Mo6r1g Rock it <br />b Ioral Werq <br />c Toral Number of Arrachmenr Pornrs 22 <br />d. weighr per Arrachmenr Pojn( (b:c)32.4 lbs(if grearer rhan 45 lbs,seeWKSI) <br />e. Maximum Spacing Berween ArLachment Poinls on a Rail 48 inches (see producr manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />Toral Surface Area of PV Modules (square leeo 246.5f <br />e <br />Ir <br />Distriburcd Weight of PV Module on Roof (b + 0 2.9 lbs/ftl <br />If distributed weight of the PV system is greater than S lbs[P, see WKSi . <br />Step 2: Electrical Review o[ PV System (Calculations lor Electrical Diagram) <br />In order for a PV $6tem to be consider€d for an expedired p€rmir process, the following must apply: <br />I PV modules, utility-tnteracrtve inverters. and combiner boxes are tdenrihed For use rn PV sysrems. <br />2 lhe PV array is composed of 4 series srrings or less per inverler <br />I The rotal inverter capaciry has a conrinuous ac power ourput I f.440 Watts or less <br />4 The ac rnterconnecrion point is on rhe load side of service disconnecring means (690 64(B)). <br />5. One o[ lhe standard electrical diagrams (El l,El lc) can be used ro accurately represent rhe pV <br />system Interacrive PDF diagrams are available ar wwwsolarabcs org/permit(ing <br />Ftll oul (he standard electtical diagran completely. A guide to the electricol diagram is provided to hetp the appticant <br />understand eacll btanh to lll in U the electricat systern is more contplex thun the standard electricdl diugra,n can elJectively <br />comtnunicate, provitle an alternorive diayam with appropriate detail <br />2 pxt,tt)t f ) PIRMI l)Rr)ciss F()R l,v sy5 t tMs
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