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20168319 - Permit (2)
Seventeenth St
1302 E Seventeenth St Unit# D
20168319 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/29/2022 3:40:44 PM
Creation date
11/29/2022 3:40:42 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
1302 E Seventeenth St Unit# D
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Wingstop Wall Signs and Monument Panels
Street Number
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Flood Zone
Description of Work
Install (3) led-illuminated channel letter wall signs for "WingStop", bond posted on M-72390
Nature of Work
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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />ua8aE88-CqMtEXSAUO!pEq,raaauo! <br />I hE.ty rmm lodd FEIyofpdjuryoicoilh. hllowlts ddetioN: <br />I fisvc dd will noi.raj! a C.r1ifiol. olcoMl lo S.ll l@. for rcrlda @nrp.nslim. s FDvid.d aor bv S*tior 3700 olthc <br />kbo. Cod.. for ih. psfoll@.c oalh. wort aor *iich th. psnn i istr.d. <br />-l hav. ud will rai .in Borl.4 coErdsllio. irourm.. s rcqun d by S6rio! l70o of lh. Ltbo. Co&. fot rhc pdfol)l@. of <br />rh€ work for whicn ini! p6$il is isu.d. M, workE obpq6arion iBute. cMi<.nd rolty ndbd e: <br />-l <br />cdifylhar in th€ pdfomm.. of lhc work forvh'chthisFmn is issued.l shall nor dPlov snv prson in tnvmann6 <br />s 6 lo b.con suhjd lo th. wo*6 conpotsdion laqs of C.lifomia, ed aIE lnd ia ! should bcom subjal to tbc <br />worliG conFErionprovisioN ofS..lion lT0Oofth. t l[r (ndc.l rsll. fonhNith complv uith rho* provisnr6.. <br />WARNINGT Failure to su. *.Ad comp.60lion covsasc B unlawful. od shall subl..r dPlo)€r lo onni,al lgmlti6 5nd <br />.ivil 6n6 uD ro on. fiundral lhorsd doll6 (1100.000). in addnion lo lhc cot of dma{cs a provid.d for rhc <br />Sdrion.1076 olrh.bborCod.. inlddl Md fiotEli fc.s/z/t q <br />DEgLAsArlO! <br />I hftby rrtrm lndcr pdslly o f Fjury lhdl I e licdrd unid Fovision of Ch!flq 9 (comacirs wilh SGtio. ?000) ol Divnio' l <br />ol rh. BBiiB md ttofdioN Cod.. Ed my lictrc is in tull loc tnd.ft*1. <br />".,. E/ z/ r q <br />CONSTETICTloN LENDII\C ACFN(:V <br />I h.Eby amm u.d€r Fnrlly o a Fjury lhsl lhft n a @nerucrion ldding agftcy for ln. pqfotfuc. of rh. vork for sti'h lhis pdnn is <br />isudt (S(. 1097. Civ C ). <br /> ad&6'- <br />AEEUIAtrLIES,AEAITO! <br />I hdrty snm undq pdllly olpdjury oDc ofthc fouovins ddld ions: <br />D.'olnonPnnns-Asb6losNorincario.r.ddal R.gulatrcns(Tirl.40.Pan6) <br />R.qnn d Lala of No.ifcaion <br />-l <br />.6riry lhn fic f.dd.l rcSuldioc tgadin& sbalos ,Emul u. not tpplt.bL lo tha poin <br />-l <br />cdiiry $t I h,vc @d lht tpglE lion d $alc th{ th. ilfoBErion n con .1. I tSre lo comPlv vih all Citv &d Cout, <br />ordinanc6 dd srar. ti\rs rchlins lo huildin!...erudiotr, ud aurhort. r.pr6olttiv6 o f <br />abo\ . mdtioned I'oFn, lor i.spcnion <br />ApDlicrnt o. Agcni Si*nrlur€'L,) <br />'%r?-Z^a <br />thL Chy ed Coury to 6lr upon <br />-",4117 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Rouqh <br />FINAL .th //,r -*{q) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Air Conditioners <br />Meter Release <br />Service lr,4eter <br />OWNER BUI LDER DELCAIIATION <br />I ns.t, amm uidd p6!ty of psjury rhs I m qcsg tom th. Conlh.ron Lic.nt tlw forlhc lollowbs rmn (Sd70ll.5 <br />BNin* ard Prof*iof, Codc): Any Ciry or Cou{y which r.qund a Fmir to co.sldcl. dld. inl9rcvq dsrclbl or (pan ev <br /> FE ro tu i$ecc. abo Eq@6lnc pplhul for $ch pdnil (o 61. a sigi.d 3t!l.Mr lhd h. or sbc a licots d pJj3Ar <br />to rhc provisio ol th. Coalr&le! Li..n*d t w (Ch5Ba 9. Comding wth Sa]lion 7000 ot DililioD I of th. B$ilB ud <br />Pmfcsioro Cod.) or lhal h. 6r !h. L .x.npl lhactom ed rh. h4ri! lot thc .llcgcd crdplior Anv violalion ol Sciion 701 L b, ev <br />appli.d for aFmii bjdsrh.,pplicslro! fiv. nundr.d dollus (t500) <br />l, s o$d ofrh. FoFry. or my oDrlo'6 wilh w.Be s ln.n $1. conFsdion, will do dE woll &d th. rn6r' h nor <br />intdrLd or olIacd for el. (Sd.?044. Bui.d dd Prea*ioE Cod.: Thc Conlrc.lor't Liccr Law do6 Dol gplv to d oMd ot <br />ric p.lFty who bu'l& or ihprDE llEE( trl who <kE Mh wl( hiro.ltor hagll or rhroush hi3 or hd om mplolt6. <br />prolid.d lhll such i6pro\61d. E mt ilnod.d orofrdd for sL lt lb{Bq. th. buiBiqs ot iEpsqEn n $B *ith orc rw <br />oacorrldion. rh. (,,rF Bol&i wil lEv. th. hrda ofprcvi'g lht lE or st'c dil nol build ot imFd. th. FoFtv br fi. pupoE ot <br />-1, <br />s oMs oflhc prcrd1y, m crcluivcly co racrins wio li.@5.d co r*106 lo coElruct th. pr!j..1 {Se 7044. Blain6 <br />dd Eol6iiD Cod.: Th. Co,iocrort Lic.M lrw dod nol apply 10 d oMd of proPalv who buil& or improvB !hr6( <br />ed $ho conlE1s for $ch Fljals with. Conl,elorls) lic6s.d pcMl lo the conhciols Lic.N kw) <br />I m cxcmpr ud6 Seion-. a. & P C lor lhis Bon. <br />ti.d.r r Nam. <br />- <br />--T <br />f-- T
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