<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Li ght Standards
<br />5 pas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fi re Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />,Ot//,'{,9)Bondin g/Grounding/UFER qlTz \1_
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof To p Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceili ngs (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release 4zz 'lttlnq)*tfi5l/rlq - JL Io ql/r,a p.k)-clt)),"..
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL rlzsi l.t tl4ntO
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />I h6.by.Ifm snds Fdy ol FJur' th. I d.rdrpr 6m tlE Cdrdd Li..E la'for rlE folloeiB r6n lsc.7oll.,
<br />Bd'na &td Prcfen Co<L): Aoy C{, o. Coui} shah t.qunB . pdnr ro @n tud. .h6. itrpror., &mlith tr lq.n e,
<br />!rtu.1u.. !.hr ro tu isLe., .!. ,.q!i6 0E.pplkor tol luch ponl ro frk. r'8rE ndMr rhr tE or rlE i lic.r*d FBrnl
<br />ro rlE ForirioE of ltE Com.-rd! Lrcn*d t * (clr4r. 9. Cooffibs sin S€l.n 7000 of Diviio. I of E BaiE od
<br />Psfdiou Co<t ) 6 rh, lE d .lE i! aory dE 6on ad tlE h6i! to. th. rlk!.d aaFbn Anr rnhion ofscrnn 70!1.5 b,&y
<br />!0plic&l tor . p6ril rubj6t' ltc spplicMt lo ! ci! il p.mhy o t nol moE ll'.r ,iv€ hun&.d doll&! {5500).
<br />_,. a o$c oldE rhpory, d n, 6ll'10)6 *ih s.s6 6 rh.n nt @mrdd6( *1ll .lo tlE *rrl rn dE rrudE a Dr
<br />inrdrj.d or otra.d ltr sl. (Se 7044. Buin* od Prolsio.r aod. Th. Conrrdors Lic* Llw {h6 not ippl} b & omd of
<br />'lE FbF} *tbhiilro.in..slnft,(inwb1106Mhhlthi.rclforlx*lfoillmushhnGlEow6rphr<
<br />ForiLd rhd sch mFDEEr. c @l rraiLd o, o&!d f!. !t l[ rb6r. dE hrilddB ( ir4.oqd ir ild uilir o( ]t
<br />.fmnlPldioc tlE OsE &ildd will h.vc llE hldor olFDwA lhr lEmih.dil.Dl hrld or m4rDE O. FoFi, tu. t F,poeof
<br />-1.
<br />B o*F of rh. Fspdy, e dcluriv.ly onr.dlu *nh licEr.d con8td !o odDd rlt Fj.< (Sc 7ut4. &l!J!6
<br />rnd liDfrsi'. Con r 'rnc Conlr.ctoi s Lic6. Llw do6 mr +ply to e owns olFopciy *ho build! or ihprovd rhron,
<br />-d uho $ln,xr! for *h Foill! w{h. Conrxlo(r) ltoE d gl!@r lorLco [dr'rLf,cgt !)
<br />_l e d@F ur<b Seraon_. B. & P C. for thn rce.
<br />D.r.: orE:
<br />ltaBrE$t(ourrlsallll!
<br />I lE b omm und.r ,EuXy of pqie,- oE ollh. tollou'im {t .l.'llsB
<br />I haw lri w ill niinllin ! CEiilrc.r. ol CoBot n, S.lf- lBurc for qdkda .o.rp..eron a rtov'(l.d for b, Sdion l?00 of rlE
<br />L,bG Co&, fo. th. FfolM. ot lh. *o for which fi. Fnn i! is.d
<br />-r
<br />h!r. .nd s 'll mrmr.in wo*dr' .onFlnni iNurN.. I rcqln.d qL Sdr
<br />'on
<br />:r 700 ol rh. t tr)r (-o&. for rh. Ffolrrlmc ol
<br />rh. work aor *hich thi! Fnn i iscd My Mrl.rr' Nop<anio. iNUrM.c cmiar srt pli., numbd rc:
<br />Co
<br />_l c.n't rhlt in rh. pdfolr1le. of rh. worl for $hi.h rhi. Fai ii ku.d. I .h.ll mr mploy my I@n in ny mDrd
<br />a' 6lo b.!am. $tFt ro llE srt6 onFBrion hsi of ( rlifomia !d 4r lhi irl dbuld broh. tuq.d io rtE
<br />srl6' ohFdan FlritiB of Sclion 1700 of th. t hor ('od.. I lrEll. ft,ll$nh ontl) *nh lrnt leri.bB
<br />WARNIN(; lailur. o su. so.ld comFMir. .0!66!. ir unl,rtul. d rhlll strbj s ar
<br />cieil th6 up ro oE hlDdrd rhlEn dolln (llo0.0oo). itr ..!tnr. lo th. con of co
<br />Sdrio.1076 oarh. Iitsr Cdla rr.6 rd.nlnB r a6
<br />I hcby .mrm urdd Fn6ty o f Fjur' thd I m li(dr.d unds p.!t i!io. o t Ch!{iq 9 *{h sdi.n 7000) ol Dirlsion I
<br />ol rlE BBJB arl Pmld$B Co{k. !n ny lk.* ir m flll fora in cfld
<br />r.(ccr.s - b, C t o,( ?,C 1C,-**,.* .:,4/ifzct -,-,^,J,r
<br />a-
<br />coMTnucTroN LFNnrIlG l(:rNcv
<br />I lscby aIItrr lnda Fnolyorpsjurylhd lhsc b.oldrucli.n ldnlins lsdcy torlh. pcfdme. olth.*o fot $t*h this Fmil ii
<br />i$kd (sd 1047. ( 'r c)
<br />I h.q.ftD undd Fdy of Frur- oE ol E lolbwitrS dElsdbN
<br />D.nrhbn Pmne^.bdor Ndifi.dion F.d6.l R.auldi! { rnL {0, Pd6)
<br />utr.rl LdrdofNotard$n
<br />fy rhn rh. f.d6al rcsubriod Esrdins ataror (tun ,l {! nor +!lrdbl.
<br />.drft rhd I ha. od rhi!.lpltd io. an e.'. rhd rh. .h.\ . in 'c.Fc1. I .s,a ro oiply *
<br />'rh
<br />.ll ('nt rnd Cod!
<br />ordmnc6 Md Sr.t.Irqs Ehrng
<br />'o
<br />boildiq coldtudiol!n6 of rhn cny &d couln' ro o16 won rlE
<br />ahr. nolion.J plop<ly for
<br />lpplionl or ,\t6l Sia..luE
<br />a4^M ew\
<br />I
<br />I
<br />.+
<br />. to/to 11
<br />^,"- t [fl5/q
<br />.^,.'a/254q
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