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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />T ype ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL <-2''11 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER BUILT'ER DIIIAIAIK)II <br />I harlr .Irm u!& Frly or Fiur ltr , e u.!gr 686 tlE Codr<rd tj.cE t 6. E fouowiq t&n (sE.?0r1.5. <br />&ri6 !d Prcftsion Co<h) A!, Cny o. Colny rti.n ,!q!i6 . Fni lo o!rD.l. .!q. !ry.ot.- daDlalt d tFi -, <br />rr!dB.. Fir ro i! iuEc .lo rq{iE rlE 4dir! t r $ch Fbn b 6L r irr.d fiaar $. b d i. ir tiqEcd ps.t <br />to d. FlviriE of rb colnrErd't Li@r.d t * (Ch.F6 9. Col!'ciR wil Selih 7000 of DivniE ! of t!. B6i6 -d <br />Ploftriou Co&) c 6.r E o..lE b sc&p. llE!n!6 -<t llE t-b 6r rh. rlb6d d@Fbd Aly vbhb! ots<lbr ,0! l.t br.!, <br />lr?liDt tor r Fd .t,ralr rlr +lter to ..ivilFLty of ml i*u@ fE. ho.dld &l!.. (t 00). <br />-1, <br />s ow ofrh. FoFry. d 6y..pbla witt *l- ! rhd blc @,nCdBdb,L *r[ & tlE wr d dnnlEc it a. <br />idad.d nof6ld &. rl. (Se.704a, 6\i.. cd hlf.siors Co&: Tlt c(ftd 'rtj.aL{&66lSrlomolcof <br />th.FDFry wno hilt 6 iE oE d!@!. od wto &r r.[ $.r hnelr d lEdf d lbougt hit d td om 6Ploy..t, <br />Fovid.d $. &n inFEtd !16l irdd.d doftid 5. d. U,brtc.t hilt8 6 hqor6.d b nU *tnb* !d <br />of cdplain tlr OrG B{ild6 wi[ bE lt. hr&r of Fovtllr h.o, JL dil rcl b{ild n iryoE Ua !!Fty &. Jt F !.,.or <br />-1. <br />r o$G of lh. For6ty. @ udud.t.onnciB r-th licEd @iit-ioD ro olnrud rl* Foi, (s<. 704[ arc <br />dd ?r.tri. Cod.: TIE CodrEd r Li.@ Le &16 mr .,ptr ro e old ofpoFry who t{ikb d tED.o6 $aar. <br />ed *ho od-r! h. Bt F!.icr! wir! ! c. ...,ro(, L@.d D{.rd !o ri. corldq r ltla L*). <br />I m.roDr unddsatnln .Il & P('. aorrhb..6on <br />D.r. oird: <br />.EABf,E85:.CAI'IEdSAIIO! <br />DficuEAJIq! <br />I ffiy 6mm udq p@lly ot Fiury oG of rlE 6ollowitrC (khr.li6G: <br />-l <br />lw. !!.1rill obr.h. Cdificd. oacodor lo 6. urdt Mr6.!id\ - FviLd tu !y Sdlio! 1700 of tlE <br />trbor Cod.. tu fi. Ffolrtt.@ 01lt. wt t strih tlE Fni i is.d. <br />-l b.!..rd *ill idrin nrla @oFldioi i6!trc. ! ir{uild by! l?@ of lb. Lrtfi Co& 61rt. Ffolacc ot <br />dE Er 6r rnin thir Fbn ite.d M, wdto 6ryd6 bdrc ir.d polic, n6t t <br />UA <br />-l <br />cdiry a ii uE F6tffi otrt rc{ lb. EiGt ths FEir s b.!.(t I d.ll @r o4by &y Pa&. ii e, m@E <br />s Bb bclc sber to tlt wt6J @dr@dio. Lw of cnibdi.. rd ryE$r if t rlbuld be@. lubj*r ro th. <br />mrt6 66Fsdio. FDvirioE ot sedon 3?@ olrh. L,&! codc t irll bnhwnh @opl, wu! rlb* Fviri6 <br />wAiNlNG: F.i!r ro s@ srta'@!p6rbr @va.B. b @l tuL !d 3h.! ltjel & .4loF lo siEnd Fdb tn <br />.ivil f@ up io oE hnH tloqd 4,1!8 ( in .ddnion lo rh. .or of coq6.ior &ri6 6 Fovid.d hr 0E <br />\lt <br />IJCEdIII.COAITACINE <br />DECtaSArlo! <br />t ha.t, rffitu g!& F.ry of Fiw, thr I 6 !.d @<t6 Fvhio. orctrBs 9 (6l!!l4i4 tltt sccrir ,000) or Divi'ion l <br />of $. aliB &d Ptoft6i6 cod.. .'d o, tic@ i h tuU 6r -1.,&.r. <br />B (ol22Vo <br />k a 11 c T <br />I hady .lEn uldd ! ot FjBy d. lt@ ir . @ir,!cb. biis tEr 6r tr Ffor@l.. orrhc E t fot sttt llt! FEi i <br />hr.d (s... l()9r, Ci'. C.). <br />Ldd6', A.l&E: _ <br />lI2UCAItr.llCI4AAIlq! <br />I haty.eE @da F.!y of Fjlry @ ol tlE b[ossr &.LriE: <br />Ddolnioa PaEie^.tad tlorifcdih &d R.gllrlb@ fTlb :10, Prr6) <br />-R.qlriEd <br />t naotNo0ncrir <br />-l <br />cqriB thr rlE Ldal iqulriod ns.ding @erl e 60r ?pli.!bL lo r,t Foi.rl <br />-l <br />dif, llln I lc rcj $n .pdi..riri d r.l. thi tlE r6ov. intonnbn n .ord I .€c ro @npl, *ih .I Ciy &d Cour y <br />odlle6 ad Sulc LrB,*iB ro t{ildiie.o,mtdioit d{ lE6, l,Edk EFadIrE otlhs Cry.!d Cooq lo Ella l4on tlE <br />.h.r. @rD!.d DroDor' tu orD9.ib. pr,poE // t I <br />^**^-^",rn-,u,r7d- -&? - <br />*, '-L/BJ9 <br />Pmi*eiF',f - -r111!j <br />I <br />IIII <br />I <br />MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />.-- . 94 tt- <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Furnace <br />Rouoh Ductwork <br />/r\