<br />I h6d,l .,lrr urdr Fui, of FjEy iht I a ddry 6on 0E Codrd* t{.e t^' 6r
<br />'lE
<br />folb"i.g lBn (Sa ml l.5
<br />B6ind ad Profdion Codc): Ary Cny or Cddy *tifi Eqoir6 r FEn lo codtucl. a, inFovc ddndtlh or EF! &y
<br />ltrlf,1ue Fior ro ilr i'l]4.. &o r.qric rlt TdEd fu Mt FBn ro fiL..'sad riqEr rh, h. or.lE b lr.6.d pdird
<br />b E Folirb6.ltlE co rrrdi l,r6r.d t w (ch4ra 0. CoMirs wih Sdion t00O or nivnior I of r BGiB !n
<br />ProrBion! Cod.) or $.1 lt or 3h. n .r@fl rhacfrod .nd lh. tclii lor rh. rlk!.d .ro!$ion any riollrion ofsdlhn 7011.5 br dy
<br />rp?licd ror. prdl rbjd! tb. Tpliul lo . civil F hyofDt mElhr lir. huldcd &,lla! (1500).
<br />l. a om6 of lh. FDFty, or ny @plorB wilh w+6 q th.t sL omFMio". will d. th. "st &d llr .ltud@ ir rcl
<br />urq'r,.d or ofi6.d tor sl. (SE 701,1. Bci,6 Ed Prcf6bB Cod.: 'l1r cdndu r Lacg t v dE d +ply lo & oh6 of
<br />rh.F$F, *i$ h! nd nF!6 tlEe rn elb d6 irh rrnl hiEl, ot lE*lr or llmusn hn or hd.*n drphtc
<br />Fovil.d lh,l tu.h mr.ovcEn. c rcl i'Gn d or olEtd tu nl. l[ ho66. 0r btritu! d inF..ldrEi it $ld winin on. Fr
<br />ofo,pL{iE lll O*E Brildd *ill hrE llE hda ofF.rDg thr lE or JE dil ml hild or itrT.DE th. FrFy fo. E Flposof
<br />-1.
<br />s oMd of th. FlFry, m.lcluiv€ly co r(ins wirh licd6.d colirnoE ro onrnd th. phjd (S< 7044, Burn6
<br />rn hritam co&: Tnc ( ontt&d r Li.M h* dc mr rgprt ro do$E of rrop.ny rho b{il,tr or inprot6 lhd@tr
<br />dd slE slrrel! ltrru.h Folxl.*th. Coir..to(r) lto!.d psrur.i rorlE conlr.doir Ltle L&)
<br />_l d .rdF u,iq s.ni.
<br />!!45!8ti1l}ufE!I4r!,N
<br />Dzlf_l-ll-R TloN
<br />I h6.tr.rm !nd( Frht oaFluryon.oa'h. aollo*inU d<l&.'ioB:
<br />-l
<br />h!\.d$rll[i e. Cdif(d. of ColEi r. S.laler. for wlsr @mp..ilron. B Flvd<d foi bt Sclit ]700 of lE
<br />hUn Coda aor rh. Ft rMc. of rh. wt h. *nich rh. pd a isar
<br />-l h.r. rxl rill roid.ir Nrt(, cotrp.sdiotr iIEUme s Gtund bt kon 1?00 olllE Unor Co<L. for tlE Ff llry. of
<br />th. $!tt a( whi.h lhi3 pcnn k E Et My sila @r,pqliion iIMffi 6ir id Flty nunlE..
<br />.-- (^,,-l ?ressWCTFS5 '?-a
<br />-l
<br />cd'!rhd 'n'lEFfo,Ie.of ih. uo't forsnxhrhnFnn ir ie.4l lhll @t dplo' my Fen r xy mllE
<br />F a b baom. tubjdt to th. m*d' oDFMio. hs oaciiaomn. Md .3r thd il I tholld bconc iuuc.l ro rhc
<br />srt6 comp.rE lio. provuioD ol Salbn :l?00 or0E l.bor (itc I JulL tonle nh @nqny wnn rlrE Forii.B.
<br />WARNINC: F lhrc lo Ku. wort6' co,npsMion ovarcc n u.hsfol dd shrll subj..1 e onployg to sininrl Fuii. Md
<br />cnit 6nd u0 ro .e hlndld tho6&d r!.,llr. (tlm.ooo). i. .dtnion k'
<br />'tE
<br />cor of comFNrirn. d&r86 6 Fov'd.d for 0t
<br />.f rh. I ibor ( o&, orsd ald .t@- ,i fG
<br />I hslby rlrm u 6 Frh, of Fjury $n I m li.a!.d ur& Fltnion otch.pls g (offiin8 wnh Selbn 70001otDivilhn l
<br />ot r AGil6 !d PtofdioB Co&..id o, ltoE . r tull l6E.d cffd
<br />LLD -:'1qaoq
<br />LOIL ."",,..'". r! ( Qar €
<br />I hs!b, .rm !,id FrIy of Frury itr rna. !! . @dru.lio. lcdi,3 ..6y for llE Ffo.trE. lrllt *!rt hr $lth lh! Fna a
<br />Lq.d (s< 1097. ( iY C )
<br />I hd*, llIm u*ld Fr.lr, of Fjury oE of lh. folLf,inB &(LdioN:
<br />D.mlnion Pmn*,&b6loJ NolincrioD Fajsal R.luhtioN (1n1.40, Prn6)
<br />-R.quRd
<br />L!!qoat{diftrm
<br />-l
<br />cqri! rhi rlE f.ddrl csuLtN6 Esrdins Bt-ror tE[n .l u. ftn {l?1f,lbL ro thi. Foj<I
<br />I cdia, ihal I h.v. rcal rhi! rppli.drion ed.l.l.ihd rh. abovc rnlo@ri.n t.oEd l sgrato.ompl
<br />ordile6 od srd. tr*! Elli,B ro b.ild'ng .onfud i4 rn hEclt rurthm. r.F*rn n€of rhir( n
<br />y Rnh.ll Cny ind Counly
<br />y !d ( ourny r. ard l4on tlE
<br />'b\. lFrnnoj pmpsr) for fttErFn
<br />,tppltonr or ,lgor Slgn.rur elzoln
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />To rquerng
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />lValls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Squgh
<br />Service MeterF|NAL
<br />"/2
<br />//q F/4i rLfr /f/
<br />Notes, Remai'k's, Hc
<br />Transformers
<br />,'L...---
<br />I .ndd r ^&rs
<br />T