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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OI'NET BUILDEN DEI' i TION <br />I ffiy iffm uldd Frt, of Fjry thr I d a.rTl fhh llt Codr.cldi U..e Lrw tor th. f.llo$t8 !E)r (SE.?o]l.t <br />BNilB .rd P6a.*rbn aod.) AIy Cn, ot Coud, *tsh EqoiG . Fni lo @(rru.i .nq. nrFoq 4tdih o, 'l?.n m, <br />h(tE Fu to ir! iEl4t. .!o cqoi6 llE +dirn lor Eh Fnn lo 6lc . 3iri.d rrdE lhr h. o. JE it ltq!.d F ilj <br />b E FlvirbE of dE Col{r&lci tiln.d Lrr (Cll4rs 9. CoE,lrds $ilh S.(b. 7@ ol Divtbn ! of ilE B6i6 rld <br />Pmfdiod Co&) q tha b. d rlr i' qalF 0E nlE !n dE llEir fot llE.l!S.d 669lion. any vnLrM ots<ib! 70!1.5 by ey <br />.prli.d fo! . p6mir tubjdt rh. .pplidl lo . civil pdlly o f @t mE lhr fiv. hudEd doud ( lr00) <br />-l- <br />s qrcolli.FsFt .6o,aQbr6 wifiet..ltdiL @ttf6.i,G vi!.to t!.EtdtbttndE id <br />narH cdtrd h. rh (5...70+1. EnE ed hlbb. Code Ttc cont cd.' Liq' t3 <b.. D( rfr, io n olG of <br />r,E ElrE *ho hdf, 6 n'go6 thau. -d *b &. rd uE hiddfd hdtdld lhqr,! nir ( hd o6.oPbrt-. <br />'rlvi.LdO, <br />$.h irVDElB E ol ilqtd.d d ol&.d nt .b l[ lE*tr.0t toildba o b9.Dtd., i.ld stht! tr ]d <br />of@@ldi' OrG B{il& wil h* t hlddofFoeit li.lE6tsdd Dt hild6 iiqtlc0E FDFr, ft(dEFrDo*or <br />-1.-Mofrt <br />FDFry. e*btGtcotr.lriB*ni [.d.d @dadio@di!.r t FDi! (sc. nr.. trli.r <br />dd Artin co&: Th. Co' .rdort Lt.u.lrw do.r er +Ply to o otE orFlFr,who t il& d iDFDt!. rlEot'. <br />Ed Bho @tuldr rs od Foi6$ *ilt r li.s!.d purar lo rh. conr&rd t li6q L&). <br />I rqddr 'ddd S6rM ,B aPC 6rGttE6 <br />wonktrllsi coMpENsarloN <br />DtctaSAuq! <br />t ,!d.t'y .llm us& ,o.ny of Fjury or of llE fo[owiis d.cbdna: <br />-l <br />nrE d vil Mi .n. Cdti!..Gof Coo.d ro Sdt-lBE fr dt.. 6fi.!di,l! . FviLd tu tyseli@ ]700 oltb <br />lrbd Cod., fntt Ffqller of ttc eqt &. *ti.'! lL Flnn i iaElt <br />-7* O *Ut *.*- dll!a.b. iells., r rlqllitn by ScriE ltoo ofo. t bor C.d.. for $E Fft.Gc or <br />tt 6t h. ,hih Ui FEi ir ib.d M,sdla @aFEbo iBlrc dir &d !olt, ofibq c <br />?ol4 Jrn r,,.rorr Q,!r {f, at <br />r.r A t Ko?lrO.4{szG qlLll b <br />-l <br />.fiit dlr i! th. F6t'!eE ol$. *qr f.. wtth lf,i Fni ii iE d. I .l Dl o4by d, FM i! oy Dr <br />b !to b@G et i.r lo l[. wr6'! lts ofc.liboi !d tctld if I rlelil b@r sli.r ro lh. <br />worta' oslFlaion Flvirioo of S6tba 3700 oflh. U&o( Co& I C.ll. tlnhwnh ondy eirb thot FovbioB <br />WAXJllnC: F.itur io GG wt4 olrdh @!s.r. t ELetut -d !t I DtFl 6 oi"bF lo oirbd drb.d <br />civil 6E op ro @ hd.h.l $oL-d dolln (lloo.Oool. h rddnnn b E 6n of @EP..dio.. ddi6 ! FlviLd fot th. <br />Serbr 1076 ofrt t tor Codc idctr ad <br />o.",511111 <br />^ <br />:l.Jtn*.,J*r."t, <br />IJCTISE.CqIITACIIAI'CI.AI'IIa! <br />I h6!t, .lIm u.dq Fuh, of FiJry thd I & liG!.d otds FlvbiD of cn!F6 9 (olltlt@iis *ih saibo 7000) of Dvirbn ! <br />of rlr Bunia &d PDfdbN Cod.. !n Ey licd i h tull foc rd cfrer <br />t?^cju ?'{ <br />,." ttll l ti !d"rt&_e*rtq /L+4f <br />corNlBrclolullDl!trlcElg <br />I h6rt,.ffm u!& FrlyofFj'ry lhr UE ir. o.r.!diE lstdila r..y tu dt F6@rE of tlE srt br otti lii.,-Dr i <br />irk d (sc.1097. ci!. c,) <br />AIIIJCAULDECI'E,AUA! <br />I ho!!y lnim 6d6 Flhy of pqjury oE of rh. lollowin! d6l& ion, <br />D@olhion Pqmn&Alb6r6r tlotilic.liot r.(b.l R.guldbG (TnL 40. P.n6) <br />-R.qui!d <br />lrld of lJor!fi..d <br />-l <br />c6li8 lhll thG fcd.rd rcguhlioB tlSrttinS ab6rot rmoul r. ml .grltrbL lo thn Fljdl. <br />-l <br />cdit thr I l!r. rqd lhi 4'ltiion &d n.r. Or dE .t !. inh,Mion ir cder I .gc ro otrlply <br />ddii'lB Dd $d. LM Elrt io <br />,toE lMriorEd FDFi, tq dpcr <br />oiitxibr nd lEd, uho:r,q6. ri6of fi.Ci,!d Co'dy ro .d6 uF. dr <br />Applictrl or A86l Si8r[rw <br />?anie oG (Fid):_G\&%\,\ <br />slilll,- <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 9,/zz-//z -z-W,?n <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />tt <br />--------T------