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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />tDEt(J COMMENTS <br />Site-Work a ! <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meler I,A <br />d.,\).u-,i110FINAL?! <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />( <br />OWNER BUtTl'ER DEI,CAN flON <br />Ihd.byrfrmuiddFd[yofrqjuythdImccnglfrlmth.Co..ctotr'Li..elrwlorthtfollowinstq$.(sc70]lI. <br />Bqi'B ..d Prctsitn Any Ciy or Coudy *hth r.quiB . pona ro 6trrrucl. dld. idprov.. daelith or rF.n ov <br />dnEre Fix ro il' inlec. iLo rcqliE rh. pltr"l for sh FEn lo nL r tiBEd srdE lhd lE o, CE i! liE!.d FE r.d <br />ro lh. prolirio6 ot th. Conlr*ld! Lt6,Gd trv ((Ii+td 9. Comtri.s *'nh S..rion 7000 of Oitnb! ! ot 0t aGiE -d <br />Prof{ioB Co&) m lh.l ls or .tE 6 a.oF thd.nom Dd rh. tG! for 0E tlbs.d anFioi. Ary vnhion oasdbn 701 L5 tv ev ' <br />.pplt!fl to, 6 pdnir rubjel! th. +?licdn b a civil Fdty of ool eG thu fiv. hundEd &lld tlr(xl) <br />r. c o$E of rh. FDFly. d nt anphld sth $ls6 B rlEn $h @nFMior uill {b llrrql.d drrdw. ml <br />itancd or ord.d fd sl. (Sc.704.1. 9u!I6 dd Prof{b6 (_.d? TIE conn.dd't Ls.E l^ &6 nol +ply ro , orE or <br />usll him.lrorh*lf or lhmush hn or hd om aDplo)6. <br />$k I[ l$wdq. lhc hrilliu or mprovqEi( i! $ld vlhr onc ta <br />rld h. or JE dil mr t ld or inFir. thc Fl,rEty br [a F,rntof <br />hcn6.d conrdoE lo qrBlrucl ltt pr.i.t (S(. 7Ot'1. Ed,6 <br />n6 oaprcFny qho brild! or i6ptoe6lhddn. <br />ro rlE Conr&loi r Uw)ed *ho otrr&6 lor $.h ,.!i.(t vnh i (i'dr&io(r) <br />_-l 6.rmF ud.. S.n <br />Y,,^,"1'/e 'tf <br />I nd.b 6rnT ui& pG6n) of Frury oN olnE follor itrs &cLr.lD6 <br />Ihav.divillrui sin ! Cdlilicdc of Colgt ro S.lf-lEur. forworldr onlP.nolio., s provid.d lor by S4lion:r'7(JO otlh. <br />lllri. Co<r.. for rhc rEaol:lre. of ttE rot hr which rh. pamii it is.d <br />I h.E dd [illEi.ltin N*dr comFds! iM., s rcquir.d q sdiro ]'r0O orlhc lrbor co<L.6rllE Frolr,j,e of <br />rh. wo.i tor *'hth rhn FDn i i$.d My sdldr' NdFlrirn ilum. nit td polry n@bd r. <br />rh{ font n irru.d, I .ll ool dpluy e, F*'r in any du.d <br />u I ( ililomir DJ isG rhd ra l .tnuld ba od. $bd o rlE <br />rlrr Co&. I th.ll. tdh$'ith conpl! trilh lho$ pFriioE <br />W RNING: rn,tur. ro su. *0116l Nrpornion $r-4. 6 u wful, rld CsU $bFr u mplt'.F to @dl FEtis lrj <br />civil fin6 u! rd on. nundr.d lhousd doll6 l1100.0(x,1), <br />Salion 1076 ot rh. llor cod4 hrd.n &d .norBy! 16 <br />ion lo thc cosr of comFMrion. daus6 a ,rorid.d for lhc <br />\ <br />,^,.('t I-t <br />I hd!5y otfrm undq pa[lly of DaJ! y rhd I m li.slt d l!d.t Foyilion of( htpq 9 (cohffiing {nh sdrhn 7000)of DNBDT l <br />of rlE BuiB irl tt!16i,6 Co<!. -d my lt6g i! h tull foir.d.lf<.r <br />coNsTtt(Tl(rN t r{DrNGacFN( Y <br />I aIttro undd Fsll, of lcjury lhn rhd. i! . @dtudiin k dins rsdcy to, lh. Faomdcc otlh. s.I aor sti(h rhi! Fril i! <br />sr.d (SG 109r, ( iv C) <br />Altu(AlllEglaarro! <br />I Hry dfto uidd Frt' of Fj!,y oE of llE foUou i4s &.l,rnio6: <br />D.nohion Pdmil!-A3bdlor ion F.ddrl R.suldiont (t nb 40. Pd6) <br />_Rcquinrl lnrd oltlorifi cdbi <br />, I (d i6 rhd !h. fcrldd r.lul,lb6'lrn! 6b6tor rfr\ il r. ft{ 'Jlfli dbk ro rhs r( J<d <br />Zt td,r\ na t tE*,.aa $- ,***'., I ,/. *. *. "rn( rrDnd i,,. 6 cotrd I asit ro comPrv q,rh au ( <br />'rtd.d <br />( ounrv <br />ffiM.6 ud slik ll*! Eldin* !o h d' cqaendr( en h6t{a tlrhiv. rqie{.riv6 ofthis ailt rtd Cou{vro a'd upon th.::*:::Xl'"W,+ -,.4 t 8 ', ?Appu trrorArdtshr-ir- /- O <br />Pmr,( ..h. rprrn, r, 'Dnv14 Jnvc*<z <br />APPROVALS DATE <br />cglify rhar 'nrhl pdformnftr <br />ab beo €sut ct to thc world <br />l.rud. Numta