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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS , OWNEN IUII,I'ER I'EI'AT TION <br />I lE*, .trm u!& otFju', thr I o q@B tli tt Con c6 Li(Et t s fo. lrl trro*ra iqrse m:11.t <br />a6iE. ad P.oftli[ Cod.): Ary cn, d Cody *tkh FqtiE. FEi to .ol,ru(r,.!6. iip.orq &lolihd lF.n 6y <br />tutrc Fixro i! ir4.'.bo .rqoiE tlE idid 6r r.rr FEn l. fl.. {t .d r.qH $. lEd rlr i li<st d Fn r <br />ro rll. Fovli(E ol tlE Co'rrdci Lisr.d Le {Ct.F6 9. Co'@r!t with S.dbi 70@ of Divirioi I ot tll BuilE dd <br />Prltiio6 Co<L) or d3 h.aL i qaB. ttddlo-d li. t .t 6r llE dt.|E l s.4.btr A!, vbLiot of Sc,6i r0ll., b, D, <br />.ppliod tu. Fna ot en dE rdsd lo..ivil Pdly of 6r llGto litc hu(H d'lLr {1500) <br />l. ! olE of tL FoFrr. n 6r.ebla sit *i6 ! lt i -L oq@ri,t, sl.b tlE rqt d ll. n'tG i rEr <br />ir@ d oBld frr -t (Se.7oaa, AriE !d PtonliE cod. TIE Cocrt t li* t * <ho 6r ryt to t olc of <br />t FlFty elD hdrta i+!G dEEA nrt dD <16-.t 6t iiodld 6E lforrlrtdtiatto6.abrtd. <br />Fovid.drnr i.t iryoEdGdn d.droftld 6...1a ll, hor@.t biltt a itPqa6 i -! *dn c rd <br />of.aqLi,!. ri. orE B& ril hE 0r hr& or Fwir rh L d S. dd Dl lrd! d iq$t lb FlFry ft. $. FrIo.. or <br />l..ffioatt FlFry.6a.r!iE onah3 eit li.c.d@nrrddlo oni'lc O. F!r.d (Se.70a,l. AliE <br />nd h.idncod.:Ilt C.dErdt Li.d&re.lG Dt +plyro -ouaofFlFy r,t. b{ilid iEcto6liq@( <br />rvl *.lD o d. fd Bt Fqi6r wit. Coedq(t) lioo.d pt@.n lo dE canrdd . tiE tlw} <br />I D d6F !.dd sclion B. & P.C lor thb r6otr <br />]llrBaESl:CqtuEdsAlto!DETIIIAIIA! <br />I h6.t, rmm urdE psdry olFjrry or. of rhc lollo*ing d<l&liod: <br />I ha\. uv.l q ill 'Minriin . ( cn in( . ol (i'nFr r. Ireot. for wo*6 onnFs.rion, .i tn !id.J tu ,rq scrkt 17fii ol rh. <br />lrt r (id., nn th. tsfol1Mcc of rh. tr o* lor n'hi(h lh. p6nil a i$od <br />&qliEd by Sdion 1700 onlE tr6o. Co& for lh. FfqtlB8 of <br />i,! i.ll]!e 6i(r rrd Flty nMb6 r.: <br />4* <br />t qiiry rha in dE FfoldE of {E s* fq wtth thir Fri a i..( I .t I mr o4&ty uy ttu b dy ordc <br />- .lo !<lc sliel b rh drd 6lt+d!lt L6of Cdi6. ad tE rllr if l lnodd b@ ertid lo lf <br />wi6' @rpaniE Frviirr of Scrbo 1700 ol[E t&. Code I fi[ fath,ni ddy *i6lto.. FDvii6. <br />e rrDlora lo ciniEl dda !d <br />.ivil fE up lo @ ludnd {bsd dollrt (llm.o@). in iE, dd.t6 ! ForiLd tu llE <br />UCT{SED 'NNTI '-TORDtctdSarlo! <br />I ha!6, .frrr uldd Fdy of Fj6y rllr ! 6 t(@.d @& Fvirid of chttc a (@its wnh sdrbi ?@0) ot O,!nb. ! <br />ot rb. Bui*r td ltrhioB Co&. !.1 D, lios h t! tull &r.! ad .lba.'b <br />I (.n\. ('ln\\ <br />,"," -aIsJrl *Lt57d> <br />(' <br />IlE by rlrh u.dq of Fjrry thi llE ladiis.str, fo. thc Ffolrlrlm.f lh. xql h. snkh lhir p<Dn i! <br />Lrb r A(lltE: <br />- <br />AIS.ICAILDECIASAIIO! <br />I Hr.&Eu& F.l, orFic, d of lb folbri., &.briE: <br />D@oiio! Priilt.Alb.r6 tadiftair f.dd.l llgllriE Grb ao. I|16) <br />-R.q!ir.d <br />t ra oll.odtutd <br />- <br />t cdiry fid rlE f.da.l 'rrrlaiE Ertdi4 rtdd l@td e 6l {plt &L ro th! <br />a <drE1 I ryE lo @qly *hh .ll Ci, .!d Coorn, <br />dditEq -d Sr.G rlthJo <br />rloB Ddio..d EDFi, ft(djd^xffi%:: <br />orhdiz rq&rriv6 or::2m <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation 7 -tL- \'l .J).=t o d4)- <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork 4 ?.('11 I ),LtdrA 9 <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar 74- nJo 2t6{rA <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL /o'/7- /7 ,.4-t.{e -tt') <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />lnstallation