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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OTINER BUILDER DElTARATION <br />, h6.l'y .rrn !n& FrXy oa Fjury rllr I m d.rq'r filn rlE Cod,*rod LtdBo Llr aor th. rollowtrB la)r (S€.?0ll 5 <br />BBi.s .nd i.of6ion Cod.l Any Ciry or Cou,ny *hth cqu;6 r pditrir to cotrrtucl. .ta. ut4..\c doellh or 'tp.r ry <br />3ltud&, rior ro ir! s!m.., abo Eqtn6 tb. for iu.h Fmit b liL i sisn.d rldtul lh.l h. o. JE i! li..nrd puM,n <br />lo lhc Fovirio of lhc Confuroar t,icd!.d t w (Chqnd 9, Co@.ncin8 whh sdtion 7000 of Divition 3 oflhc BsinN od <br />PofBioN Co&l or lh.l lt or !n. i noF thd.inn ud rh. b.tb for llE dhs.d doBim Any viohrion oas€lion 701 L, by uy <br />rlplic! for ! Fmn iubj..l! rh. .prlicul to ! riril FBty of mt mr lh.n nv. huid.d &rlln {l5m) <br />W RNING: [i,lur. ro 6d. qorl6 onp.Mion cor6.*. i! unla$tu|. rn! +.ll lubFl m mplort ro aimi l Frnb ud <br />ciril nn6 tp io on. hund..d rhorqnd doll6 (tloo.uxr), in .ddirion ln rh. .oi 6r comFMrion. !m.{6 6 provid.d nn lh. <br />sdion 1076 of lh. tjbor Codc. inrs6t ed slrorEy \ 16 <br />lEctlxallotr <br />I hcltr lllm uida Fury of Fiury rh. I a l,.q!.d u,ia Frtir. of ctl4la c (otlllffiil| snn SErbn 70m) of Dn iri l <br />of th. Bair !d Preftsio6 Co&, id ny lioe ir r tull loc <br />L**.cb* tJ4_C3+ <br />-,, l2-/t1lE <br />C. 2- r.i.@.Numb.r&pluJ**5lt <br />cox$f,u(IlatrrltDtlESlillcr <br />I h@by altun undq piulry o f Fjury rha lhd. i! r .odtu.r irn kndirg !g6cy for lnc p<foruoc. of rh. *ort tir s'hich rhn pcnn i! <br />issu.d(S( 10s7. Civ C ). <br />Lada t AditE: <br />AITII{:AXLDEC'.A8AII9! <br />I ho*r .trm und6 p6sty o f Fjury or of rh. aollo$ i.s d.cltrr io.s <br />D.molitun Pdmit!-Asbelos Nolificilion t.dsal RqulilioN { I nL 40. Ptn6) <br />R.qliral l!!6 oa l'ldifi.nFo <br />I c6rr I,- rha rlE f.d6.l csuhrrE Esrdill€ at !o3 r@\ .l &. mi +olk.hL ro rhir Fol.d <br />I cqrily rh.i I h.!. tdd rhn qrlE.tion &n sl,t.rhd rh..&,r. rnfor.ui.n i..otrdl I +rd to comply *nh .U Cny ..d counl) <br />o.din!M6 dd Slat. t q Ghlus ro ttr'ldirs co.srudnJ( dd h6.ty ru'hort. r.F6mrdir6 ofrhis ('nyed Couly to dl6 up.rr tlE <br />l-,-",'-llil"ll"Vrj,rii7+,r <br />Pmi,rn.m.,pr,n,,: la;. pu { L u,,+t <br />pltlo <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL <br />"/14//4 <br />Frnote /'r?-, <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />l, s o*G orrh. FlFry. d m, oplorE *nh $.96 6 $L onFErha rill & llt *qr d $. .ME ir d <br />ifldrLd oror...d for sL (Sc.704,1, BuitB ed ProtdioN Cod.r Tn ConrrldtLi.@l,!&'6mlTplyloeogGof <br />rhc poFiy who hrilt or i.'For€ tlEi( id * lb &6 rBn elt him.lao. h@lf or lhmuh hi! or h6 06 anplot6. <br />Foril.d rhar $ch ihFoffit. e mt i,nai.doroltud for sk. It nowdq. tlE hrikrins or inFovffir i! sld Pilhin on. ]s <br />of@rpkli6[ rlE O*rq Bli]dq *ill hM $. ti&n,U rhd h. or nE dd ml tlih tr itrFoE lh. F.Fy 6r ltE FlrF* of <br />l. -.rcof rh. FoFry, m a.lcnr, coffilu fih liaB d coEdonro sdrucr rlE Fljd (Ss ?04.1. BlE <br />&'d hokir Co& Tn Codrar6ir Lt.c tt* d,€ mi .9pry to a o$ra of Fopary rlF boild. o. iiFDrG rta6.. <br />md *no .o ft3 aor $ch Fojcr! *irh ! CorrEr(, lkoed puaudl io rhc Codrdn'3 Lk.E l,w) <br />I en.r.npl und6 S..lior , B. & P C. for rh! rce. <br />D.r. OrnF: <br />uoaf,l8st(Qt rElsarIa! <br />DE/CI-/\IIAIION <br />I !n&r Fary otpdju,) or onlE folhstrs dalr.lio6: <br />Ih.Elrlwillmi ain ! Ccnific.r. ot Congl ro for uort6 onptuiotr s provi(H ror by SElion l70o of rhc <br />Labor cod.. irr lh. Ffolruc€ of lh. s for Etich lhc p6nit i! i$ucd <br />Luv..ndwilltu r'n *o.Id .omFs{io. iNur.E.. B r.quir.d by Sd ion !700 of lh. lltr. C.d.. for th. Ffollre. ot <br />rh. trqt Ior <br />'h.hjhu <br />Fn ! qd M) *0116'onp.6d.n M.ffi nn Fk) numto &' <br />c** \til.&/- <br />"ai.,ru,.r-1.p@J,gfl togJ,3/ 6/7 ,,0,* U/La'q <br />I .ariry rhr i4 rh. Faornlk. of lt worl am whkh ltn Fm n n!u.d. I irll tul dploy oy pr$n h tn, nona <br />$ a io bE ft {bcr ro rh. pmid'mnFBiion Ls! of C.l'forni .,rd rgc 'hr if I dbuld bcom rltixr b tlE <br />m 6 co,rFMrion FoyirioB of sdior lT00of dE lltq code l Cdl. ftnh$nh omdy snh ftE FlririlB