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10198179 - Permit (2)
Borchard Ave
2105 W Borchard Ave
10198179 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/7/2022 9:29:34 AM
Creation date
12/7/2022 9:29:33 AM
Permit Number
Full Address
2105 W Borchard Ave
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Plummer Residential Reroof/Repair
Street Number
Street Direction
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Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
Remove approximately 1200sf of bur damaged by the wind. Install new underlayment with new edge metal and modified bituman torch on roof system. Handouts given. Contract price.
Nature of Work
Roof repair
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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE to/srG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />trttur,rxcRoof Sheathinq ub/ l*/ fi^r- <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulalion/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL (/a /84 ryttutu-l0a,/ <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Elc. <br />OWNET BUILDEX DELCARATTON <br />I und6 Fdy ol Fiuiy th! I d .rmF liln rlE Cqfi.crm- Licru tre for th. followds lajn (Sa 7011.5 <br />BBin6s dd Prot*io. CdL) 4., Cny or Cou y which r.qun6 a pann to cotrnrucl. dts. idrtovc. ddnolnh or EFn uv <br />rrucru.. Fi,. to ir. istra .lo E+i6 th. +plE{n tor kh tE n ro 6L r lrst d nddGtr rhr h. or Jr it lkdcd Fr&d <br />ro rlE F virioN of [r Li@.!.d t w (Cn!fl6 9, Comftrg vhh Sdion 7000 of Dirnbn ! of lh. &silB Dd <br />PmfBioN Cod.) or rh.r lE or ,lE i! d@P thdtfi.m .d rh. b.!ir tor llE dlkscd qoBiotr A.y vioLts. olsdion 701 L5 bv av <br />rrr,icsd for . Fni ebFr rlE .pplicul lo r civil of @r mE rhr livc hu.dt d & 16 { Itm} <br />l. s o*G otrlE FoFrr. or ny drplot6 wilfi *ss6 B lh.n eL omFsdiotr *iI rb llt wt d'd l,E inrle i rcl <br />itian d dollatd atr rL (Sa 70,1,t. BuiBed hllisaoB Co<r. Tt Curocld'r Lio& t& ddd ml.p9lv to d o$c ol <br />rh. p,lFiy vno bil(lor inlF!6 EEn. sld who &E sh wli hirelf or h*lf or lhrsh hn or hd oM cnPlo)6. <br />Fold.d $d Mh msusld G mr -rarLd otu av rl l( ho*t6. tlE hr'ldq or trFotqcr ! ,ld wihi. m Je <br />otoqld!.\UEOvGBoil&*dlIEEth.hl(liofFortUlilEd{E{Mtslhrldmir9rot0EFDFyfor.Frpo*ol <br />-1. <br />s o*c olrh. FrFy. m.(tulivcly.onrrros $nh li.dldl codi116lo @dtud rlE FFr tsa 7o'l'{- &&6 <br />Md P,Dfrsbn Codc: Th. co.krciol! Li.d. L.w do6 nol lpply lo o oMd ofpror.ny who build! or idpmv6 $6of,. <br />..r! $'ho oddr for Mh Fq.di wnh i Codrtro{r, l.dldt PUBu,r lolrE co adoa!Lk@L.s) <br />l!08aE8g.C0llfEssarla!IIEq.dMIIA! <br />I ha.n:_ .rm undd F!h, olpgjury oE oath. n lh{ n'8 d.(la.rioB: <br />-l <br />h& !d rill mituh. a.tiftd. of Colel lo S.lf-llM fo. wld.' 6hFdiol\ - Flvij.d fq b, S<rio. !700 ollL <br />Itbo Coda f, th. Ffoffi ot $. sqt 6, *tt[ ih. Fsn it islcd. <br />,l .nd yill id.i, wmld o-FB.tbn iM.. B ..qut.d by SElbn l7m of lli bbor Cod., tu tlE Faqrje. of <br />th. wl fd shah lni pqEi ir i$.d My qdid' orqddi{ i!j'lm. Mlt nd lolty n@bq G: <br />-l <br />d cr@pt uo&r Serion-, B &PC aorrhk r6on <br />Policy Nunb.r:-ErdB <br />- <br />Apolitut: <br />- <br />Lic6. CLs <br />-Ltc6. <br />Nushd <br />L.ndd'r Nm. <br />l..trJei1^,ld6r <br />- <br />-l <br />cdrt lhat i. thc Flolfua of th. ro,t for *hth lhii Ff,n it i$u.d, I slEll mt dplo, ey Fsn 'n <br />rt nmE <br />s sro banm lubidl lo llE wd6'comDadion hB of Cdilomi.. d 4G thi if I rh.!H taoh. suqd to dE <br />*ort6 oE adion p.o6iod ofsdtnn !?@ olrlE t h, Co&. I ClrL fodh$nh ondy Ynh lho- FovilioN <br />I*ARNINCT lrluc to su. wort6' NmpqE tio. orfts. s onLwtul. md lhdl subjdl d dploF lo ainiol Frii. ud <br />civil fin6 up to oc hunlt.d lh.!,nd &,ll&! (tl(lo.OrJo), in addniod to lh. co3l of conFMiion. dd..3d 6 F vidld <br />"r <br />rh' <br />s.(io.1076olrlrt Er (6de i'nad &d.ndr.y'r f€ <br />UC!!!IDIAdI!ACIqA <br />D!C!AAAIIq! <br />I hehv rrm u.dd DsElly otp.rjury rh, I e uds Fovlio" of (ltrFd e {coffiils *nh s.<r hn 7000) ol Divition ll <br />of rh.Iq! B !i fttrf6t'B Cod.. sd my ltdg ii i. tull lorc rn.,r.n <br />colilallgra!.rEd[llrilcllcr <br />I lErby .llm lnja Frly of Fjury Or lhft ! r odMb. bn&s lsdy fd ilE Ffffi of dE wl 6r st*h fin Fmi i <br />irlu.d (s( 1097.civ. c ) <br />AITIII]AtrIDECI,A8AIIAd <br />I h.*r .trm und6 poll y oapajury om of lb. followins &h,!lioc: <br />Damln.f, Paanetuhdor tlorili.rion F.da.l R.EULrhN (TnL40. P.n6) <br />R.quiEd rn16 of Nori6.dir <br />I cdr 'fy lhn rh. Lddd r.ruLl ioB rqdrtins sb6ror Enolal e. not arphsabL ro rhi! Fnid <br />-l <br />cdifo rhd I h.w rsd rh! rpplk io.rdnd.thndE.t r. infotrlrn. i!cffi.I lsta lo ot'pl, snh.[ Cnv Dd Cout, <br />odituc6 Dd Srd. l,wr cldrls lo nriuing codruclioc rd t@by Nrhoriz. r.F6a'ldivs of this City .nd Counlv lo dl6 ulbn $. <br />.bor. rEnio..d FoFry r iq.(lion FrDdd <br />,\ppli.rnl or Agenl sigtr.tur. <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />T-Bar <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />f-------T------
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