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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />7Vra7z-Roof Sheathing ,/t/* &/6) <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln sulation/E nergy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL ////5//f Tuezt -,/rtz <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWITER EUILDfX DAI'ARATION <br />I hdrt, rltd uftL t6rly of paiury lhr I m d6rrl 6om tle Cdidd U.G L.$ for th.6lb*iE ,m (Sd.7011.5 <br />guif,d rrd Piofsion Cod.): Ary City o, Courty $hth r.qut6 ! pamr lo olgrucl. .tE mFore ddmlith or ip., x, <br />ntu luc, prDr Io il. i$@c.. rt raui6 rh. +plicnt for uch Ftnn lo fiE ! !,!i.t lhrmt lhn h. or slE ! lcokd Pudr <br />kr rh. F.vnhB ot rlE Coorel ! Lic.ned Llw {clE$E 9. aomtrhs wnh S<rion 7000 of Divnion I ol lhc aq.ind md <br />Polsios Cod., or $d lE c JE ir aaDr thdcliom .,n lh. t6s fo, dE .lkr.d 6aibn. Aiy raoLraon of S.dbn 701 1 , ty e, <br />q,Plkur lor s Fnir $bjai! rts 4Pli.&r ro . .i!il p.qh) of mr mE l[e fiv. huitt.d doud tlroo) <br />-I, <br />s o*c of ihc FlFry. d m, mplorc wilh f,.s6 s llEr eb @EFdio.. $ill 6 lh. wl ,n dE rrudE i mr <br />inrdrLd or ollcrd for 361. {56.1044, B6a!B dd Prof<i.N co&: TlE Co r..1d t l-ic@ t w d.'6 ml lpply to d olffi of <br />rhc F.p6ry *ht iklorinprnv6thooldsl8&sschm hi6clfo. h6*lfot thrcuBh hi or hd om mplo]6. <br />previd.d thd ruch inFrvomB e d nd'.,.d orolH tu sL. lt h@4, $. trildi4 or imFo€ml i:' old winii oi. rd <br />ofcotrpkb( rlr()16 Buitld *dl hrE tlE hrrb' ofForing fid trtrJE di, d hlld d Dqort FbFry fm tlE F!F!. or <br />_1. s ouE of llE FoFr, m a.l6i!.ly codr*rilts snh lrcaEqi cofirlo6 h odM rh. Fri.ct (Sd ?04,r, Brffi <br />sd Protsim (1rd. Tn. Conlrtcloa! l,tcM Lt* do6 ex ttply ro r omd olFoFly *ho tuildr dr inprcr6 thmn. <br />rnd *ho conlEclr lor 3uch F!j<l! with d CoindorlO licm.d puBMl to lhc ( onlr.clol3 Li(cM liw). <br />I ffi cxmp{ u!& S-rbr-. B & P C. for thir ldon <br />D.r. (,rrq: <br />llaSriEllualEElsallo! <br />DE(IT8AIIO! <br />I hsch rmm und6 p.n lryofpajtrr, on. ofrh. follo*i4 J(ltr.lioB: <br />-l <br /> &rl w l Di.llin . C.nifi.d. of CoBdr io fo, sdlda co.rP.ndion, s Fovid.n for hy S<lion 1700 .f rh. <br />Code fm lh. Ffoffi of lh. *!ll for *'hkh rh. tEnir i! isu.d. <br />br S..r.. l7() olrlE t hor(t&forlh.Ffffi.oa <br />L <t- <br />-l <br />cd'ry $.l in rh. pdlolrjs. of rlE trort lc *hi.h rnir Fqnil ir iscd. I lrrll mr dtrplo, ay F$. in ey n,'llE <br />$ s lo bcoE Qbjd to lh. rut6'mmposri,o l !of C.lrfoor.. tld,8rthd if I thould b.tom 3ut*r to dE <br />uorl6' co,rtE6.rion FovisioN of Sdion 1700 otlh tr&r (ida I lhrll. fdh*nh conpD- wilh lfioF FlvirioN. <br />$AXNING l;0rlur. rr) xa-u. sor[6 cdhtkG.iion co'.ri|c s nplorflo ai,ninil Ful6 dd <br />i.n. dm!r6 6 prclid.d lor lh.(ivil fin6 u! ro .rc hundr.d lhou-{i dollm (ll <br />-2 <br />I hcEby sflim unds poEhy ofpErurr rhd I dn hr6 9 (comd.iiS sith S6lhn 7@0)oaDivirnr.l <br />ol rh. auindr rd Prol6ioN Cod.. oxl dylic$a -z/crrr3 <br />,,,, ,/o-'2V-T- <br />I hft6t arfm undd IEElty of FJur, lhd llE. u . laiine .edy tu rh. pstolrucc .lrh.$ort for qnrh rh6 Frna a <br />AIIIJ(ABI.IIECIJBAIIA! <br />I hd6! rfrn un& D.ohy ot pqjuy oe of dE follosir8 &<brioG: <br />Doelnioo Pmnr-Arbdrd |totrfic.lnn r<dall RcsulriioB (Ink 40. Pd6l <br />R.qun.d Lar6 of Mrift{ion <br />-l <br />cdiryrhat rhc Ld(rr Elulorionr rcUsdin! sbdbs ronovalu. not oppliclhlc ro rhir tmjdr <br />I.dit rhd I h.r. ral rht eppl <br />onliffi6 r.d srd.l,*r ELri,4 to <br />lh. lhn c i.lotuion i.or.( lrycloandy*nhr[Cny&d(ounl] <br />r.s.diiv6 of rha Cny !i Coolr, lo 6{c uFn ltt <br />fi\. nErio..d fl.Fdy fm <br />lIDlici r or,\Ecnr sixtri u 'a' d /: <br />Sation 1076 oath( litnr Codc, <br />asrd ise 1097. Cit c) <br />L.i<ld-r N@ <br />I