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APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />r'q\^*e4./Bonding / Grounding / UFER tl1lt'i n 'ca) <br />Transformers ut <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL lqTl>\Pt AJfr :4) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.(-,, \ <br />O1TNER BTJILDER DELCAAATDN <br />I hdltr .Irm uda Frlty of Fju,y thi I n qaq,l CoE tlE Com..rdr' Li(@ Lr* lor iE folt $inl l@o (Sa.?01 I 5 <br />8uB !n Prckni Codc): A!, Ciy or Cdny *hrt rcquro . Fn 16 od.8i. a. inFove dstulat or E?.t -, <br />tu rur., Fhr ro il! i!tll@, .to Eqri6 rh.4pltd tor 3uch IEin to filc. $8Ed nda6l lllr lr o. JE i! lkd.d FNnn <br />ro rh. proviriod of tli Conlr&ld r LieN.d Lw (Chtrla 9, Comhdins wlh Sclion ,000 of Divnbn I of lh au{B &d <br />PhfdnB C.&) 6 thd lt d rh. i! cdpr th.drcE &d llr tEii fo. 0r .lt*.d aorrhf,. Aly liohnn olsatb. 701 I 5 hy !v <br />+?lier 6r r Fbn $bld3 th. ip?lt&r ro . ovil !.ohy ol@r mr. $s fiv. nul(tcd doll,6 (1500) <br />-1. <br />d owE oa r FoFiy. c hy 6!pb€ wnh *.3B B |hd $L @spd.ior rill {b dt *ti .d dE tuE ir ml <br />in.d.d d olrrd fd -l. (Sd.?Os, BditE 6d Prof6ioG Co(k Tt'r LilE t^ dG mt +dy lo n o{G of <br />itE FrFrt wlb hrild or ir4.trE t EqE !d ulD d6 *h En hiht llor hq*lfo.lhm!8i hit d hc oh 6pb'6 <br />povi.t d th.l truch imFovdfu e mr idd'd.d dolH for Ft lf. n wE rc hrildins or inFtffil L sld wnnn on( yw <br />of oryldialli olrc eilda sill trEtll LnlarotFltiq tlE h.d36c dd d h d ingoE fi. FlFry ii( dt FnFEoa <br />-1. <br />somr of th. FoFry, m q( vith licd!.d codrdoE lo corrNcl tlE Frjcl (sc 7044, aEiIB <br />!d hokir C.&: Th. CooIn rd r Lt.M Lrs .L,a mr .ppl, ro e osE of FoFty *lF tuild. or inPov6 thq@tr <br />.rd *ho oll.-r' fr st Foidr wnh . Codxid(, lEdB.d Flfun ro E Cdr.dr'3 LilE Le) <br />I m.rmd urdd sErrr .ll & P C for lhs r@n <br />Dit.: Oin6:tloR(r[qiTonrPlii^rrdii <br />DECIJSAIIO! <br />I hq.b! rmm u.d.r F ht ofFrur, oE otot follou'ns &.h,ubN <br />-l <br />hrv. rd * ill i c.nific.t. of CoMl lo Scla-lnuc for wkdr .onrp.nurn,n. 6 For id.d for by S<rirn 1700 of th. <br />Iitor Co&. tor thc Fforll:e. of fi. *!rt fo $ii{n lh. F rit i iqu.4 <br />-lhrv.&dwilltui <br />M Nd(@' .oDpd.rFr al)liJlft., 6 r.qu!.d br S.clion 1700 df lrE bbo. cod.. fot ln psfoM.of <br />rb. mrt for f,hkh rnn pqnir i! isu.d My w*k omFMion iNulw. (did and tr lty Nnba {.: <br />S+oh (omo 1ns find <br />=qtdbt n,_Erpir.r <br />-l.qritlhd <br />i.rt Ftolrffi. otrlE *o,t td $hin rhB Fmi ir Bu.d. I sldl ml apt , at Fsn i, &y lffi <br />$ ! b b..!m rutiar lo dE *ort6' .ospddion l,M ol C.lifomn. ud tr.c lhd if I rh.uld h-om rubiEl lo llE <br />wo 6' mFtsnioi f$vtioN olsclion lrm oarh. l$or Co&. I JEll. fonh*nh omrl, wnfi lbs Frvisio6 <br />wARltlNG I.llE ro ffi. mlt6' comFBaio. d,r6ts. s u.h*f!1. lrd slEll lut .d d dpkrrs ro .mind F E dn <br />ro oft nundr.d lhousd d\.ll@ (llm.oool, in rddtrion lo rhc cor or (np.Bal$.. d,n!86 B prov'd<l tor lhe <br />s*ridn 1076 ofrh. L.hor (o<lc. inrsd rn .n."b- <br />c <br />I ha.nq .,Im u.& Frhy of Fiury lnd I a li@r.d !,ia Fvabn of (.lrptd 9 (ffi6! dh Sclioo 7000) of Dilirb. l <br />.f rh. B$ina.Dd PrcaBbB Cod.. nd 6y IicM ir in ftill tom*i. <br />l-i..eclrs:O cq{u27 <br />^"aola]t8 <br />I h@by dlm urdd rEulty of pcjury d th6. s ! 6nr d6n laldins rsdy hr lbc FaM. oIllE wrl br qtf,h lhL FDi i <br />i:r@d (sd lo9?. civ c) <br />AIELI(AtrLDECIJAA]TA! <br />I h.!br rtrm unds Frh, or Fjuy oc of th. followue d<led ioi., <br />I).mhion Fd'r}A!b.sG MtrfErbn F.d6.l RcsuldbB ( IirL t(). Pd6) <br />-R.qun.d <br />tard olNdii.niJn <br />a <br />-l <br />.adfy lhd I hw. rod rnn .ppltdion nd ftlc lhn 0E aborc i.aomion ir cordl. I lsc lo .onPly wirn tll Cilv ed Countv <br />orn'ma6 drl sra. L.$ r rdii'u ildi.r .o,$u.liotr rrl hd.r!!.urlbrt r.F6.!6 n 6 01lh8 ( irt rd Counly lo o16 ulo. ttr <br />dFrc n6rh,.rl FoFl} ftr <br />tl,pliri r o, .\rr r SiA il <br />++I <br />,olrtlta <br />it <br />I <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE <br />Communications Cable <br />--------T------