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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DELCATTATION <br />I h6.1, dmnn untl6 F..hy ol Fjur, rh.l I m .xcmpl ar.m lhc Conr.croru' Lic.ns Liw for lh. lollo*in8 lwn {Sc 70ll 5 <br />I]lrin6! ud Frcf*ion Codc): An, cir, or aounry which r.qur6 ! ponh to mBlrucl. ahq. ioprorq &molish or rqEn mv <br />srru.rue rhr ro 'rr isu&c., .I!. Equi6 lh. lpplicdl tor s!.h Fmh kr 61. ! sisn.d slardot lhd h. or shc is licds.d pBel <br />h !h. protuhN olrhc Conk.cld r t,i4trr.d t w (Chapts 9. Comsdci.S *th sRlion ?000 of Divtsion I oflh. BEinc{ Md <br />Prot6n,r, Cod.) or lhdr h. or 3h. k d.mpr th6.6om dd lhc hcss aor !h. .ll.8.d txdFion Any riol.lion of Salion 70r I 5 bl et <br />aptli..n! tu a p.rni subjsl3 th. ippliclnl lo ! .ivil Polh y oa mr mot. lhu fir. hunrlr.d dolls (1500 ) <br />-1, <br />e oma of rn FoF.ny, or dy arght6 *irh w+6 s llEt $L oDp@laion, eiu 6 in *st rd tt intlr it mr <br />i, od.d or off6.d for uL (Sd 704,!. Bsil6 sd PEfdioE Cod.: lllc Codncloit Lt.E le &6 mr 4?lv lo d o*c ol <br />th. F)rdy *ho &ilth n in4.ov6 tlEEtr rd *ho dE sh 6ih him.lf or hdll.r rhmo8h hn o.lE ort @plor6. <br />prcvid.d rh.r 3Kh ihFeccd! E ml inloi.d orofrsEd for st I( lb[ffi, tlE hiBnB or itr+.tldjd b sE *itlir oE )a <br />of@rpkiE fi. owns Builda *ill hd!. tlt b6da ofFDttg th, h. or 5h. dA el hnld or nrFow lh. Flpqi, 6r tlE F,Po* of <br />-1. <br />B lMd of rh. FnFiy, n acluivcly @tusli,u vilh li(8.d .oih.lm la .onntucr tlE Fljxl (Sa. ?04 4, &!irs <br />]n hDkim Co& 'l t.! Li.d.Ir* &i6 ml lrply lo d omq of FDpcly ehp build! or imPrcv6lhq@ll <br />dd who codr*r! lor s.h Fqerrvilh. Coitrdond lraa.d pr urrblh.codndnrLi.@t r) <br />_l o rrcnpr unda sdhn B & P( rorrhisr@n. <br />D.t. Ornd <br />\r'oRxans.coMia\s{TtoN <br />E&CIAf,A:ITO! <br />I .mrn u.dd Fdry of Fjury oc of rh. folh*i,8 dilE rioN <br />-l <br />h.t. Dd *ill sft,h. cslifEd. of (b6ar lo s.lf.lMc for wlo @mp.uriol\ s F.viLd fot bt saiio. ]7m oafi. <br />trbor Cod.. rq iE FfM. of lh. Ni. for *tth llE Fni n is.d <br />I t r. .nd *ill n!i.r.o worldi .onp.Bnion iEuru.. c rcquiEd b, sd ion 1700 ot llE tihor Co&. aor dE Ff lr1.@ of <br />rlE rsrl tG whrh rhit Ff,ir i! issl My Boitd mhFurio, i.3llle. (eid tld Flay,ubd rt <br />-l <br />(dri! thrr <br />'n <br />rrE FfolrlE. of llE worl rq *tah lhn Fsn n i!ru.d. I nrl Mr angloy ry Fen in ev n6E <br />$ E ro tEom sb6r ro rh. rdld orqaEdion LE orc.lifomi& tn<t teE th.l if I llFuld bdo4 slii lo lh. <br />*!rtd snFstEn Fvili,B of sdtu. :uoo.l lh. lr&tr Codc I tldl fonhqnh corPly wih fior Flriti,Bw R U\G f.iluE b s@ qsid'oqElraion ev6.g. i! uLrtul. dtd 3h.ll tu+(l r oploF lo dimii.l FEIE &d <br />ro oR hu r.d rhoued rhllc (llm,0m). in .ddnion ro tlE cod oatomFMio( d.f,u36 6 Fori.H for lh. <br />S<ri,. 11076 ofrh. lrE ( o{,c ! scn .nd &dr.yi l€ <br />o,,,./2 -24 -,/ g <br />^PPt-,. <br />DEC!.aaAUAd <br />I hclly .,Im u!& Iany of Frur thi I n liiE d uidd Flyi'bn of (IrFq 9 (otlljrEne wil[ Sclbn 7000) oa Dn bbn l <br />of ttl BuilB rDd ftDrdb6 Co&. rn ny lkaE ir h tull fod td .ttd <br />7,.,.t <br /><--39 C;ass I <br />.a lal:l lS <br />corllarcuolljEDM-acEd(} <br />I h.rtr t'frn undd FuXy of Fjury lhr lls. u . o'd.slDn ldldig .Btry foi lh. FfolM. ordE wi lb. "itn fiit Fhn i! <br />e.n (sa 1097. civ. c.) <br />L.rid r Adda' <br />atlllcAllLDEcllf,allo! <br />I hd6y .lhh !n&. FEhy of Frury oG of r,E folltwing &.hd 6E <br />odtulnion tdile^lbdot NorifEriE F.d6.l R.gubioc (Tnt,l0. Pa16) <br />R.ouircd ldd orNdifi.rbn <br />-l <br />cdiry rhi th. fcdd.l ESulrio6 n8.di!s d.not ttelil u. mt ltPlictbk to thn grojc! <br />-l <br />.cliry $d I lI!. rqd thit .ppltrlio! &d nrl. lhi dE .LoE inforErion i orcl I .{rc to omPt wnh dl Cnv .d Cout} <br />ord,te6 di Sti. trs Ehi'B lo h,ildile o.i.erioc rn lE by anlFriE t?.6.ddiE olfin Chy .d Co@tv lo @Is won tt <br />.trrr. mrir6.d ptulEry lor iBFlion <br />o.,..,/ d -26-le, <br />^ppli.rnl <br />or A*dt shnrlur. <br />.'-L qes /" S,-rll-l <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathinq /.//t //tr q///orn''bz-r' <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drpvall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL ///b//,r t)a/tRYb-./€? -,/ <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes/Rqrnarks, Etc ,/.) <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />/fr>///3 ,,7-/r7-,V-e <br />_Erpi6 <br />I