<br />I .IIm undd Fulry of D.riury rha I d 6@F tln rh. (oinrdm l,w lorrt folowee lo$n(s€70llJ
<br />&!hs rd Profdi.. co&) Ary Chy or Coud, r'hth r.qlic . F,n'l lo odod, dc. inFov.. dsmlir[ or rqu uy
<br />rhd@FirroiB iMq rLo r.quiE rh. qrlt&r tor s*h Fni to liL. rgEd idmt lhr lEor ai i li$.d F ndr
<br />b rlE FD\tioB of tlE ( onr'-rd r Lenr.d t w (Cl4ls 9. CoEnftins *nh s!.rbn 7000 of Divisio. I of llE BuitB dd
<br />P6l<i'm co&) or lh, lE d .lE n a.npl dEdrom .d lh. bdi! for rlE nEr<d .rdFFn Ai) virldio. ofsdb. 701 L t'y m)
<br />lFplic&l for ! Fnn rubrar! rlE ipplnrd b . oul pd.ny of nor mr rho nr. hu,i,!d d.lls { 1500).
<br />_1. s o*G of rh. FoFny. d Dy dl9lot6 wirn $.86 s rh€n $k mmFsrion. *ill & rlE unt a'd th. sM@ i! mr
<br />iidrtl or olracd for d.lsa ?04.1. Bui,6 ed Pt!ftsioB Co& Th. codncrd't I i.ta bs t!66 mi +plr lo s ow oa
<br />lh. FtrFry u ho hil6 or irp.ov6 rlE6tr rnd wlr dG Mh sod. him.lf or h@lf or lrmugt iit or hq oM dpk )6.
<br />prcrid.d ln l suct inprotsEr! e hr i'nod.d or dnd.d tdr eL. I[ k *o6. rlr trildnu o. inlF!!s6'l ir $B snhin orc ]d
<br />.t!!h9l.iotr rh. (nr( B{ilb *ill lEvc lh. hdd of prc\irB lh, hc or ,j. did nol hild or inFsv. $. FlFly for 0E puqFs oI
<br />-1.
<br />BosEof rt Fopdr, m.$l6ivcly conlEtins wnh licd6.d colr,!.lrd lo.ointud th. F.j.ti (S(. ?0.1r. BBilB
<br />,!d hofsioo Cod. 'I h. ( onrkro. r L(.@ Lr* <to6 mr +pry ro d .srd of prordy $ho blil<b or iipov6 rnds..
<br />md *ho 6nldr for rch Fojral! *,Ilh ! Condo(t) licoB.d punu! b ilt't ti.G La$ )
<br />lmdddudasdFn .B &PC forlht@n
<br />Ir.r.: OtiE:
<br />lLAArcf,SrA tl0lAIlO!
<br />DEclJAAIlrI!
<br />I hs.! !nd6 Fuh, o,Fjuo oruotlh. tollosus &.lsdn B
<br />I hr\r eld will r C6rific.rc of Congr lo Sdr-lnre ror mrtdt ernpadi'rn, r Ftr\ id.d lor b, S<lrn 1700 of rh.
<br />t bor Coda atr th. Ffolruc. o f lh. wrt for *hich lhc pqnil E su.d.
<br />-l havc lnd sill msinra'n wd*.ro' ..nltNd nrn isum.., 6 rdltrn.d bt sel tun 1700 or ln. libr Co&. lor rh. Fraonmc. .l
<br />rhc sor\ for *hich rhF Fnir ! isal My worldt .ompdsrion .. .ris nll E li(y numh< e:
<br />. orrlI so ror snkn rnlr pdni! i3 isE<l I {8ll (, 6nrk t r! pd$n ir er_ tmF
<br />$ B h t mr $bal to llE *0*6 otrrF&rioo L*s ol C.lifomd dt *G rh, if Lruld bc(m $t*tl lo llt
<br />*olt6 omDqs.lpn Frririd of sdion 17@ oloE L.hx Code I th.u. adh{ih mmply *'ih lls* FDTiEB
<br />wAullNG: F ilu. b Gw *nI6 onFdion m!6+G t urL*tul rn lhll ubr.(l a @pht€ ro ainiMl IEEhb r
<br />.nil fr6 up ro or. hui& rlbu.rd &116 (tloo.L$o), h .(llilsn lo lh. cc^r ot cooFdion. dlm86 6 Foridcd foi lh.
<br />( ole inrdd.nd fionEy 3
<br />(,"", \
<br />I hdrby smm undd pcmhy of psjury lh.r I m li.c...d undd r.vLion of( hapt6 e (.oD'ncncn{ wnh 5..16.70()0} ofDivinrn I
<br />of th. BNins dd Pref*ioN ( ('d.. and my lr@ ie in tull for. rd .nd!
<br />x.*.
<br />ts-
<br />C__ \ CI L\3q \ bt-\\o!,.3[\Q .-,..",-, A.qq glo&-q$L
<br />c0!tIa!,lCIxl!."LE!D ll(il:!!I
<br />I lE.tlr' rffm udd Fuh, of Fjury thr lha. ir ! mldrudnn bdilE *d) flr tlE Ffl)l]rec of llE q o* &,r sllrh ihE Fnr .
<br />ae,.d (s{ 109?, cir c.)
<br />L.n-'!Nm.
<br />-
<br />-l
<br />.siit lhr E r.rlLrFE ,.g.dins ab.n6 t@vd E @r 4plixbL b lhir pr.jal.
<br />-lcdrtrhiIIw.EdLIEeplr.rb.idrd.rhrlt..trirfoldnnn(m*1.Itsdlootply{nh
<br />Chydd Coury
<br />.dELr6 dd sdc l.rr Ehdt ro buiuine cotubc rd rurlDri. rqerriG olth! ciry ad cou, y lo ola won lL
<br />Cnr\\
<br />GstLL.
<br />at\rc mrrcn.d pr"r6\ f,tr iBrRlnn nurFs \
<br />[rrr-, *..r-, t,r-,.,* HOr.*^nM
<br />[,.*u**..,0..,,, H nrr-rst\ e R
<br />rsl.glrB
<br />Set Backs 7-il"lr Y"Vl.\d
<br />Erection Pads U \J
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report )
<br />Flood Zone Certif.
<br />FINAL o Ddrz) /ot
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />J
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />UFER Ground
<br />I hody afm undr FaaI y of rdjury on. o f lh. followiis d<hr.rionr
<br />l)o.olnion Pmirs-Asb6ro! Notilic.lion F-.d6.1 R.sulri io6 (Tnb 40. Pd6)
<br />-R.quiEd
<br />lnt6 of Nnificdnn
<br />I