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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O$'I{ET BUTLDEf, DEITATATION <br />I hd*y !16tu uid6 F..lq of Frjury lhn I m dmF 6m th. ft rsio6 Lt.e lrtr for ih. aollowins (sc 70J1.5 <br />BBinB .d Profdi.n Cod.): Ary city or cou , which r.qun6 . F1Dn (o coEldcl, .lld. idFovq .l,no,i.h or E?an dy <br />rMW. Fir ro nr i'llft.. .ho tt$rn6 l,E 4plid fot N.h Fnn lo 6k r sto.d sd.n.d thi lE or dE b licon d Inlrei <br />ro rlE rmvEioB ol 0! Codr*rr'r l-aaE d Lr (clr,flE 9. Coffins $nh S<ri.. 7000 or Divnbn I of lh. &Bil6 ed <br />P|oa6ioo C.d.) thn ltcltEircr6pi lhddoE sn G. b6i! tor lh..lh8.d.roFim Ar'vi,Llbnofkbntorl!b-vsv <br />.rpliclnr for ! Fnn ,bdl3 rh. .ppli.d ro . civit pahy of not mE rt& lir. hundr.i dollB (l5m) <br />l. ! o*nq ofrh. FrtEl!, or dy dtplotd $ilh srg6 6 lhcn 5h smFE ion. qill(bllE*dl.rl rhtulr i ml <br />irndr,.d or ofiqql fd sL l 56 704.1, B6itB dd ft!ftsioB Corlc IE ConBroa3 Lio4 t^ ttE Bn Iply to o o$a of <br />rlE rrFiy *lb t!il& c inqlG ilEtq! -d *lb &6 n(n *nrr hielf or lE-lf ot tlmuln ht d td o*t.t9bq <br />p.orild rld sh ihFoE s! G rbr idsi.d otu 6. -l.. lf, hoM, llt hlil.l,ns M i ry.vmr i! nld whin .E )t <br />olcotrFkioq ih. Ovnd Buil& $dl hlr tlE hr&r ol FovnE lhi lE or !h. dn d build or iqrort dE F$Fry for lh. F,F* of <br />L dosc ofl,t FnFr}. @ 6d6ndt conlrxriry qit licdu.d conBld ro.odM ilE FniE (S( 70'l'1. B'trE <br />rn ProtBi- Co& tt. Co rdor'r l.icd t w <k'd ml .rply ro x o{ tr6 of Fop.n} *'ho boild! or inpto!6 rhaon. <br />ed wh. conrrrd! ls tuch FDj..ri s h ! Codrsloi!) lkou.d F)Fudl lo ih. Cofr.dst Li.* tr*) <br />I a .rdpr unds SclaJ.._ <br />Ilrax[Eti:(ollfl8IAllor <br />IECIAXAIIAX <br />I hs.hy nflirm unda !.n.lry olpcloryon.oflhc lollovins dEkrlliod: <br />It r.rdwill i!r@. Cdiftd. of Coei to s.|l'lBm for nnla' 6qdrio.. 6 Fovir.d for tys<l6n 1?m of llE <br />Llhtr (o& lnr rlr Ffoffi .f lhc aotl 6r wtit lh. Fni i is.d <br />I h.\ c .nd will wortd <.mrrodrn iruunn.., d rcquircd b, <br />rh. so,t r.rwhichthslEr B lruod vv e.trr{ mmDdMion iNuffi.cdi. sLL 4,-- <br />Po,,.)NumrE fuU9 <br />S(rioo.17m olrh. kb.r (td.. for th. Ff@@cof <br />cMid 6nd, ntrf,b.r a. <br />g-( Ct <br />I cqrify thor in th. Ffotu. oIrh. *o.t aor shich lhi Fmi! ir i!u.d. I ihallnor aplot uy p6$n in lny nm€ <br />$ Bro b<.N$ <br />'o 'h. <br />son6 mmFE ion Ls. otc.troo4 d i8c lht irI outa tdo@ stid roth <br />*0*6' otrrpdBnirn Fo|6iod of Sdion l7m orllr bbor Co<rc I ,ltlL adlh$nh oryh snh lho* Fnriio6 <br />uARNlNc l.ihrrc to srtr€ trsrLd FmfoMrion cordis. G unl.trful. and sh!,lruhld an mrn'yd ro dminal FEhE and <br />civil fin6 up lo on hu.dr.rl lhoosd dollc (lloo,om), in .ddtnrn lo th. .o{ oa conP.Mrion. ddrur6 a proid.d for rh. <br />i .d ud ,brEr.r 16 <br />DECIJAAIIO! <br />I imm und6 Firly of pdjury lhn I m licoldl undd F.rilion of (14nq 9 (mondcing $nh Sdlion 7000) ot Disti,. 3 <br />of lt t\!i6 nd PlnlsioG Co&. rn ny la6M it h tuU forc di.lTd <br />,'. .,'-^ , ( -7 o-., ) 11l&__ <br />lo aVI6z <br />coltsrtt]cTlorl I .{uNG aGEN(a <br />I M, rrm ur& Flhy of Fjury rh. rlEG t . @docrion laldinS 4*y tor ti. lEfollll.N oallE mrt for *'hth rhb Fmi i <br />au.d (Sc.1097, Civ. C.) <br />l5&'rNft <br />atlucaxl.lEcl,68auo! <br />I hctt rfEm unda Frht of Fjury oE of rh. follo*6s &.lrdionr <br />Ocrhlitrc. P@ir$Altdor NorifEab. F.dsd R.AuLlDd (Titl.40. Pd6l <br />R.qun.d Ldrd olf*ri6<{br <br />I cdit thll lh. td6il reuhioN ttsdh8 6b6k'.rqnoral . nor lmli.abk ro thi! t".j..l <br />- I corib rhi I he. 'sd rhit 4pladnn .d rdc lhi lr! .lFr! infotuio. ir tnrl I rgd ro @nd-!*nh.[ Cn] dd (ourly <br />odinsa.n srn. trs ElilB ro hildins .odtucrllil rd lEl6, idl$ir EF@nr^€ of lh6 Ciy !n Cout ] lo onc uFn t <br />cbov. moln'n.d p.oFny tor iqdion 'ff'(t,. <br />"^'" /Appll.rnl or At l SltnrluF ?- <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor rA <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER 2-t-t1 kwv) <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough -facAt 2-l- /1 v-\411) <br />Service Meter x <br />FINAL 21-/1 y.wl0) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.