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Lxt,l l)lrFt) l't, I{MlT l'ltoct,ss F()tt SMAt l-5LAt t, l'V SysTEMs <br />\IANI)AITI) SI I(IN(; 5Y\ I I M <br />The information in this guideline is intended to help local jurisdictions and contractors identify when PV system installalions <br />are simple, needing only a basic review and when an installation is more complex. lt is likely that 50%-75% o[ all residential <br />syslems will comply with these simple criteria. For projects thal fail to meer lhe simple criteria. resolution steps have been <br />suggesled to provide as a path to permir approval. <br />Require.l i4lormation lor turmit: <br />L Site plan showing location of major components on the property. This drawing need not be exactly to scale, but it <br />should represent relative location of componenrs at sire (see supplied example sire plan) PV arrays on dwellings <br />with a 3 perimeter space ar ridge and sides may not need separale fire servlce review. <br />2. Electrical diagram showing PV ar.ay confrguration. wiring system. overcurrent protection, inverter. disconnects. <br />required signs. and ac connection to building (see supplied standard electrical diagram) <br />f. Specihcation sheers and instaltarion manuals (if available) for all manufacrured componenrs including, bur nor <br />limited to. PV modules. inverter(s), combiner box, disconnecrs. and mounring sysrem. <br />Step I Structural Revret o[ PV Array Mountrng Syrtsm <br />ls the array to be mounted on a defined, permitted roof structure? Ey"a E r,lo <br />U No due to non-compltanl rooJ or a ground mount. submtt completed worhsheet.for the structure WKSI. <br />Roo! lnlormation: <br />l. ls the roohng type lightweight (Yes : composition. lightweight masonry. metal. elc ..)COMP SHINGLE <br />If No. submit completed worksheet Jor roof structure WKSI (No = heayy masonry, slate, etc.. .) <br />2 Does the rool have a single roof coveringz Eyes Eno <br />I No, submit completed worhsheet for rooJ sttucture wNSl . <br />I Provide method and rype of weatherproofing roof penetrarions (e.g nashing, caulk)FLASHING <br />M ount ing Sy E t ern tnJormatioa : <br />l. ls the mounting structure an engineered product desrqned to mount PV modules with no more lhan an 18' gap <br />benearh rhe module frames? EIv". E <br />IJ No, provide d.etaib of stltctutal attachment certified blt a design professionaL <br />2 For manu[aclured mounting systems. hll out information on the mounting system below: <br />a Mounlrnq Svstem Manufacrurer SWH Product Name and Model#SWH <br />b Toral weighr of PV Modules and n2115 621.75 155 <br />c. Total Number of Arrachment Points40 <br />d We,ght per Altachmenr Point (b + c 1 5.54 lbs (if greater than 45 lbs. see WKS I ) <br />Maximum Spacing Between Attachment Points on a Rail 48 nches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maxin]um design wind speed) <br />Total Surface Area of PV l\4odules (square leer 270 ir <br />Distnbuted Weighr of PV Module on Roof (b + l)2.30 lbs/fll <br />A distributed weight of the PV system is greater than 5 lbstf, see wKSl. <br />Step 2 ' Electrical Review o[ PV System (Calculations lor Electrical Diagram) <br />In order for a PV s)6tem to be considered for an expedited permit process, the following must apply: <br />l. PV modules, utility-inreractive inverters. and combiner boxes are idenrihed for use in PV sysrems. <br />2 The PV array is composed of 4 series strings or less per inverter. <br />l. The total invener capaciry has a conrinuous ac power outpur I1,440 Warrs or less <br />4 The ac inrerconnecrion point is on the load side of service disconnecting means (690.64(8)). <br />5. One of lhe standard electrical diagrams(El.l. El lc) can be used ro accurarely represenr rhe PV <br />system. lnreractive PDF diagrams are available a( www solarabcs org/pernllttltrg <br />l:ill out (he stondar(l electrtcLll diagram conlpletel), A quide b the clecn.icol dngrun is p|ovtdcLl to Itellr the lppli,'rt'rt <br />{'oDl|rliri.dta, provide ,l akertuttive diaoram with appn>ptiot? detail <br />2 1\t't t) tt) l' {Mlt I'R()( I\\ r()l{ I'V \\\ N1\ <br />f <br />g