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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouoh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soflit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL *l)nlt\Itufil*€{aa) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I U\) <br />OWI!ER AUTLDEN DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby lffinn pcMlry of Fljury riar I am cxcnrpt rion rhc Conrrocron Ltcn\e Lns ro, rhc rollowin8 E.$n (Scc?oll5 <br />B$in8s and Prorcssiod Codc): An! Cily or G,utrry whi.h rcqxir.s . lo condrucr, all.r. nq,mvc. dcmlhh "r rcIr3n oiy <br />ed.rm, pii$ ro ir! issurtu.. de rcquircs thc q,tlhanr ror sn h Frn ro filc a si8trcd srarcmnl rhar hcor shc is€d pu^unnl <br />ro rh! pnvtiotrs oI rhc Conlractoas l,ich{d l,w lchrpr.r 9. Co $rfti.g wirh Scc'ion ?ux) ol Divnion 3 ofltc Bucincss 8nd <br />Pnfcss nsCod.).rrhartEorrhchcx.mpllhcrcftorond'hrh€sislorrh.,llcBcdcxcq'tiotr.AnyviolarinnofS*rirn70ll5by,ny <br />omli.!tr| lb! a pcirnil subjcch rhc amlicant ro a civil l)cnrlry oI nor mrc rhan filc hundrd dollds ($50o). <br />-1. <br />us oqrcr of lh. pmtEny. or nry cnDloyccs iith ruBcs !s Ihc ir $lc ompcnssri('n. will do rh. eolk ud rtr stdurc h mt <br />inrcndsl or lbr qle (Sq 7(X-,1, Bxsiftss snd E r..\nrns c(d.: Th. C.nta.k, s Ltcnsc ljw dms nol alply ro an o*t, of <br />thc pmlEny Bho hoilds or in{,mrs rlENn, ard who drs uh m himsrlf or &rclf or rhrurgh hk or h.r ow. cmnb)ec\, <br />ptuvidcd rhat such impmrnrnrs d tul int lcd n ofrcNl lor srk Il hows. th. tDilding or irymwnrnl is vrld wirhin om ,!U <br />of coDplclion, th. Owncr Buildcr will hovc ltE buracn of F)vins lhll hc .r shc did n.r t'uild or nr$rorc rhc tmFiy for llE IUID9 of <br />_1,,so$rcrolrhcnmFny.ahcr.lulivclycont&rintswi'hliccn*d.onr t s tr con\dd lhc lmicl lsa 7(N4, Bu\im'1 <br />,M t\iLs$n Codc ThcConlmcrols Liccnsc Ltrwdes.ot aptlyto anowncrolptr,pcnyrho build\or impmvcs thcrmtr. <br />rnd who contfts ior sucn nmjds wnh a 6nrr!.r.(9 liccn*d plruor rorhc Grir*.r.r's Liftn{ hw). <br />I m cxctrrrr utrds Sdio <br />Dorc O*ner: <br />wotxers colnPrnsariorv <br />DECLAAA.IIIIN <br />I hcrchy rilifln undc. p.nnltyolpojuryom ollhc tuln,qins dcclurnnr\l <br />-l <br />h,vc dwillNinrainiCcrriararco,G,n*orroSclalosurcfffuortcB.oqxns,,'o6.ns pmvidcd for bySNtion 1700orrfie <br />trrbr Codc. for th. tdrormkc or thc *olk for whth lhc nom is nsucd <br />llman,rai', sorkch co rp.trrrrion iNunicc. r\ rrquir.d hySc.tmtr:17(x)olihc liho! Codc. for lhc Icrfortun.c ul <br />ichthispcrnn i\ i\su.d. My workrs onrpcnrdnrn rnsu$nccca .ru.d,xnicynumtc.uc <br />l.cnitirhar i', rhc p.rrormtuc ol thc work for *hich rh( pcnnn h issucd. I sholl nor cmpk,, !n, pcron in rny numt <br />$ ns b \ubiit io lhc wodcrs comlcnelion la*s oiCllifo.nia- lnd lsEc rhrr if I \h,nld sub.j..l lo th. <br />wo*cn comr.nsari.r povhionsofSarion 3?drofrhe L n Codc. l shrll. fonhwirh .onply wirh rh.s lrovisio s.. <br />WA|ININC: Failurc t,, rcurc workc* <br />civil ntrc\ !p k, one huodEd rhou\a d <br />Sccrnrn .llr?6 ol lhc Llhr Crxic. inr.dr <br />.omp.nsdion covcrnlc is unlawrul. .nd sholl slbj.rt cmploycr lo qi6id p.roltid md <br />dotle. (lll)o.Ux)). i. dnion r. lh..ost ofcompcnsolion. drmaes ar Piovid.d ror lh. <br />,id hmy . r.f /, <br />'' , fiFrsen<wrnrtrui-ft". 7fi ulrE <br />DECIAaAIII}N <br />I h.rby dfllrn lnder F.sli, or p.qury thd I am li.cnsd undcrymvision oichlt s 9 (.omRftins oirh s6thn 7m0) ol Division l <br />ol lne Busirc$ ad Pmf.srions Cod., md ny li.€n* ir i. tull tnr.. ,rd <br />c) ()gDY 7 I <br />7/ro [tt <br />CONIiIB]JI]IIONIEIDING.AIiINII <br />I hcnhy 0lltrn unil.r FnahyolNrjuryrhd rnqc h B c-ndrucli,n hndiry fla.n.y r(r rhc t'.rionmno oithc wort tor whth rhh Flnir G <br />i*ucd rS.. ltl97.Civ C ). <br />AITIICANIIEQAAAIITN <br />I hdrtly ,flmr undn p.n,lry oI t rju.y om of lhc followins d(loEt ions: <br />Demrirnrn P.rdirs Asbcdos Nori6c.rion Fcd$rl (Tnh 40, Pd6) <br />RcquiEd lx (.f Norill.nlion <br />I ccnifyrhar rh. f.dcral rcBulrl i()ns rcEsdin8 ashc(o\ rcflDul rrc frn atplicrhlc t, rhi\ pt,i.r <br />!lcrdifyrhrr lhJlc rcal rhis urltrrn rrtrd!{rcihn hc nh,vc hrnx iotr i\ conc.r lrlreiocomply*irhrllCiryrtrd Counly <br />ordi'rnrc\ xnd sirrc u$!'rl,iingn, huildrnS.on(rucli(,r. dhcrchy0urhorizcrcprcscnrllivcsolrhi\Ciiyrndc(,utrrytuctrrcrullnrthc <br />abovc m iomd ftupcny hr ,"rr*' <br />lk\ ,{ppliconl or AAEnr SiAnrrurc <br />ff"-n**.",0n,',I hl S,tctlr'n ^"ty'rufe <br />II <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />lr & P.C. r'orrhn rc on <br />ta:= <br />t nJ.r'l Adtte{q. <br />- <br />:f-------T------ <br />tt