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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OIINER BUILDER DTLCAR TION <br />I hcrchy .lilnn undcr ncnrlry ol pcriury rhar I un cxcnnr lom rhc Contrcttra Li(ctr* Ijw ln rhc ioll.wing rcr$r (Ss.70ll 5 <br />t,u\incss lod Prcfc*ion Codc): A.t Cty .r counly *hi.h rcquncs r Fnnn lo con\lrucr. ulrcr. inrpu,vc, dcnFli(h o, rcPln uy <br />!d.rxrc, tii, k, irr i\su0,rc. rl$ rquncs thc dt'!li. trr rar such pcnnir lo filcn \i8 rJ {rrcmnr rhrr hco! shc h lic.n{d l)Ur\urr <br />h rhc nm*i,nn oa rtc Co rr.ttr s\cd us (ChrUcr 9. Connrcncins *irh Sccrnrn 7m0 ol Dilisbn I ofrl. Buiinc\\ rtrd <br />Pn,n\sionsCodc).rrhlrtr or \hc hexcn|n lhcrcrio ond rhc h0sis torrlr nllcgcdcrcnrrrion. Atryvid iotrolsc.rirT0.ll Shyrry <br />opflicml lnra Nnnil subjcclrrhc lnplica t,acivilpcnllryolnol'B,.rhrnnvohrndrcddolhrs($500) <br />-1. <br />es ow*r of rlE !rcFny, o. ny enplo)r.s with w!8ci !s rh.t sh oslpcNlion. wil do llt edt ed ftc ninw is ml <br />iirclded o. ollcrcd fo, sk (5(.?044. BBimss cd Elacsions Cod.: Thc Conr&ld 3 Litns Llw &ca ml +ply lo u owM of <br />lfu pEpcny who tDilds or ir{mes tlte[ ed sho d@s sh e* him*lt o, h.r*lr or lhrcugh nir tr ncr o*n cflPlorNs. <br />rovided ltrr $ch iq!rctreill @ mt intc,i.d m ofici.d ftr eL. lL ho*.q.lhc hiuins n i@rnrcmfl Esldwnninonc yst <br />of @nptdon. d* Owr B!il&. vill h& !E b'!d.n ofpmvi.g lh{ h. o. dE dn d hild or inFow thc pbtary fo! tlt F[Ibs of <br />SOASDAIIS'IIPJIIAIION <br />DECI.AIAIIQ <br />I h.rcby aflim lndcr Fndry of pcjury oft of rhc follo*in! d€lrnraoBl <br />Ihr(cr lwillnDn uirr(trli,\urcf(trworkc^ conei\di,nras ptuvidcd i(tr hyScdi('n]?00 orrhc <br />lrh,Oxlc, li)rrhclcrianMtuc olrhc work ld whichrl[ lEirni k n\ucd <br />I hn!. rnd will tuinr,in *ork rc comrcmlrion insurorcc. ar rciun d by SNrion l70o ofrhe tibor Cod., for lnc p.rfornucc o, <br />MyworkeF onrprnsalion insunncc ddi.r,M Flicy ounrl,cr m: <br />s'2118 <br />-l <br />ccnify thrl in lhc l,crformne oflhc wo,t fo, shth rht F.nar is irsucd.l sh,ll nol employary Pcmt in 8ry mdnN, <br />$ N ro b.em $hixr 16 rt *0r*6' co,{x.stion hws ofcalifomi!. and astc rt r if| ih.lld h.cooE 3ubid to lh. <br />e*cB conrDcerio. p@visionsofselion 3?00orllr btor Codc.I slEll fonhwnho,qrlysilniho*pmvisions.. <br />WARNINC: Failurc to Kurc qrkcs' .oolcnsai.n covcftg. is unlowtul. and shnll slhjst an cnDlort, ro nmintrl |f,Mnics md <br />.iqrl fincs un h oFc hund'cd rhouqnd dcllr^ rll(t),rl{D)in addirion ro thc cosr ofcodpeoiarioo. dumg.s as povidcd for rhc <br />S(lDn 1076 of rhc tiDor C.rlc, i.'ccs ond drlmy <br />-,.I]l \Ln,oo*, <br />DECIAMIIAN <br />I hcrcby Jlinn undcr pcnlltyol Frjury lhar I !n lftn{n undrr nmvi\t,n or Ch,Prcr 9(.onrmncin8 wirh Sslion 7fix)) orDivinon l <br />ol rh.lh\inc$ rd Pr.L!\n,n! Cod.. lnd nry liccn* i( in tul1loraandclf(l. <br />lo \('2\\o\ <br />-"1 Dc\^ s--U <br />(:(INSTRTI(ITI(}N I ENDIN(; A(;ENCY <br />I hcrhy arfirh rndc. p.nrlryorp.rjDry'h!' rhcrc n acoNltu.tion lcndi.S rscncy ntr ih.lDn, olrhc qork lor shicn rhis Fr.rir i\ <br />issuld (sL\ 1091. Cn. C ). <br />a.ttu! llD[clAxallo! <br />I ttnby afllnr undci l)cnnlryofpcrjuryonc olthc followin8 dcchralio!\ <br />l)cnDlirion Pcrnirs A\brdos Norin.arbn Fcdcrrl Rcgulriions (1irlc40, Pfi6) <br />Rcqrircd l.rrcr of Norifi ..rion <br />I.difyrh,t rhc fcd€rdlrcSul ions rusarding ashcsl.s rcnnv&l ur norlnplic,blc hrhislmitt. <br />-l <br />anilyrhlr I hlvc rudrhh aPliclrion ini {!rcrhar ihc atnvc inf.nmrion t coEccl losrNloco'nplywnhallCily,ndCounly <br />ofllinlRcsandSrarcl,wsrlarinBroblildinCconqodion.r.dhcEbyaurtorixrctEsnlsliv.soflhisCnylndCou.ryrocnrdupon. <br />ubov. d.riorcd pmFny for <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-underfloor <br />Buildino Sewer <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouoh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />/..1 <br />Rouqh Plumbinq 7"t7-Jg ,.w41 <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL vlr-tfu4 tt vryu^4rd -a) <br />a1Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Area,/Storm Drain <br />Roof Drain <br />_1, as ownc' of rhc nmpcny. !m exclu\i!.ly .ont r iIB wirh li(nsd . nkNk,^ tu .on(Nd lhc prcrc.l (Sa 7(H4, Bdlincs <br />aftl lhfssifi cod.: Th.Contrlcrois Li.ctr\c t,!u docs not lprlyk, atr osn.r oi prop.n, who buildsor imtrolcs rhctcon. <br />flnd who ..nrBd\ ror ruch l)mj€B sirh r Conri.!o(9 hrrMd puisum ro rne Conr.lcrols l.ic.ns tnw). <br />_l an cr.mfl rndcr S(r i(nr . B. & P C. for rhh rcnson. <br />lhrt (ltrNr <br />k,nl.a. Nr r <br />- <br />lxndcis Addrc.{ <br />Appll.ant or ,lpcrl Slg@lure: