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UILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTSSITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation <br />R ool Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Frami ng pqi'i.€ L 5Ofr <br />En*rr-lnsulation/Energy 0/7t/rk't -r/ <br />Drywall .1/ZW D <br />Ext./lnt. Lalh 1j tol 'zrlc? G "408-Brown Coat <br />lVason ty <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Beport <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL rua47 I ) <br />Certilicate of Occupancy T <br />N otes, Remarks, Etc <br />(}WNER BUN,DER DE!-C,{RA'TloN <br />I hcrcby afiirD undcr !.niliy of pcrjury rhll I am cxctrrp' fronr thc ContrucroN l-iccnsc Lrw aor rhc followin8 rav,n l*L70315 <br />Bnsincs nd Prof.sion Cdic) Any Ciry or Coutrry which ..qunc\ a Fnni! k' c.nnd.r, 0lrc.. rmrrcrr. dcmlhh "r rclun uny <br />rrrucrurc. priorlo its hsuoncc- alw rcquncs rhc ilplic r lor suchpcrmir lo lilco sisncd sr0remcnt rhd hc.r she i\ liccnscd punur <br />ro rh. trcvisn,ns.fdr Conlh.etr s Liccnscd Ltrw (Ch!pr.r 9. A,nnrn.nrC *ith Sc.rion 7{mO ot DivhioD I oi lhc Bu{incss lnd <br />l'mlcssions arlc) or lh{t hc orsh. h cxcmpl rhcrcironr and lhc basis aor rhc alh8cd cxcmption. Any rioldionofS.crinr ?0.r1.5 by,ny <br />ip,rli.r fd aFrmir !trbJ.chrh. dppli.anr b rcivilpcnblryolnoi morerhan fivc hu ndrcd dollar ($5m). <br />-1. <br />!s owmr ol rh. polcny. or my cmplorcs wirh wracs {s rhcn $b compcnslrion. u iU do rte mrt ond rh nMm n mr <br />i, cnd.J or olrcrcd tor sle 1Sd.7(}44. Bu{iftss and PFtessioo\ Codc fic Contrctn r Li..isc Ltrw doc} nor apply lo atr ornq of <br />rhcpmpeny who builds or inrprors lh@n. ad who d€r suh sork hinnclf or hc^cli or lhnuBh hh or hcr own cn'pk,!c.s. <br />Fovidcd rh su.h impn'vdrnh d mr imorldl or ollcR{ fd slc Il lr,w.vcr. rhc boikiing or inDtuhmnr is $U within onc rs <br />of coDplcri{,n- ihc Osncr Builder *ill hat llt hudcn of prnrin8 $ar tr or snc dil mr lDild or i,r$r,w thc pmrdy ror rh. luqr,s or <br />l. a\o*ncrotrhc prol}cny. urcxclu\ilclvconk!.ring wirh liccnsci conrrron to conntu.r rhc pmtc.r is.c 7t).,-1,3u!h*1\ <br />rtrd thrrision codc: rhc conlri.ror's Liccnsc L.w d.$ .or rt)dy b dtr .wncr ol pmFny who hu ilds ijr iDpror\ rhcrm . <br />rDrl wh. .onr d \ tur \rh t)n,j..h wirh n C.nkacki n liccn\cd pu'suir h lhc (-'n rNntr's Li.cnsc lrs ) <br />I n rcx.tr1tr uiddr Scrrn, <br />l)sl. (r*n.. <br />naatr[Bs-lr)llruNsflox <br />D,IiILIAAIIO! <br />I h.r.hy riir undd t^trrlryotDclur) oN.lrhc fi,llosi'ig dc.lxnriu)\: <br />-lhavca <br />willmiinrrhaccnlficarcofCons.nrrosclf-Insuruf.rworkcfcom|ENation.0stmlidcdlirbyScrn,n:l7u)ofrh. <br />hln Codc. frr rh. lcrf(mhccof fi. work lorwhi.h rhc F rnir is issucd <br />-lhavc <br />and *illnraintuh *ortc6 comncn\nn,n insurrn.c. !\ rcquircd 6yS(ron.l7fi)ofrhc IIxr a)dc. for rhc pcrfoiinrmc ol <br />rh. *o,k nn *hi.hrhis ncflnir is i\\ucd My workcrr .o nrplnsr I i, r iNrrrD.ccri..a Poli.t tru'nb.r dr. <br />Policy NuDbcr <br />-lixnircY <br />I c.nifyrhrr in rhc pcrfu,tunccofrhc sork nr shi.h rhisFrmn i\ i\nrd,I \hrll nor cnrdoy rtrytrr{ in rnymmncr <br />$ {\ to $com subjd h rlrc wortc( conrN.sarion hss ofcrliio,nii. rn{t rarc. rhxr irl shrtrld h.coft suhj.rr n, rlE <br />*or[c6' conrFn$lion nrcvhions of SCIion 3?00 of lhc ({c. I shall.lbnhtrirhd,mply wirhrh.$ nmvh <br />WARNINO: tjxilurc t, {tor. wo'k * ..nIrnsrrnn.ovc chrll subj.rr ni cmplolcr lo <br />.Nil lnr! !p r, oN hrndrcd ihou:rr dolh (Sl(X).o{ ni.omncnsdion. drmasc <br />Sc.loi 1076 ol rlrc lrhtr (ndc. i crc( md orrcv' <br />\ E ^*,,-',,1- <. <br />I hcrby rfirmunde! pcnrhyofpLrjury rhar I nlnan$dtrndcr irion ofChpr$ 9 (.onnmNirg sirh SLrtion 7O0O) ofDilisi(,n l <br />of lh€ Businc$and PmicssiorsCodc. od nryliccnsc is in lull inr.c. cficcr <br />1-l I <br />cl]NsrxlJcrlQNtENllllc-tra[Nlf, <br />I h.rb, amrm utulcr Fnllryoapfijury rhar rh.rc i\ a.onsro.rion lcodin! r8.o.y ror rhc Frlbrntrcc orlh. work l'or snich rht ltnnii iq <br />hsued (S( 1097.Civ. C ) <br />AIII.II]INLDIICLTSAIIIIN <br />I tf,nt y rmmr rndcr pcnxhy ofpcrjrr) otu ofrh. folk,win! dcclirrrionr <br />Dcnxnirion Pernrlh A\hc{or Norificdn,n Frcdcral Rcsuhn,ns fl'irlc40. Prn6r <br />Rcqutcd Irtrcr of Mrifi cari,n <br />-l.cni, <br />lhoi rhe l.dcfl l rcsuhrior Jrlirg r\6!ro\ r.m,v lirc n.r:'|)Ini.rhl. r) rhn t)',urri <br />-lccniryrhol <br />I hrvc rcod rhtlnPltal i nnmri,)n iscomd Ir!a$t)conrlyqrhrllcilrdtrdCotrnry <br />odimnucs an(l Storc tiwr rclal iry l(y rurho'iz. Epr.sctrrrrivu\.lrhi\ Cny rnd Courryro cnrq nII)n rhc <br />nk'vc nr iotud rmFny r(r <br />ADIrli.nnl or Si*nnlurc <br />Cocr-tB6ol <br />r: lL <br />SLAB Floor <br />v1t ltc) <br />@r