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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER IIUII-Di]R DDLCAXATION <br />I hcr.b, afftm unilcr Fnahy of pcrjrd rhd I u excmnr liom rh. (hnrrucbn l-ic.n\c liw iq thc fdbsinE n,$n (SL. ?01 1.5 <br />Buri.css nM P()li\sn Codc) Any City or Cotrnry shi.h rcquncs tr Fnnil r) c.6sd.r, rltcr, mpnnc. .tB)lish or Epuir rtry <br />{ruclur., pri(tr h n\ nsurtrcc. aho tcquic\ihc rrplicr l lor su.h pciinir h,ilc a si8n.d (f,rcmnl rhtrr l!or \hc is licctr*rl pusurir <br />b rhc lrovnions ol <br />'h. <br /> Liccnscd tjw (Chnp'cr 9, Co'n.rrirp qi'h Sccri.n ?{xx) oi l)ivkion .! .f lhc Businc$ and <br />PmIcs\ion\ Codc)orlhri ltorsh. h crcnr!rrhc,cnom!nd rhc hasir lor rh. lcScdcxcmprion. Ary!i.lllionolS..rion70:rl5by,try <br />lppliconr nn ! j--^rmir subjcchlhc applicaor ro acivilpcnollyor.or morclhon fivc hun.lrcddolhr\($5c0) <br />-1.I <br />o*Mof rtu P,oFay. d my cnployes *nh wagcs B th.n slc.omFnsdior wiI &' tlE *!rt &d dr nd@ irmr <br />imcidcd orofrerd for slc (Se.7044. Busiftsr ed PrcfesBio.s Codc:Thc Codrscrofi Uccn* t wd.Bmia9l,lylouowturof <br />lhc poFny vho tlild, tr impmEi lt.m atd vho.nEs Mh rori( him*lfor h.R.lfor lhrcugh his or nd o*n cnDblB. <br />pmvid.d <br />'h!t <br />3kh impmw 3 & mt inr.i(l.d oro,rord for sL. lf. hokE, E hriltin8 or inprowr i! $ld sirhin om Fs <br />oJmq,hlbn, OE O,mr auildd vill harc thc burdcn ol pmving lh,l hc 6r dE did mr boild or inprbE llE p6p6ly ror 0E purlDs ol <br />-1. <br />trs owntr or lhc pmpcnr. rm ex.lusivcly co.lra.line wnh lienen coor.d.n <br />'o <br />.ons!rucl LIE l,mjel (Se. 7044, B6imrs <br />!n Ptufc$bnCodc: Tnc Co rurort Licmsc L.$ dms not apply lo on owrcr of lmpeny *to builds or iq,mt.s rhcr@n, <br />and who on@.ts ror sh Fljds wnh r C..rruto(t) !i..rqd purMr ro lh. Contdctols Licn* L!w). <br />-l <br />!m ex.mpt und.r Se B & P.C. for rhG Eason <br />ITOXTDf,SIA}IIEISAtrAB <br />DECI,ATAIIIIN <br />I hcrcby alfrflnundcr pcmltyofpqj!ryorc olrhc follo*in8 dcclanrionsl <br />-l <br />hrve .d will mimain a Cenif.alc oacon*nl ro ScriNurc for sdtol onrp.Nalion. as Fovid.n for by Sclio. 1700 of lhe <br />L.bor Cod.. lor thc pflorumc of lh. work ror wnich lhc pemt ii tsu.d. <br />_l luvc lad will minrlin vorkds cory.flsarion itrsur!rcc. !s requircd by S6ri.n l70O of thc Libor Codc. for ih. pqfornm. .f <br />Itc *ork for wtich llris Frmil ic nsuld. My wo*m ompcnsolion insurancc cffii{ ad poli.y ouoh$ e: <br />Policy Nunb.r;_ExpiEs <br />-l <br />cenirylnul in thc pcrformncc otlhc so.k for whkh lhis pcrmn t issucd.l slullnol cnnlo, !.y p€rson i. loy @ncr <br />s ds ro ltcom sobjcr ro rltc Mi(ds .bopcnr ion hws ofcalifomi!. lnd ogB rhd ial should subirt lo rhc <br />*0A6.omFnsrionphvisionrofS€di6n1700ofrh.L,lhrCodc,Irh3ll.ronhwirh.omplywilhrhospmvisions <br />WARNINC: r{ihE lo ccurc workc^ compctrsrlion co I an cmploylr ri) qinrinal pciakis md <br />civil riflcs up lo onc hundrcd lhousand dollm ($loo.filo).ion. lnugc\ r\ Ir(,vidcd fu rhc <br />Sc.rion :1076 ol r h. L.tnr <br />( <br />I hcrchy ftnmu rrtcfrhrof l[rluryrhrr I rtrr licc *"^drndcr ision orchaprd 9 ($mmkinS wilh SNlion 7ftxj) otDitision l <br />-1:El <br />I hcrhy atrtrm lndcr Fnrhrofp.ruiy rlur rhcrc i\ a conidcri,n tnninr ngcn.y n,r rhc r.fonmk-.c offic *ork lbr shirh rhn lxrn l is <br />hsucd(S( 1097, Ci!. C.). <br />ATTUIjANfDEII.Af,AIII]! <br />I hcrct y alnnn udcr rcoolly of ncriury om oI rhc nnb{ins daladions <br />Demhion Pcnnils.Asb.sos Norifroli)n frcncml Rcauhlnns (Tnbi0. Pan6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />Lcrrcr of Notifrcdi,n <br />lccai!rh r rfu lcdcr lr.guliri{, \ rr!rdi',9 r\bc(os rcnn,vrl rrc Dor lllicrhlc k, iht\ p(ircr <br />-l <br />ccnilr rhd I h.v. rcod <br />'his <br />llrltorion ion GcoNl.l ag@ locomdy$nh aU Cnyand Counl, <br />orninnnccs and Srote laws Ehiry to rcIrcs ltivcs of this Cily md Colnry b crt.r upon rlf <br />trbov. mnin,ncd pop.dy for incF.lio <br /> i.r l.r,\Arnl Sis nlutu:-*1-j:18 <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under Iloor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test tolz4ltg-,/n{y <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing ro\z^t\t4 h ,-qf)tg <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Belease <br />FINAL thr\H I u4$/ <br />Notes Remarks, Etc <br />TOP OUT <br />Miscellaneous <br />of th€ ausiners and Pmacsions Cod., atrl nr licensc is in 6ill forc and.fisl. <br />Llnde\ Addnss: <br />-