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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER D!ILDER DETI'A*ATIoN <br />I hc.,t rfim uids FEhy lf prlE, lhlt I dn .r.mpl ftom lh. ( onlGdoB l-i.tu. lr* fitr rh. fdLNinB tS( ,0 r l 5 <br />lldinBr ,i Protshn ( dL) A.r ( ily or Counly *hi(h r.qutrd . ,6hi ro conitud, dh6. iryrorc. (l(tulth o, qin dy <br />nrudN, p.F b itr itffic. .b. rcqunB rh. +drer lu 3u.h F.6n ro fil. r si*n.d slaldcrn rn l.or!h.i!lGBd PUt:d <br />ro rlk rFriei\s of rlF Conlr*to.! l-icos.d li* lorrrd g, Commsi.! wirh s.dhn ,m0 of Divnoi I ofri. auriN dd <br />ttolsrions ao.Lt or rtut lE or c n qcnll,t rh6tn.n..d rh. hsB tu th. .lqr.d crdplrci. Any r iohlon ot sdio. t01I 5 tt .nt <br />aprlic. Ior i rE f,n rubjdl! rh. rmlicanr to a.ivil p6an, ol mr n.r. rhln n! c tund(d (hlld (tt00) <br />l. ( owno of rh. FoFn,. or my mpto)d Enh a lh6r $L omFMi)I $ill &r llE s\tt rd dE nnlrE ! d <br />if,6dcl or ofic.d fs elc (sa.7ola, BuiB ed Pr{Gsid ('o&: fi. Codixitr s L,(EE lr* dG ml {?ly t. d otrF ol <br />th. Fr.'r* ilb h l& n iq,orc tlEq dd uh d6 rri rort hitMltor hdslf or rhollh hir or ha o*n dphys. <br />pr.tit <l rh,r ach isFtr\qEllr G rcr irdd.d mofltld for * ll rbuBr. rlr tlildur d irssqE! is 5ld tihii on. ]d <br />ofN',tllrio( rlE ()lnq tt{ilds \dl h!r. rrE hrdn ofForing rld ti or.lE dG Nr }nil! oi irr{Fv. $. p$Fry for tn F p.e of <br />l. s n$nd olrh. rnrtdr, @.r.luiwl, coflrdinr sith liGsd cotincro6 kr oNM tlr Frj.<l (Sd 7o{'1, &6iB <br />ial hoksir (ixL: Tnc Conrrsloi. l.i.d& Lt* do6 mi itprr ro 6o\nd olForcny \ ho t'o,ld. or imPm\6 th66n. <br />.nd trho o Eds ror $ch For6lr r irn . ('.nd.(r licdsd ru6d <br />I m .ronpr !ft16 sdxrn <br />! ILLL\lt\_l !J^ <br />I h<cb.m,nu.d( Fu[] olFJUrt o <br />I ho\. rn uill r Cdia{ltc.tcon6t t! s.ll lNur. f sorldt mnD.Mnrn. s provid.d nn Ds s(ri.n 1700ofth! <br />tibor Cod., for fi. Ftollile. ol lh. Nrt fo \ hich lnc rEdil b isu.rr <br />I h.\ . rnd *ill ma'il'tr workd' comFdlrio. iNor.k.. s ..qrr.d b, S.c! trn !7(x) of lh. l$or C{xL. lor lh. Faollle. ot <br />rh. sork for $hicn rh! Fn( i! ;iad My wort6- omFdhi imrm. cME id Flty nunb( t. <br />I (61it rhd in th. p.rlomlncc ofrh. $ork tu shrh rhir Frh ir {.u.n.l lhdllfrn dpb} tn, Fen inr.}m.nffi <br />e B to hcoft. slbjcr to th. krtd c.mFM io. h$s ot clliromia od {rc rhd if I rlFuld h.(om $br.d to llE <br />' snpo.rrio. ptovu66 of Sdr6n lrm .t rh. t hn Codc. I !hll- tonhn ilh coftply q nh lno. Fo1 ihB <br />I'10\6 lo mn'Ml lmhi6 t.d <br />$il fim up ro oft hun.n.n rhous.d $ll <br />Y-,"^*. <br />Sarirn od.. nrqtr md <br />u:( l \8 \11!r\ <br />I rmrm utuld Fnihr olp<ro.)und. rrc\!i,nolcnnfld q (c.mrndin8 $nh Salbn 7fix)) of l)irisnr. t <br />oI rh. B$ins dPNr i16(6&. md!n! lke b d full nrrcc rn.ald <br />(allBucrlotrrElDllc-&cEllt <br />I hd.6y llIm undd Fml!, ot p6ju'1 rhlr tha. ir r con rucrhn Lndins ,sd.! aor rh. Ffomdc. ohn solt tu $tth rfiL Fha i! <br />i*u.dlS( :ruc7, ( iv (') <br />ATIIIIA(I.DICIJSAIIA! <br />I hG6y allm!nd- pdihy olFruir.rc olih. tollonins &(l[ irB <br />D.molnion P6m r-Asl,6ros Nolificltn'n f.d.ful R.suhri,N ( l i . 10, Pd6) <br />R.iroiErl til6 ot Ndifknion <br />r l|fli(ahl. r0 rhs I'oB\r <br />hn B.of,d la$(rocompl) rdh ill(-irt ind(i!onr) <br />r.F.dnn6 of rhir ( n) all c.u.r) !o 6r <br />n cOr.t d l' <br />t,1Zs /rr <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />S u bf loor/Ve nV ln s u lation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lns u lation/Energ y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />,7 <br />FINAL 11UaY/ <br />Certificat/6f bccupancy <br />Not Re arks,tc <br />lJ ta a: <br />lu a rLZnl I <br />n a- <br />t icd* Numtt <br />- <br />SLAB Floor