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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Su bf loor/VenVln s u la tio n <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ir4ason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />I'IVNLR AUII,DI:R DEI,('ANATloN_' h66 nmrfl undc! rEn hy ot p.rjuD- rhd I m .rdPi rmn lh. (i,ntdon ltoEllu ror rhc fi,llt!trin! rm.(S<,0115 <br />&!'nG sd l\ofBbn (_d.) An! c'r! or (-oudy riri r.qutro . Fmi b odrud. .ia. nt4iore dnhlih or ,nM mt <br />{todre Fxx b s Lso.m.. lbo Equt6ln. lrplf,ant fu sch Fnil b 6L. 3ign d slrml tl, h. or sh. i! ,,ue!{ <br />to rhc ForisioB .r fi. ( onrr.croir l-k.ns.d l,r' lchlr'ld q. Com'ndcins *i'h s{rion 70({} of Dnirion I of rh. BBi.dt od <br />PhlsioB (-o&) n rh{ lE m nE ir ctopr lhfteofund l rt tG6 ro. rh. tll.8d .rni i.n ny \ iol,rirn of sdion T0lI t b a} <br />.!pli(..t fo, . rEnil sud3 rlE .mltd to . civil pdhy ol mr B!. lh& lir. h!toi.d d.ll$ (15(Il I <br />L E o$nof ln tliFnv. or hy @tlolG *irh $+6 B lh.n $k (omFGdnrn- rill6llE $.rl drl <br />'lE <br />rrEi@ a ml <br />nndrld sofr6.d fduL(Sd 7{x-r. auiK ed Pr.fdiiN Cad. llE Co'n,-r('3 Lk.s ts&Eml {9l) rodo*Gof <br />rh. F)Fnl !t Hil& r. ,iFtr6 tlEd. &rd trno dE sh sln h'frellor helro. thmush hi or hF o*n oPhyG, <br />rtrovidd rhd iuci i'nFovddB m tur iflRl,.d orof.r.d tu $k r| hos.E,lh. t[ildina d ihPmlmd i! sld f,'lhin onc F <br />ot.nmpldirr tlE (nc Dui!,l, *nl h,$ ttf, hml' ofp.ovitB fii h. or iE d'd hl t{ild or iqt !. fi. IFIEIy tu tL FrF& ur <br />L so$n6.frfi. m'Ddr, en crc lurilcly .onrr, d inr \ilh li<ds.n d mdoRlo mnslrucl rl* Fnj.n (sd 704.1, OBitrG <br />!r'd PNlsi{ Cod. Th. ( omftrori l-icm* 1..$ &6 mr .D?l! ro d otrno o l rroFrt s ho boiktr or iapn d rh66.. <br />rnJ $h. odn3f(.kh For.d! unh. (ir'rr*ro.l!) lidB.d r Bd b rh.(-on*roa! 1^) <br />r.[ ondd s(rbr <br />l).r. o.n6 <br />.Mtrt!!851g)lrtErs .tla! <br />u}:(L aallat <br />I hd.t'! aili.n nd.r Fnih\ oftFjur on..lrh.nnn,sih3 d(lr'.ri('trs <br />Ih*.dn\rllminran!(.nifi$r.of(i,isltos.]$0r[6corllt!.thn,6F.ri&r]for5tSdn.o]Totro,rh. <br />lihr co3.. for rh. l)6nrmmc o I thc so* ror * hich (h. ponn t ir.utd <br />I h.r..nd *rll $.rtd' .onp.dtrn iBuffi.. s rqun.d h sdi.. r7m orth.libo. (t&. aor rlE pdt(ffi of <br />rh. *olt for *hth $b Ffln a isql My Norlar' sn{F!.lirn idurd...6i6 d polky nuEbs -. <br />l .d i,! rhr in rlE Faolrle. otrtr l orl lor $ hkh rhil Frmir i. i$.d- l n lltur 6npt,r ot F$. in!.yIuF <br />$ s ro ba.E 3utid ro lh. $0*6 onFliion Ls! of Cllifom( ind +E th. if, iDlld taor {ltitr ro rl! <br />wd6' conF.lrnn pmvLioB of S..lion 1700 of lhc l,trr Cod., I rlull. ar)nhsnh cofrply wilh lhot t'FYbioE <br />\',lflrlN(; Lr lr. h q{o'c \.'lds on|[tr\rrr.n n.s. ir unbsful. od 3nrll suhjd dn antlott lo riminllFEltb i.d <br />cril lin6 up h o* hu&d lh,ued &r tr(cor ot omFdiotr d! e6 s Forid.d lor lh. <br />s(ron :r(176 of rh. ( d.- inrs.$ torl <br />I rrm un& Fuh! of Fiur, rh, thd. ar Ndtu rb.ldrliI!.**) tor lh. F{otI@G of rlE $ul tu trttt lhi.lEhi i. <br />isu.d (s€ :1007. ci ( ) <br />AITU(ANfDEIIAAAIIQI <br />I h.rtt rtrmuD:!d Fn it of Fjurt oEotrh. folL*us &(b4'i.n. <br />D.tuhn,o Pdnnekh.nd Norin.dhn F.d-.|Rc*uhrions (rilk lu. Pan6) <br />Rqtrtr.r! I crr(.lNoni.dtrn <br />.nd court to Fld uF nlh. <br />/-tq-t\ <br />DATE <br />Ld6.rr.llubtos nstrdr.s shdot rm.rtla,. Nl .9l,lictbl. k, rhi.0hF