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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Eva tive Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Com ressor <br />Misc. E ui ment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rou h Duclwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes D ryer <br />Resrdential Ran e <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />ll HoodT <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Dro Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />ltq@FINAL <br />'DNotes, Remarks, Etc.IU <br />OWNT,R BtIII,DER DEI,('ANA TloN <br />I h6A, tflrd ur& F.lhy of FiFD thd I o doti hn rh. ('onrd.R' l-k<E l^ lor tlt follosiry rclor tsd 7):ll ttrBin* .fll ProaBmn Cuj.): Any ( ir! or Coldt (hkh r.nun6 ! Fnir ro consrud. rh6. &rml6n or e?i dy <br />ntudrc ,rior nr i|l isu.n.., rh r.qun6 inc +r,licd tor r.h Fnnn ro fik. lts'€d nndE rhn lE or dE i! ticaE d FEid <br />ro tlt Fo\6hN of llr ('.drdn r t.tqsd l,e torFa q. ('onrndirs tr{h €Llhn 1x)0 of Dn itio. ! of th. ltsin* Md <br />PmfNioN Cod.) or lnd E.r Jr ir .r.mpr rhd.fror Md rlE heB fiy rh. lrl.rcd crdF$n An' \hlnth,ots..iion 70:l I J h}rt <br />lpplicnnl (tr r rcni 3utjalr th. @li( r. . or ilF!h) of mr nr. tfio nr. hui&d dolls (ltoo) <br />_1. B ocffi ol0x F.Fry, q oy.nplorG wnh *.86 ! tlEir $t onD6r.i, wi[& E*qt.nlh.fidcibi <br />i'ra'.Ld q otuld tu .l. (Sc.7oaa. BuiE .d PtotudrE Co& TIE Corrxtq.' ti@ tr* d.€ not *pt, ro o o,G ot <br />llE plFly wl'o hrld o, tryls rldEi. .d *ho .iE ci F liro.lf or h6*llor rhouSh hn n hr oB @plorE.proviLd <br />'n ru.h inFDEEc ed iroi.d noturd (r rl. I( ho*€. th. hliEnt d iFDrEd i -U *{nh @ !colonphin t (}*c &rilk win LE dE b,{ar ofFlrtll lhr lE e {E did or hiu or irPrnr ln. F0FV 6r t,E,i4e of <br />l. B olE of rt. FlFry, h ddaiEly co,iraiiiB wnh IGE<, .onr-l6 ro NrEMr t Foi! (56.7oar. A!l.dd Aofnin Cod.: Ia Co .-rd i Ltd Ur &,€ @t @ly ro n orG of FlFry *ho tdild. d iDr.oq lhc@il.d r|' se.d! fd @h Fj.dr wnh . licaE d plBqn ro ttc Comstr'. Li!* ts) <br />l6.10, dxl6 Salirn <br />1,.r. Oimr <br />\\(t(Ki tas. ( ontPt:itsAI toir <br />DT(IAAAllll! <br />, h6.{r\ ralirn' undd tEdr olrnc nnhum! {tdhrali,trr! <br />lcd'it lh.l ii llE Ffolrr@. ol$. wort fm which thb Frit ir iln cd l.t ll ml orrby oy F$n in,t trlEr s b tclc stjct ro rlB Eta oEF!ri.. L*! of C.lifmi. !d rc $r il l dDul! b...c Etitl to $. <br />6*6' <br />hrtul. .rd {dl ubjar a olplo}q lo stnidl Frni! .d <br />cnil nn6 un ro otr itrnd,.d lnooswl ddll6 ltl ioi. ddlx6 a proriH ror rlE <br />S.dio. 1076 ofrnl Litrr Code ifi6d <br />,,,,,f{^l't vth hLrtyl urTr <br />I ba!r, t,lm ul&r Flnt of Fjury <br />I or tlE BBi6 Ed Pi!ft-iE code d 6y ltc . h tul rdE rd .fid <br />qI{-{h q <br />Ihch a&nn n tbdli) orFJu^ thdr <br />Bro.d lsd r0c7. cn c I <br />,larbn hLE ttrry ir rh. Fnrl[G oltlE sdl hr $iifi rlt Fnl i <br />I dddi,\dj6 <br />appr tr.ln.-r or:<umrto:t <br />I hd6 .trnr unl6 Frx) or Fjur! om oa rh. a.lh$ d..lert rE <br />l).mhrion Panils.Art st). Noriakd6n lldfrl R.suLrionr (Iirl.,tlr, Pd(l <br />R.rruir.n 1..rls of Nrrirrcdio. <br />I .qit lhr u. f.dd.l EruhiE qrdns .Ho. tEbld d i.r dit6t ro rhir Foi.r <br />@d lhi' .!dirio!.n rr. rhr dE thoE b Mt(t l.SEto oopt, *lh.llCit.!d Coudy <br />rh!!w. .|.sc r rn.\ !r rr'( ( <br />**q"*,y, E1 -L'(.'tAFrl <br />'ilru';a" <br />MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Other <br />il)4l?' <br />-t <br />br d wiu Binir . Cctiftd! of c@.n to SdFlr@ f.. {ut...'olqadbi. .. Fovid.d br b, Scti, ,m ofdEt lor Codc ftr lh Fft.lrc ofdE *o!t 5. iHr tt Fei i b.xt <br />_lt €.!d will n.i!rd, ett6 @EpdriD iera..,. rqdld by SErir lto oftE t bor Coda FhG o,&.616.*tiirlF!rilt4Mywta.odrdt irle nid nd Fliq, ldba rr