<br />I hn !, rltm udq Fuhy of taru.y lhr I n !ra4( nsn lh. co rrrm Liccg lfl for lh. followio8 ld)n (sc 7011.,
<br />BBiE rd 9r!f6iE Cork,: An, Cny d Corrty stkh E(|li6 . Ftri lo mtddr .ld, iEf.orq &rclu ot rqi ry
<br />ntstrc FElo ht erljE..lo EqoiE llE +plir for ut pani h 6L. tai.d 3r.n tr rLt or tE a li.dr.d Fur
<br />ro rL Fovi.b6 of dr C@r-rd'! l-i.E!.il lr$ lcll.d6 c. Colffihr rth Sdbn 7OO of tttlb! ! of l& BdilE .n
<br />ProtoioE co.k) n rhd h. or rh. ir a.rfl fia6.i dd rh. bdi tor $. .llr.d adiio.. Any vhhion ofselhi 701 ! .! b, oy
<br />q!li.. r.r !Fnit o6jer{E lrrlkDr to . otil FrIy ormr m rh& fir. huid &Urt (1500)
<br />l. B NEolrLFFry.dtu dfbrG *ih qe6. rlEr.L oapdnr wil.b rn
<br />ira.Ld 6otu &'.nL(Sc.?oaa. &riE Dd Prclb.nEco&|rrxic r Liff t s &aDl +plylo,o*coflt FoFry wlE hrl& or,i+6!6 rfiqor.d who rh6 Mt wlt hiro.lf o. ndlfor t@uBh hn or lE om qtrplorta.
<br />Fori,.d rhr ut bqsEEr. & Di irait d oftrld t Elc. lt ho*t€. lh. hiEhC or iryo€Er i !o! *nnh d !d
<br />otslFLiEdEO*E edds dl lbrtlEhliarofForit r lEo*ttd 'Dl
<br />hdld d iryo€dEFoFq n dEFrro.of
<br />I mctmfl nl,6 s6lnn
<br />6-z0-l\
<br />I ndd! imdu.dd Frh'.aFjuryon. ofrn. follo"inS &.LnlioN
<br />-t
<br />hm nd *illoin.i6. Cdifrac of coEn lo sdt-lln4 6.6id @rcdrto!. - Fvid.d 6r bysditr lr00 of llE
<br />L.bor cod.. ft. lh. Fft.rE of lh. wt t. *t.t dr FEi iE d
<br />I hi\. ind \ill 'nirr0'n \ort6r'(.mp.nsrttrnlnsoritr(c. r q' Gl h\ S(1i{\. rnn) ( o'ic- aorrh.Pdfonnnk.(r
<br />rh.{o.ltur{hknrnrFnritiristrdrvi)\o,Lor'$n,fosrioni.{di(.rni6miF,lic)nunrt-d.
<br />I <-rifltlt i. rh. Ftorffi otulE m,t tu rhtt fii. pdhi n i$.{ I tull hl al9by n, F-n h 6, ffi
<br />, lro belcrd'irr rodEwrdjM9dE i, L{! orcdi6'.i.n ryGlt if I duld b.(m di..r lorlE
<br />*orld snqqlrir FovirioE of Scrhr t?$.frlE L&. Cod.. l d.ll. ffih*nh <!ot*t *ilh llb- Piovib6,
<br />.i!il lc rp t G hrntu llbEd & b! (il
<br />Sdaon 1076 oftt t t!. C.d.. rr6ti ad rlomy
<br />f ..d?6ri6. dda6 ! F$U ft. fi.{
<br />#{ G-Lo-) n
<br />I tdt5,.firnutdd Frr,ofprio,tt t 6li.Ed uxb FlviriF or(hds 9lffiirs ett' ?0@, orDiviis !
<br />of rlE Buli,ar Dd Prot iod co&. rn 6, t.cE i. h tull 6c dd.fEd.
<br />tplqxuqlllalG8uu(Lacldcr
<br />I hc!t, .tIm uda F.l, of Firy lti ltE! i.. @dlutbn bniiS.fG, 6( E Fft.,rc ofl| ft. {tit lhi,tEa i
<br />isu.d (SE- 1097. Civ C.).
<br />R.rUtr.d ldrs ot t{rincairi
<br />I (.ri$ rni rl* &disulrid EE dtrB Dt!.r6. rm\.Id. mr {'did'L lo lhb,.!itl
<br />l.di! rha I tc.,*t rhi! +drrhn ad rl.l.lhd lh..h'r.
<br />'rfotrna'on
<br />ir.dd.I ige l. Fftd\ qnt i[ Cny xi (-oo t
<br />rr(lfnnr\ trrl!r (T nl\r.irin n,h(i!1,\ rLi r, ^'rti6(tr1r,,r\,,l nn\( \ nrll'1,trtrr\ tr,.frd nlo rr'(
<br />ah\ c nrnhon.d r()Fin ir
<br />crl,.rt do1 D groJ*-r ,r1 6'Lu-) l
<br />Wasle & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Devrce
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL
<br />Gas Service
<br />?/-t2-,/rz .'ralre
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />7-lt-R i udvol o/,f^l€,