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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O1lNER BUILDI]R DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby rlfinn undcr pcmlry oI Frju.y lhlr , !n cxcmpl lmnr lhe Conr,rro6 t.kense l-as fttr rhr rollown'8 tuNr (s(.7t)11.5 <br />Bu{inc$ ,ftI Prulcsio. Cod.): Any Ciry or Counry which rcqoncs r Fmir b .otrNru.r. nl'cr. mD.ovc. denFli\h or rcnat oDy <br />sflcrurc, l]rior ro ir\ issurirc. aho rcquircs lhc n such lf,mit ro litr a si8trcd sr cmnr rhlr hc or \h. h li.c.\cd N*urhr <br />ro <br />'hc <br />pdvi\ins or rl* C.nrn d s l-icc.*d lrq lchrprcr 9.! wirh sc.rion 70u) or Division I oflhe Businc$ itrd <br />Prna\sion! G)d.). har hc.rshc hcx.mpt rhcrcfion rM rlr hasis forthcallcScd cxcnrtlion AnyviolarionotSecridT(l,lltbrrny <br />rmlicdl for rrcrmir subjcclsthc lprlic.nt lo acivil!cn.lryofnornnrcrhln five hundrcddoll \(S5(D) <br />l. r{ owkr ofrhc ptufrdy, or trly.mplores wilh wr!.r $ Ihcir nnc.o rpcD\rli(in. willdo rlE kork r{l rlt ituim i\ n r <br />n cqd or otilEd t, ele ( Sm.7044. Busincs r d t'nfc\si,nN Codc ]'hc C.rtrctr's t.icctrr ljw docs mr apply b m o* cr ot <br />rhc F,Irny wlE tdilds or irynowr md wto dms smh *ork him\tlfor hesclfo. rhmu8h his or hcr osn rmPk,it.s, <br />pmvidcd rhar skh niJmrcrftnh m Nr ir cndcd or DlImd nn slc. lt lFwcvcr. ltE ttr illing or in\ h old $irhin .m )ntr <br />ol conr0hlhfl. lhe O*B Buillg rill hrt rhc l,udo ot pmvins lhd h. or shc diJ ior huiH ot inFntw rhc toFny tu rhc ,'urtrt ol <br />I. arown.rofrhc fo!.ny..r.x.hsivclyc.nta.h! wirh ll.cnscd contradom lo con(rucr rhc nFFr (Sc. TOtl. Bunmrs <br />!.n h.icsbn Code: Thc Conrrrctn s l-icensc l-iw docs nor lPplyft, rnown.r otnturcdy who builds or i'nfnvcs rhrcon. <br />rnd *ho conrDcrs Lr su.h wirlr a crotrttukd\, li.cnscd nusuonl torhcCo mdusLicnscLjs) <br />I r.xcnu undcr SccLotr <br />trca&:&::t(]llEiNrAIl0 <br />DICLATAIIQ! <br />I lrrcbv rlin nnd.r pcMlry ol n rjury om of rhc fdbwn! dcclr!^r nnx: <br />lharrnndsilltrrinrri,raCcnlfic.lcofCorsctrrtuSclf"lrsurcl{rwnrkcr'.-rlFnsrlion.arFrvidcdirbySc.rtrlTtx)olrhc <br />hlrx C{nI.. lff rhc pcrfornrncc.f rh. work for whi.h lh. p.nnir t hsucd <br />-l <br />harc and will manrhin wortefi cohpdnsarion inslrancc, !r rcqlircd b! sc.rion r7m or rhc tihor L'odc. for lh€ ncrfomrcc ol <br />rhc Noi& forwhichrhn pemi is hsucd M, w6rkcB' .onpcns ion insxrdN. cadi., nnd Inlay Nmbq sc <br />CBricr: <br />xtccniryrh ir rhc jrrlor mrrcc ol llrc wort litr wh ich lhis pcntrir i\ istr.d.I \hrll or. rdoy,try,c6.n in onynrmNr <br />Nt,hcco'tusuhl.rrbrhcwork..onrp.nsdrn hw( of Calin,nM. antt .ercc rh rll should hccom sbjcd hihc <br />workc's' d,n1p.nsrrioi prolnnrns of Sc.r i.n 17(x) of rhc tjt{tr C.d.. I sttrll. Ionhsirh $nrply $irh I hos polnnnr <br />WARNING I'rihrc lo scnrc Norkcrs'conDensllion corcmac is u hwtul- ud \h3ll subjKr 6 e lp!,,ttr k' ain nlFn.ti.r rtrd <br />.ivil fin.r trn io. . htrndi(.d rhou{nd dollar rsl(xr(xx ondirion ro rhc con oI compcnsarn r. dinuScs as pnrridcd ri)r rhc <br />scrtr,r ror(,n rll: Lxlu C, c. inlc .n inilxir fruf,J;.>1/]-o/d cloh_ <br />Ur!l!l:!-M]} <br />IncrchyalfirmtrndcrpcnolryorFrjoryrhdIrnli.tna{und.rpn,visiotrolCh,Uqe(co.rEn(ir8*ilhS..!ion70}))orDivisnrl <br />.l rhc Busims s Pdc$iorN ordc. d myliccn{ n in lulllotu! rll?6lrcci <br />f)i.lrl <br />z/.zc / rd <br />AITLII;ANI.DECLAAAIXIN <br />I rfiim undc. renalr, o, Frjury om or rhc rdbwine d*hrn!ionl <br />Dcmlilio. Pcirnils'Asbcslos Nolificalio. Fede.ul RcB!hrions lTnh.()- Pd6) <br />Rcquircd t licr of NorifEolion <br />ltdillrir rhc icddrrlrrgtrhii{,n\ rcgr di'rI n\br(o\ r.n$ xL ]n or i )li.ihlc n, this nn,itrr <br />rorrlrc!h.tcnriornuri{,!is.oner Irgr.{b.omplyuithallCiryan,lCotriry <br />r tnl ul h.rchy ur}xnnc rcflceNarnc\ ol thk Cny ind Cotmy b e rcr uBr rh. <br />I.cnni rh.r I ha\r rcad rhnlntltcolioniodnlrcrt <br />.nlnrtur. rtul srxrr Lxtr\ rct. inarcr6uit,tinsf, Ntu.r <br />JL\c,,ri,r,nr,r rrnlrny htr n,,f - *:>__, <br />\ptttiunt or <br />^Arnt <br />sirniirc t / .',zaaL: <br />Pemi,enanre,pnnil: 1 Ytq-L< g< <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steeli Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/Vent/l nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall /A <br />Framing a-)olr X.\I/JU, <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />/\ <br />FINAL K*1o-lK X.ltLJr;) <br />Certilicate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />D<.,o' ?,-ga\<) <br />CONJiIBUqII0NIINDNIj.ACENII <br />I hcrcby i6iinundcr pcmlryolr..ju!yrhur lhsc h a consltucrion lendios trsency Lr rh. p.rformRc oflhc *ort lor whi.h rhk ( <br />nsucd (Scc. 1097. civ C.). <br />I cnd.r'. Nrm. <br />-