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PLUMBING.INSPECTOH RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS {JWNER BTIII,DEII DIII-('AldAI'ION <br />I h.rchy nlfir undcr Fnahy ot pcrjury rhd I nm cxcmpl fn,n rh. G)ftndoN\c tra lor lhc fdk'*irr! rc0$n (Src 70.r 1.5 <br />Bu\nrss rtrd P!.icsintr Codc): Any Cily or Counry *hi.h r.quircs I Pcrnir r, .on{flr.t. ollcr. inlt(,vc dcnnrlish ' r nNn Jnv <br />(dcllrq ritrb n\ issu.ncc. !l\o rcqxncs rlr lpllicsnr ttr such Frnir o filc a sisncd (at.mnr lha! lf, or sh. n$d fusumr <br />b lhc pn)vi\io,! or rhc G, rucroas l-iccn\cd Lrw (Chilrcr 9. Connncncii! wirh Sccrbn 7(xxl ol oivirion :1 ol il'i Bl\ni's\ xnd <br />l'rcri$tnr Codc).r rhnr trorshc is.r.nPr rheE orand rhc hr\n n,rhc nllcScd cicn,trn,n Any violnliotrolserkrT03l5 bvlnv <br />,ppliutrr n, n Nnnir suhjccrr rh! amlicantroacivill)cnally.rnornuclhrnlilchxndrcddolhr\(S5U)) <br />-1. <br />r\ o*mr orrhc rii)Fny.,, nly cnrtl,ryccs wirh wascs rs rhen v'b.omFnsornnr. $iU.lo rh. uork rnn ll. dd'nc i( frn <br />ifcnd.J .r ollcrcd ltr slc (S.r.7(x,t. Busims\ and Prclcssion\ Codc: Thc s t-i.cnsc l-aw doc\ nor amlv tu rn o*no 'lrhctnltny * lx, htrilds or nll0nNs rhcN,i. md \rh, des Qch uni( himrdll or hcrcl, or rhrorsh hi\ ot h.r own cnrrkr!..s. <br />niovdcd thd Jucn i.,Iruv.m N dc mr i,rr.'d.n ff.ilcrul f(tr {rh ll hotr e\ cr' rhc hildin! n! irpriv.a-nr is $kl wirhh onc }u <br />;f cotrlPliri,h. rhr Owtrcr ltuilcr will tmvc dc hodcn oa Foring llu h. oi shc did 'x, btikl ot irqwt fic nnrlicny lor lhc pu.IFs of <br />-1. <br />dsosmrofrh. Pn,lEdy. rnrciclu\ilcrycontr r i,rE rirh lic.n\cd c.n'i(r{s ro ..n(rucl r,t I'nrF.r lse-.. ?ol l Btr\iic$ <br />,' lhrssm codc: 'l hc Cont\cL{*docsnoran,,*ncrorpn,nrt,xhohuilfiornnflolcsrhctcon. <br />nnd *ho.nnkacrsfrfsuchl,('jccl\sirh,conr..rot{rltcnEdPurudhrhccotrkrcttrsl-hcn\ctjq) <br />-l <br />amcrcnr undcr Se 3 & P.C for rhi\ Exu'. <br />woR(nqs' collPFNsaTloN <br />DECI,AIAIIAN <br />I hcrctry aafinn urd.r pcnlhy of pcrjutf oft ot rhc ioltorinS dr--luulb.\: <br />,rn,n.aslrolidcdlir$vsslion3?O0ofrhctitrr Grlc. for rh. Fcrfo,mncc ot rh. sort fm whth Ihe omn k hru.d. <br />-l hivc rnd sill ntinrlin wotkcN comFtrsarion insurarcc. 0s rciun.d by sccln,tr 3?00 of rhc bho! Codc. tu rhc lllronmnc ot <br />lh. wo fu qhich rhh P.rnil is is$cd My sorkK .ompcnsl ion insurde ffir ot Fricv nunb.r m: <br />1.". <br />trnlbcr: Exp <br />iry $al if, rhc l)clformme of lhc work for whi.h lhis ,eroil is issucd. I shall not cnPloy anv nc*on in anv munncr <br />slhj(l ro rhc worksl comF.marion lass oa Cdifomia. lnd tge thll ia l slnold subttl ro lhc <br />workdl com!.ns ion nmvisions ofsdion 37OO oflll.l$or Codc,I shlll v wilh thoe prolirionc <br />WARNINo: Frlltrrc b tcutc wolLc^n unhwrnl. md shlll slbid an dl,lorcr t dimintrl lctullics Md <br />lddilion h lhc osr oa.onDcnstiion. damgc. as lovidcd for lhccivil ljncs trp b ok hun,lrcd lhoosnd <br />srliri 10760frh. r rFitr(bdc. i' $c{ <br />cro "\LICENSED C()N t lLlCl{lR <br />Dr!! xdr&! <br />I hcrhy Jritmundc. p.!trltyoit rjury rhlr I rn li& sd xnd$ rolirion orCh.prd, (comnrctiis *nh S&rion 7rD0) 'rt)ivtion l <br />ot rhdBurins d Frclcr\n,nsCodc. ud.ry liccn\c i\ in tull f(trc dclisr -/,'fa lLlt q <br />a-( <br />c()Ns'l lltlcT!()N LEillllN(; acENcY <br />I hcrchy !,ltnr unJu l* ,htorrriur, rhnr rhcr. is a c.nslrudhn L.dins.!cmv loi lhc P(rfonun.c olrhc sork nr trhich lni\ Itnnir is <br />issucdlSe :lO9?,Civ. C.) <br />AIEIISANLDECIdSAUTTN <br />I Er:by amm undct ll.iaxy of F jury om of rhc followin8 dNk olbns: <br />Dcelilion P.rmils.Asbeslo! Norification tucEl Regolrlions (Tnb 40. Pon6) <br />_Rcquircd t fcrof Norifr.ri,n <br />-l <br />ccnify lhd lhc fcdcBl ESuhtions rceortang sbcsos rcmval ad nor 3prlh06lc lo lhis nmi{t. <br />-l <br />ccnifr rhd I nrvc rcld lhis apdkario. snd slalc rhlr thc lhrvc inlor@lion iscotur.l dgts loonPlvsnh tU Cityand Counl, <br />ordinuccs and srrrc hws El.ring buildine .onstrucrion. d ,rrcb, durbrnc rcIrcsnlltivcs ol lhis Cily lnd Counly lo cntcr upon <br />x,vc nEnrtnrcd pn,jrcny ror ins *", Y/26/rc <br />Waste & Vent 7-)t)-ty k"w)t <br />Water-Under f loor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarilier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Rool Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOLiSPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />It/ain Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Bough Plumbing 7-7d4f kwa <br />Final Gas Test 7'7o-11 XJLTfl/\,{ <br />FINAL g->o-tz ,!.v{u) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc v <br />s 4> !!(zo(<<\l€< <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Meter Release