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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.... COMMENTS OWNFJR BUII,DAR DIILCARA''ION <br /> n undd lcn.xyof Frju.y rh.r I tun cxcnq rr{n rhc Lirtr{ Lu i.r Lhc ro ltns rrstr rs.c Tor r 5 <br />Bu.i'r.. rd lLnlc\.i,n (i,c' An) Cil) n_ Coutr5 trli'ch r(quirr. J Irr'i r,i.'onrtu(r. ?ld. trT,r\..ilc,n,,l\h ' 'ct rtr) <br />ru.rurc. lmr kr n\ nsuntr.c. rho toqur.\ rhc rprli.nnr for su.h Frni rJ fiL r1ilncd {nrd'ftfl rhd horshc is li.ctrscd pusurnr <br />b rl( tR,visions ollhc Conrretn s Liccnrcd hw (Chlplcr 9. Conrmcncins wirh Sccrion ?OlD or Divi\n'n .l orrhc Bu\ntsr rnd <br />Pnrfcs\dnsCslc)orrhtltorrhciscr.mflrhcrfionandrhchnsisfnrhcrll.gdddr..frk,n Any viohrn,nofS.rtionT0ll5 ht rtry <br />upllicant hr 0 pcrnil \ubrcch lh. lp0lic0nlloacivilpcnrlryofmlffxcrh fivc hundrcd dollds($500) <br />-1. <br />as owtrcr ol lhc fmlxny. or my. ployc.swiihw!.rrsrlrnnn..orp.n\arion.willd.rh.rolkrxlrhcdrrtrcisfr <br />inrc c{ or oficrcd io! elc (Sa 71]4,1- Businc$ ood Pro,asions (o<lc I h. Coordois I iccn* liw dm\ nor lpdy h m ownrr or <br />rhc p$pcny *tx' builds or i'npoves rhcBD srxl who Jes $ch work hnns.llor hc'sll'or rhmuah hi\ or h.r owi cntloyccs, <br />pnvidcd rhrr such i'ntmvcNN trrc Nr i cMLt oroffci{ for s c Il ho*cv&, tlr hui[nE or nqno\cnr k sld sihinoR ]ea <br />ofcompLrinr.lhc O*ncr Blildo willll1vc $c nurdcn ofFrving Ilrnl hc or shc did nol huild or irntmn lhc lmFlly fo.lh. puqrs oi <br />L n\owncrofrhc pn,IEnr. a .ich\ivclycontxcrin[*irhli.cnscdcoot].tn\romnnfldrheprorccr(Scc 7(!,1. au\incr <br />otrd I'l!,as\irCodc: lhc s Liccn\c L,w docs nor rl)dyt) moqnfi.l ln)itiry who buildsor imfrorcr rhcrcon. <br />rid sho co mcr\ r{r \xch nn)jtc( *irh 3 (ntrrrNtn( I liccnscd rtr' \u rr. \\c li*) <br />, nn.r. rt, trid.r S..r,,€#O*n.r <br />]Yl)AtrIlts,r:lOII[ENSAIIIN <br />DESAAAIIIIN <br />I turchy rflntrruoJ.! F-nally oiF-ryryonc otthc nnh{irg dcchr!ri{nN <br />-lhrvcandwil!mainhinuCciarlrcotO,n{nlroScllltrsu.cforworkcricomllnsurion.nspmvidciltrbrs..rn <br />3Tmorrhc <br />Lihn Codc. for lhc pcriorm!trcc olthc wod( for shicn th. pcrnrir is irsucd <br />rhc *.rk lar whi.hrhn pcnnir i\ (skrl My work.ri.on,rDs ri.n i'Nurrmr c ricrd |r,li.tnui$crm: <br />I ccni,irhrrinrhc p(rfonuncc {,frhc Nork n)' shich rhi\ p.rn,ir i\ issu.d.I shxllnoruflot rdy |t^ot nr u! rnNr <br />$ r\ b h.conr \ubJ..r h rhc $.lk$( .o rt rn\fiui lrw\ oi c,lifonrid. 3nd grc rhrr ii l should b$oN s'hlcd ki rhc <br />qork. .onlrcisrri(,rpfl,v*ioNo{Sc(rn:lTlDofrlklntxtrA)dc.lshrllnrih*(h.orlryxnhr[.$frori\ions <br />WARNIN(; l.riluft r) \Nrr. s.rkrE .unp.trrrnrn .ovcflgc rs rfhsrul, rnd \hrll \uhj.rr r'r dnitl(rycr r,.rnnirrl lxDrha ld <br />.'v,l finc\ up n) onc hundrcd rhousanJ dolh^ (31110.0(Xr- in addirion k) rhc con ol cu rlrNJrrri. dimalcs rs J,nridc i.r rlr <br />Scdi(r 1076 ofthc Ltrbr C'{rdc. ir crcilnddlonry'slccs')at I <br />IIECI,AAAIIAN <br />I hcrcbya,nnn und€r Fnah, olrcrjurylhal I rm liensd under tmvision olChoptcr 9 (commmin8 wirh Strbn 7ux)) ] <br />of Ih. ausrcs and Pmfc$ions Cod., 0rd nry lic.trs. is nr full lo.ft dld clIsr. <br />o '/ Z'- <br />b-Z?(4 ,*"*.", <br />CONEIAIJCIIIJNIINDETiICENCI <br />I hcrcby amrnrundcr FnohyoiFrjurylhal rhsc G ! on$rucri)n bndhg aaocy lor rhc r.rlomncc olrhc worr ror whi.h rhis ltrmir i\ <br />issucd(S( 3097, Civ. C.) <br />affucANfDEctaadlla! <br />Ih.r$yaiimu crlcnall,olrcrjuryonco,'ltclbllowinSdcclralhnsl <br />Dcmohliotr P..nnsArbcsrosNorilicationFcd.ral Rcsulari.ns(rirh,().Pr 6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />lxncr of Notifi c.lhi <br />I .rdili rhJr rhc lid.rl r.gulrrt,ns rf3rdi',9 J\hr{o\ r.n,vrlrr. nor rtflrrb. k, th'\ pxijccr <br />-l.cni! <br />rhar I h0rt rcad rhis npdic0rion 0Bl iar. rhrr rhc rh,v. nrtoirna'ion iscurNr. l aSB ro.omtlyuith rll Cirylnd Counry <br />ordi[tr.cs rnd srmc bwsrchlin8 ki huilding.otrstu.oo..htnurho, /r rcnr.\crrrrivc\ ol rhi! Cirr_rtrd(inn tro$kr utxnrlr <br />v L <br />rbo\t rctrri,nrd pn,!.n, r{n n <br />Applionl or A3cnl Sigmtur <br />Pcnnile nuoelprinl):Ba o ",,",7-6-zot? <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathino '7 to tO-u4qGl )) <br />Shear Wall -l l,v . <br />lraming <br />lnsu lation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Exl./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />IMasonr v <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />,.--4 ['z'>) <br />FINAL '4 t9,tfr4V <br />Certificate of Occu ancy <br />Notes, Remarks , Etc <br />Set Backs <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsu lation <br />1-l-lX t <br />I.n'lr''\ A,ldr.. <br />I <br />I