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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECOHD <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTSAPPROVALS <br />Site-Work <br />Under round <br />Pole Bases <br />Li hl Standards <br />Si NS monument <br />Lite Safet /Low Volta e <br />Fire Alarm / Dam rS <br />Communications Cable <br />Bondin / Groundin / UFER <br />Transformers <br />uernTo <br />Roof To ui menlE <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />Walls Conduil <br />Walls Rou h <br />Ceilin hsHard & Solfit Rou <br />Ivleter Release <br />\8"Rou h <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL \6 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />o\rNrrk Rr r.r ,rr Drrr { \k\lll)fi <br />I h.Bhy ,fllrm lndcr Fnahy ol pcrjury rhtrr I m ex.nrfl rmnr rhc Conrract,r Liccn$ L., r{r rhc iollovins rcrsn (Se 7031 5 <br />Businc$ and Prorcssn,n Code) Any Ciry or c.nnry Ehich rcqunc\ , Fmil k' mnqrru.i. alln. irProle d'trnlisi 'r rcPtrn s'v <br />srrudure, rrsb iB issumc. !l$ rcquircs lh.lPllta turxrh lxirn lo filcr{ien.d slalemnr rhtrr h.or shc n liccn\'d tunurnt <br />b rh. pnvisi{ns of rhc Conaclols Licc.*d la* (cnaPIcr I, Conm.n.in8 wilh Sccrbn 7ux} ol Divisid 3 oflhc Busineri 'nd <br />E ofe$ions Cod.) or rhar hcor shc is.xcnq rhcrclion otrl rhchi6il rorrhclllcscd.x.nptn'n Aiv vi.ldionofS€rbn70ll5 b! atrv <br />oppli.anrrofuFrmilsubJccrsrh.0lPli.anllo!civilpcmlryol.otmrerhrnlirchundrcddolld^(3500) <br />-1. <br />!s .rncr or rhc protEny. or my .ntl)lo)es wirh $a8cs !s rhen $b conrllcnsa, ioi. will d. thc uork urd lhc {rucrrrc i 'xn <br />inkndcd or.ftcrcd n;;b(Se7044. Dusinc$ lod I'roLs*,ns codc I hc Conr.dois Liccn* Liw dms mr 0PIlv ro ii owm, of <br />rhc ropcny *ho t{ild\ or nvmEs lh.N.. drl whu docs sKh $o'i hnnscllor hcrcltor rhruugh hn or hcr owtrcmPlovec\- <br />preuid.d rl-r "xch i$prolcmnrsm tur inr.ndcd or ofiiTol for ek.ll )x,wct![ bdiunrg or iqmwr h$ldwniinohcrtd <br />;fconrpLrion, tr Owrcr Buih€. willhxw th. hudcn ol povin3 rhd Lot shc dil mr bnild or i'llmtc fic Pmp.ny for rht Ntlnt of <br />-1. <br />N .wnft ol rhc lopcn y. .m .xclusively conlmcrins wirh*d conrra.'Lr ro cotrnrud rhe F ict ( Scc 7Or]. aunrcs <br />anl Piofsrhn Co& Thc conhcroi s{ L,w docs rx't amly t. nn oNncr ol Por.dv uh. blilds or nnprovcs lhcrcon <br />r who .ontmclsfor \uch pmirc uirh a li.cnscd rucuanr brh. Co radoisl-iccnscLrq) <br />td.xcnrflutucrSccriu <br />Dole O*n.r <br />won(rqs cliirPP,'{slnoN <br />IECI,AMIIOX <br />I h..cby afiirnundcr r.MhyofErjuryonc ofrhc lnlloqin8 dccl$tlioo\: <br />-lhavcandwillm(inrainaC.difi.,lcolConscnrrds.lrl.\urclor*or*crompctrsarn'n.,sProvidcdr'orbvSccrhnlTlx)olih'litxr Cudc. for lhc pcriotuncc ofrhc wo.t for which rh. dntn h kucd <br />rndsill di {in workcrr ..orNns0rion inrurancc- <br />hn lhLch rhtr Eanir ir hsddl M1 workos !,,n'Fn <br />li INC,L.O <br />r\ rcquncd hySc.rn,n 37m oI rhc l.ahnrr C.dc.lor rhc rrrniinrndc or <br />s,r'o insumme cdi.t dxl plicytumh.r Nl <br />1"sc-431 zo3 t-t- 7'11 <br />-l <br />ccniryrh{ inrhc pcrlornrn coflhc Eork l'or!tich rhi\ lcrnrir ir i\sucd.I \hrllnol cDrnk,v rny pcrson in!ny t'fltrcr <br />k, $ ri beom subjccl ro rhc w.tkcri ro'np.0srri.n l.*s ol(ulironrir. ind lEEc rhar if I \hould bcsnm {hlcd ro ltc <br />qorkcn conrpcn\dion Pmvkio.s oIs..rion lT0Oofrhc Lah, C.d..lshtll. fonhsnh onrplv s'irh rho* lmvisions <br />WARNINC Inilurc b *ctn wo.kcs con,Fn\dnnr .ovcnBc n unhstul. Md sh0l1 \uhFr .tr cm0Lvcr h dinriml IcNlrh\ and <br />ro om hundEd ihouend dolla( (Sl({).UiO, in addirnrn b th. cosr of.un{cn$lion. dntu8d\ ns plrvidcd iJr thc <br />S(r ion -1(r?6 ol rhc tilx, Codc. iorcrcn nftl rnor <br />17'E rt <br />DLt!JtMu! <br />lhcEby.rfinnundcrEndlyorrclutyrh.rlamlicencdnnd.rFmvisionorchq'rcr9(commncingwirhScc!i'n?(x[)oIDiri\ion:] <br />oi rh. Bu\i'rs .nd Pmli$ions Codc, and my liccorc is id fill lorc el cffccr. " <br />..'215057 , l-icctrrc Nui$cr <br />- <br />=1-e,.,,9LCONSTtrITCTI{TN LENDTN(: A(:T'NCV <br />I h.rcby arrnr under Fnalry ofrcrJury lhd rh@ L, n .obndclinr lcndirC a8.ncv for rh. dfonn ccofrhc *ork lor which rhk FJmir is <br />ksucd (s{.!. c ) <br />AIILLCANTDES.ABAIA! <br />I h.d,y.nim undc. lc.alry ol pcrjury ooc ol rh. rbllowing dalurarions <br />Dcmhi.n Pcrmik.Asb€sr.\ N.lific.l ion Fcderul Rcsularhu (Tillc4l). Pnn6) <br />Rcqutcd t rler.lNdrifi.alirn <br />t ccdiryrh.r ihc r'cdcrul rcgnlarions rcsrdinE n\hc{os r.,mu! are n.rlPpli.oblc xr lht Pft, <br />lc.nili rhd I hrv. rcrJ rh^rt)tll.irionandnrrc rlurh.rlxivc i h'inrrnrr h corccr I asr.{ ro $nrrl, wirh rll City lod G,rtrry <br />rcprcscnidivca olrhn ciry lnd cl)utrry ro enlcr uron rh.onli'unrcs d Srarc liwsrclnria:h huildinEron{d.r <br />d^.!c mdtr,ncd nnFd, tur in\F,ir n'/ <br /> or Asenr silM|trrc l1-.Jz <br />Pemne.numeipd r:y'z]+frfr t@ EL6 <br />DATE <br />Spas. Pool. Fountains <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Ceilinos (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />*/t t) / lx, <br />>)<Y