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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS oIVNER BTJII,DI]R DDLCARATION <br />I hcrchy ifiinn unJcr I'enahy ol pcrjury ltu( I m crcnDr 6om lhc O)nrnclos t,icensc l-,w lnr rhc lbllowing rc"{in (t:c?Oll5 <br />Bu\i cs\ nrtl Pn,{.\\n,n Codc) Any Ciry or c.,uniy uhi.h Bl!t(\ n lcnnir t, ..nirud, axcr. inwovc. icnoli\i or nl|t ntry <br />(rucrue. l]ro ro ns nsuaNc, !l$ rcqutcs rhc 8t'pli.nnr ror nkh Jrnnt h firc. siSncd {nrcmnl rhir lf,or shc n liccns.n pusuatr' <br />ro rhc fl.visnnh oftlr Conh.ror's l-i.cns.d Lf,w (Chlprcr L! wirh Sc.ti()n ]O{n.f Divisi,)n.l of rhc aurincrs 0ndr <br />Pmlcsn'nsCodc)orthrlhcor\hcncxcnlllhcrcfnmandlh.b!ri.lorrhcrllqcdcxcnrpraon.Anyvn,htionolSs.-ti,o?03l5nyany <br />ltpliQ ntr ! prrnrir suhjtrh lhc utnli.anr l{' ocirilncnolrroinnr Nrurh$ filc hu drcd d.llar\ ls5ln) <br />-1. <br />N .wrcr of rhc FlFny, o, my cnplot@s wilh s4$ &r ek onp.nelion. will .lo 0E wort .ri rt! srrEr@ is nor <br />ialc(H or oftrcd fr eL (Se.7044, BusiNss ann Prcfasions Cod.: Thc ContEcltr's Lic.M Llv do6 ml cp!!, lo !n o$B of <br />ih. p6Fry sho blali! or ar{'68 thaetr ald *ho dB sh ed( himclf or lr.Blfor rhough hi. or hcr own cmployet <br />Dnlid€d lhlr $h imprcErnlre ml inLndcd oro,fccd lo. sL.lf. h.*6. r toilduS or apltrmnt i{ sld s,lnii onc Fr <br />oforplclion. lhc O*d Bui|.ls will hlw tlE b'mhn .f pmvhS lhx hc or {E dil mr buiu or inpmrc dE I)DFly ro. th. Ftrp.e of <br />_1, ns o*ns or rhc pmpeny. mciclusivelyconr.acrirp*irh liccnsd co rcroF ro connod rhc nojccl (Se.7044. Burinc* <br />n Pnlfssblr Cod.r Thc Cont0cror's Li.cnsc hw do8 noi lprly ro u.!ncr 6fprop.ny who builds or inprovcs $crcon..nd wh, .onl8.ts for such l,oi{rs wirh ! Conr.ado(!) liccnscd puF!.trt to rhc Coiradoas LiccnF Law). <br />I r r.xrnipr undcr B &l,( |,trrhnronnr <br />UI}8f,EBS].COMTENSAIIAN <br />DECI.ABAIIQ! <br />I ncEhy amrm undcr Fcf,dly oa pcrjury ore of $c rouowin8 d(lnaiionr: <br />-l <br />h3v. rd wiu minrain . C.nifr . of Con*nl lo Sclf-l.sE fo, sorlds orp.n:.lion. s lmvi&d for by Selion 3700 of lh. <br />ttho, Cod., to, dE pe.firlltN ol rh. s* tor vhkh fi. p6nl n i.s!cd, <br />-l <br />havc 0nd *ill minr{in workctr ..n'F.ns{rion iisu,licc, N .cqxircd by SNtion 17(x) of lhc Ubor Codc. for $c pcrfomme of <br />fic wort for whkh rnis Fmil is nsu.d. My *o.k6c on{rndaon i.surtrcc crdir {rd p.licy.umb.r uci <br />M\dw4s+ r^E tNs <br />AN \l\^rr n\ Z .1n t t< <br />-lceniiyrh <br />in th. p.,fortufte ofrhc wort for which rhh h hsucd- I shrll.or cnploya., F6on in any nmn.r <br />$ as lo tNom subj.ct to lh. workcd $nF.n$rion lnws .r Calitumi,, md .Erc thal if I should subjd to ttE*oltcr s rFn$tion tmvkions ol Scction 3?00 of thc tjb.r Cndc, I sh.ll. fonh*ilh.oryly *iln tho$ pmvnions . <br />WARNINC: Foilur.lo $cuc sort tr co,qxnsalion ovcagc is utrbwtul. and shall subr{d m cnDloyrr lo aiminal I'cmllhs and <br />civil lincs up lo onc hundred rhorBnd dollas (Sloo,mo). in addhion Io rhc cost ol comp.n$lion. daro8cs as prolidcd for lhc <br />DICIAEAIIQN <br />I hcrhyltllrm und.r Nnahyol pcrjury th,l I am Ii..6*{ undrr p$i\nr. olGnprcr 9(conrnEncirg wirh Ssli,tr 7OU)) ofDiy(i{'n l <br />ol rhc Busircls and Pmfc$ions Codc- ud my liccnsc h h lull rbB a.dct{ccr <br />B laoqeSq <br />€ rh^ <br />CJ}NIIAUqII!)NIENDINC.AOEM:I <br />I hcrcb! aflirD undcr p.ntrllyofpdury th0t lhdc k s conerudion Lnding,scNy for rhc pcrfonMncc ollhc Norl tu whichrhis Fmril is <br />iscu.d 1sN. :r097. civ, c ). <br />ATILIIANI.IIEqdAAIION <br />I lrrhy afllm u nd& r.ndlr, olr.rjuryonc ofrhc blbwnr! ddlr.riors: <br />Dcnolnbn Pcdirs Arhc{os NDiificarion Fcdcnl RcBulrriinr (Tiilc 40, Pan6r <br />Rdquircd tr(.r ol Norifolion <br />_l ccnify thar lhc fcdcEl rcBuhrions ESading asbcsros rcmvol !rc nol aprlicrblc ro rhh pNj$r. <br />-l <br />ccnify rhlr I havc rcd rht lpplicntion ard srotc rhor rhc iho'c i 'onMrion n coftcr I asrs b codply virh rll Cny,nd Cou.ry <br />ordinarccs lnd SIcrc bws ruhrilt8 t, blildins onsrtucrion. ud hcrcbyournoriz. rcrcsenrrivcs r,rrhis Ciryand Cou.iyn, cnrs u|bn rh. <br />aborc nEnlion d Fnpcny lor irspelion pu4msr <br />Appltsnr or AeEt SlgnoIu.€: <br />1)oaP,1 ,frr6a( <br />dul n6 20 <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under f loor <br />Buildi ng Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarilier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pi ping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Rough Plumbinq %i(,r,t/s 9rg, <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 6/k/lv %s6 <br />Notes, Remarks , Elc. <br />APPROVALS <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />POOL/SPA <br />Back Flow Device <br />!,ncr! Ad,&Br' <br />-