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SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O\{N ER AUILT'ER DELCAtrATION <br />I hcrcb, aifirm utrds pcnairy {)r pcrjdry lhai I sm cxcnp' rtum rhc contlcloN Licctrs Lrw rbr thc lollo*in8 rcrsn (sc.70.rl 5 <br />Bosin.\\ and Pmfcs\nn Cod.): Any Cny or counry whi.h rcquncs r tEirnil ro cotrslrul. llrcr. inpR,!., d.mnish or rcPan {ny <br />n .rurc, prturtu irs i*xa c..ko rcquircs rhc lpJ,licad Lr tu(h p.nni lo filcu risn.d {a'cnrtrr rhnr h.orsh. i( liccnsed lursmr <br />ro rhc nmvhion\ of rtc Conrrscrols l.i.dn{d liw {Chaprcr 9. comnrmir8 wnh Scctiotr ,0m of Divi\ion :l of rhc Busincs ,nd <br />Pdcrsio n\ codc) or rh.l hcorshc hcxcmpt rhcrcrio'n.trdrhc b0sh rbr lhc ullcscdeicmlltrn Anyln,hrionolScdio!71)ll 5hynny <br />rpFlica {or stcnnilsubjcclslhc lprrlicanr lo acivilpenalryolnor nF crhM fivt dollds ($5(D) <br />-l- <br />as o*ner orrk pn,pcny,,tr my cmpLyccs eirh *.8rl r\ rhcn $lc onrr^-nsarion. *illdo rhc work and rrr {dnr n mr <br />n cMcd or ofcrcd to. slc (Sa 104,1, Busirc$ rnd Profc.snnr\ (odc:'thc O,nrrh i l-i.cDsc tjw docs noi apply ro m owncrol <br />rhc Dnrn ny qk, hikls xr iqnorrs rlENr on who des su.h $ork himscll or hcaelf or rhnn,Ah his or h.r owtr c'nPl')rcc\, <br />lmvidcd th r such idprovc'EnB m mr i ckk{ or ooaErl for nrlc ll ho\rrc,, rh. builli'rg or inprowrfttrr is $ld wirhin om )tr <br />of.on{,lciii,n. rncO*trq Brildcr willhnk rh. bxrlr.norp$vinE rh tE or stu dil en buitl or nl{,ror rhc pn,Fny r.r rh. turlre of <br />-1. <br />us owncr oi r hc p' o|*ny. r.r cx.lusivcly c.nt&rirlg sirh li.ctrrd comador to conslrucl ll'c lojdcr (s& 7{}.l4, Bn{rcs <br />,nd ft.lission cldc: Thc Conlracrols Licctrsc L.w docs nol !t'!ly ro ano*ncr olproPcny who builds or i,nprcvcs lhcrcon. <br />ond who.onlo.rslorsucnp(+chwirhaConrDchnrlicn\cdpoi\r,trrt'rh.Co mdolsLtcntlrw) <br />-lonrdemfl <br />undcrSsrion-. a. & P.C. ror rhis rcrvnl <br />Dol.. orn.. <br />uQatrE&5_cuufltNtalll)N <br />DlillA.Strlra! <br />I hcrhy rfiinn undcr Frrhyolrcrturyonc ofthc lalkNirg dc.lnrrri,ns <br />lhr\cr \ill Hi' rinaCcnir,.nr..tCni\c roSclfl\urck *oikcr\'..nrlcfsrri{r,x\tniriddnrhySc.ri({rl7(x).lrhc <br />lilxtr (iic. tu lhe pcni,nuncc ofrhc $ork ftn rhich rhc Fnnir i\ i\sucd <br />rhcs.'kf(nuhi.hrhisFnnirrrissud.Mtworld\-..nrNn!fi,[ir\unn..crri.rsdpoliryiunihdrdc: <br />PolicyNumbcr: Erpn sl <br />-l.cnity <br />Ihal in rhc pcrfortutu. olrh. work for Nh'.h rhn N.nir is nsucn, I rhill nol cmploy any pcr*rn in dy nrrtrtr.r <br />R, N tJ lEcoft \rbF.r ro rhc solkcrJ corycnsnrioo 1,w\ of Clliforni( and rsrcc lhil il I rhorld h.Nm Io rhc <br />sork. comp.nsrrion pmlnioN ofScc!ion r'T00 ofrhc Llbor Codc.l shlll. rollh{irh dnnnlr wirh rho$ Pmvisions. <br />WARNINC Failur. t, suc workcs .onrpcie nr covcrrgc is unhwlul. rnd shlll srtjccr r. ehPhycr ro rinrinnl neMlrics ond <br />civil fi ds u, h oic hundrcd thotrs.nd doll.s (llu).U1o). i[irion r, rlrc .o{ of co'nF.qrior, drnracs rs,l.(l lbr lh. <br />Sc.rni 1076.f rh.IihorCodc.inre.c$und{torBy sles:tltt/v <br />DECI ARAT(TN <br />I hcrcby!firflundcr p€nalryolpcrjurr rhd I om licdn*d nnrrcr pm*bn ofChnprs 9(co.rmncinA wilh Sccri.n ?fiX)) ofDivision:l <br />or lhc Busircss rnd Pmnsions Code- rrd my liccnsc h in tull Lre tnd cfla.r. <br />1nLlt \ <br />llli/p\K <br />CANEIAUCUIJNIINDINIiJ(iENCI <br />I hcrch, afih6dcr FulryorFrjuryrh,r rhm is a.ohsnkrion Lklins a8cNy lirr rhc Fnrn1mc orrhc uork for whi.h rhn rc,mil is <br />issucd(s(. 1097.civ. c ) <br />A.TTIICANIDIiC].IISAIITN <br />I hrfthyili u nd$ Fnrlly of tcrlury orc of lhc iollow edc.lirulions: <br />Ocndirion Pclni( ArtEsros Norifi.rrion F.ilcrnl Rcgul,ridr\ (Ti'|c40. P.d6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />Lf, llq of Norifi cdi,! <br />I crniltrhi rhr rcJcrrlr.!u[inr\ npt di]rg r(x{o. .cntr)vrl rrc nrrrtpli.$ld t) rlri\ tn'lccr <br />-lccrlrayrhal <br />lhlvcrc rhnJrplicatnn nni irr.rhd rhc rh)vc irntnn i)n hcoflccl llgtrtk,conlPl!*irhallCiryrtrdCounty <br />o.dimr.r\xnd Srrrc Ir*\ rcldinI k) htr'lJii8.otrnfl.r n. iRlhcrchy0urhoriTc rc!.cscnrrrircs ofrhi\ Cirt rtrd Coutrly ro cnr.r nFn lhc <br />ahovc nrcrr oncd fmFnyfor insFcri{nr parlxrcs <br />*,., -t /t J l llApDli.nnl o. Asenl Siqnalure: <br />,"-r,"" *-",0n*,, LUia L. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Ereclion Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorVenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing 6/Z//x >\66 <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Beport <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL $tqth ,\6\ <br />Certif icate of Occupancy <br />Noles, Remarks, Etc. <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />trndcrt \Jre <br />- <br />t ndci\ Addrc$ <br />- <br />----+--- <br />t---+---